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October Sober...

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    October Sober...

    Hi Stumpy,
    Sorry, I've been running around all day. just got back. Still hanging in there on Day 3. I think the L-tryptophan and melatonin are worth a try. I believe the tryptophan, as Iama says, come in 500mg capsules. I know some people take them during the day as a relaxer, but they are especially supposed to help with sleep. I don't think it would hurt anything to even take a couple an hour before bedtime. L-tryptophan is an amino acid, which is abundant in turkey, which accounts for everyone feeling like a nap after Thanksgiving dinner. The melatonin usually comes in sub-lingual tablets that come in anywhere from 1mg-5mgs. I would start with a lower dose, to make sure you don't get those crazy dreams.

    Good for you Mootsbill, Hi RC and hang in there Iama. Glad you are all here!
    AF since 12/2/12


      October Sober...

      Guys, the quickest post to say, :hallo: and that the cupajo is brewing.I need to rush off and get to teaching so will fly in later...




        October Sober...

        Almost Free, thank you. I was knocked out cold last night, slept 14 hours lol, I'm not a coffee drinker but I think I need a bit today.

        Moot, Good on you for making it to day 3! Stay Strong.

        I honestly think that my sleeping issue has made me too tired to crave, lets hope that once I get a few nights sleep, I still don't crave the junk.
        AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
        AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days


          October Sober...

          MORNING! :cupajoe:

          Get your kicks here with a freshly brewed Saturday morning RC cuppajoe! (As opposed to an arsey cuppajoe).

          Hope you're all doing good. Where are we all at? Stumpy? Mootsbill? Odat? and the rest of youse?



            October Sober...

            Where are we all guys?
            Day 19, Saturday night, eating my way through a packet of digestives! Eeek. Been a tough couple of days, how is everyone else doing?
            How's the sleep stumpy?
            AF since 2nd Oct 2012
            Day by day


              October Sober...

              Day 34, Saturday night, eating my way through rice pudding... which i've not had in years and since going AF have had a craving for! Doing ok... feeling a wee bit low, not too sure why, maybe just need sleep...

              Stumpy? How's yours?!


                October Sober...

                Running courage, god I love rice pudding, I've just eaten my homemade pineapple upside down cake with custard yum ;o) love Sunday nights, have had a good day been over to the isle of wight on my dads boat where we all had a lovely roast.
                I'm doing the great south run next weekend, so running 10 miles eek, any tips running courage ?

                Bit quiet on here hope odat, stumpy and gang are ok on day 21 x
                AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                Day by day


                  October Sober...

                  I'm here my little moots, house cleaning. I want your recipe for pineapple upside down cake...please. Stay strong! I too hope Odat is well.
                  AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                  AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                  STUMPY IS A LADY!


                    October Sober...

                    RC, I took the sleep aide for 3 days and I have been fine since. I have to admit, I've been down this week. Good friend passed away, family member has a horrible illness and a good buddy of mine was abused by her boyfriend. That's just what happened today. We have to keep trucking. I only count the October Sober days, it helps me to not count every single day. If I want to remain AF I have to make it a way of life, I never counted days before I became a wino so why do it now?
                    AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                    AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                    STUMPY IS A LADY!


                      October Sober...

                      Hey peeps,

                      Yes - odat, do say a hello, we're all thinking about you and hoping you're doing ok.

                      Stumpy, so sorry that this weeks not been the best at all. For what it's worth i'm thinking of you and sending positive vibes to get through this period. Big hugs to you :l:l

                      I also think you're being wise in taking any potential added stress with counting days. It can help many, It can stress the bejesus out of others. But you are so right that the approach is about making it a way of like AF. A good friend of mine said a very similar thing when i kept reminding him how many weeks and months I had given up smoking, to which he said that only a smoker would count how many days they weren't smoking... I soon stopped counting.

                      Moots - my only tip is take it easy - don't rush off at the start! (And enjoy taking over those who do run off too quickly at the end!)... IMPORTANTLY, I WANT THE HOMEMADE PINEAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE RECIPE TOO!



                        October Sober...

                        Odat, get back on the sober October thread, I'm there because of YOU. c'mon baby girl, get back on that horse. We're waiting for you.
                        AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                        AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                        STUMPY IS A LADY!


                          October Sober...

                          RC, I think we scared Moots, she doesn't want to write the stinking recipe. I can't say I blame her, I bet it's a long process to bake that cake lol..we love you Moots!!!!!
                          AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                          AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                          STUMPY IS A LADY!


                            October Sober...

                            Dang! It's 6am and i am CRAVING for Moots' cake... Dang!


                              October Sober...

                              Hi, I'll join in for the rest of October. Tipplerette I have a similiar issue with my husband, he likes me to join him for a glass of wine (and the rest!) and even though we now don't drink in the week (we're both trying to moderate) I join him over the weekend (which is 3 nights) and always get to Monday feeling crap, depressed, having over eaten and wondering where the weekend went. I have managed to stay off alcohol for nearly 2 years and felt fab so I know its worth it. Has anyone got any ideas how I can get out of this habit at the weekends?


                                October Sober...

                                Hey Esprimo, welcome to the thread. :welcome:

                                Have you popped into the Newbies Nest? Plenty of advice, support - and some cracking fun - in there. There are too a number of members who have similar stories of abstaining for long periods of time (months and years) and then find themselves back at the ol' habit, so I'm sure they'll have plenty of advice about getting out of the habit. Also visit the tool box - click here

                                Good luck with everything!


