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October Sober...

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    October Sober...

    Hi guys, my pineapple cake is a nigella receive, google it guys, she does the best, I like it with birds custard from a tin....... Not so classy haha ;0)
    Feeling crappy to to tonight! My iron levels are low so struggling with energy and feeling teary, also guys am I the only one who struggles with the dark mornings (obviously this is a location thing!) hard to deal with? The one saving grace is having no hangover ;0)
    Hi esprimo, my hubby drinks every evening, but he is lucky to have never had it effect his day to day life, he understands why I don't want to though. Maybe talk honestly to him about it, but don't be critical of his drinking. Xx
    AF since 2nd Oct 2012
    Day by day


      October Sober...

      P.s odat where are you, we are here for you xxxxxx
      AF since 2nd Oct 2012
      Day by day


        October Sober...

        moots - thank you for letting us in on where you got the recipe from... that's one for making this weekend methinks.

        Sorry you're feeling crappy. Are you able to get something/do something for the low iron levels? To be honest, I'm a morning person (like sometimes silly o'clock morning) so the dark doesn't bother me. I just enjoy that no one else is awake and so for an hour or so the world is mine. I'm very fortunate that i don't suffer from S.A.D

        If it's really bad - can you get them lights that "pretend" it's daylight (I dont think i'm making this up!)... Or ask in the herbal med forum/thread. I'm sure there's some knowledgeable kid in there)

        Sleep well tonight!



          October Sober...

          Hi running courage,
          I used to love the mornings, but I'm afraid I don't have the luxury of being up in peace! 2 small kids who are on your case first thing kind of take the edge of the relaxation haha!
          I am going to take some iron pills the doc gave me so that will pass and I think I'm just feeling a bit down but that will pass xxx
          AF since 2nd Oct 2012
          Day by day


            October Sober...

            HI Moots, the iron pills will help so much. They work within 3 days. B-12 helps with the moods as well.
            AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
            AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
            STUMPY IS A LADY!


              October Sober...

              Moots, low iron is common for women. You may want to check out your Vit. K levels and Vit D as well. Mensing women are often low in iron. I was a chronic low iron person for years. I still take Iron off and on. Vitamin D has become a common shortage in blood work for women as well. Both can cause fatigue and depression. Other vitamin/mineral deficiencies are common when we drink. I mentioned once here, I drank and didn't eat right for so long I wound up bleeding internally from lack of nutrician. They never found the cause inside of what set it off, but they found I was low or had none of many nutrients to include iron, Vitamin K, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, etc. I was deficient in blood clotting nutrients. I'm lucky my daughter found me on the floor and got me to the hospital. Many of us eat very poorly while we are drinking.

              Try to eat better(I'm not there yet, but doing better) and take supplements to build your supplies back up. For menstruating women, Iron is important as you lose your supply monthly.

              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                October Sober...

                Thanks slay, I too have been on and off iron tablets, it's hereditary I guess as my mum is aneamic too. Im taking bvitamins as have read this is good for depression as well as omega 3 etc. to be honest I do have a good diet as I'm a personnel trainer, but when I get low like us all it's easy to reach for the crappy beige foods thinking it will cheer me up!
                God bleeding from inside sounds scary thank god you got to hospital. Xxx
                Day 22 for me, going to try for 30 and then stop counting ;0)
                AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                Day by day


                  October Sober...

                  Thank you Runningcourage, I'll have a look.

                  My husbands away this weekend too so I'll have a chance to have a weekend behind me without drinking


                    October Sober...

                    October Sober Part II

                    Tipplerette;1385250 wrote: Bashley, I found that post very inspirational. We have two things in common. One; I want to count days because that's what they do here but in the bottom of my heart, I am not really counting because I know the counting would never end. I'm in for infinity too.

                    "Monkey on my Back" is the pet phrase I always use to describe my cravings and my self-reproach cycle. Right now my little monkey is sitting on the kitchen table beside the open bottle of red and he's winking at me. His seduction attempts will never work again.

                    Anyhow haven't been tempted to touch a drop so let's bring on October!

                    Well it?s nearly the end of October 2013 and I?m pleased to announce that this October has been sober. However, it took August and September in re-hab to set my Monkey straight about a few things.

                    Sad to say I fell off the wagon last March stupidly listening to that little bas%*rd on my shoulder when I took an old buddy on a drive around the Colombian countryside. He had his own driver... so anyway, one led to another and you know the rest.

                    After four months of binging and then going ?Cold?Turkey?at the end of July, BAM!!
                    Another alcohol withdrawal siezure while going down the stairs. That makes 10 to date in my alcoholic career. Not something you include in your C.V.

                    I awoke in hospital with 5 stitches above my right eye and lacerations on the forehead and top of the head. Remembered nothing. My poor daughter (15) was traumatized once again, having thought that I was dead or dying and my wife was understandably freaking out.

                    The poison and the disease that we all fight in here is beyond comprehension. Outsiders do not understand what we go through any more than we do ourselves.
                    How can we listen to our own addicted minds (Monkey), knowing what the outcome will be if we take that first drink, and go ahead and do it anyway!!?

                    Well, haven?t had a drink since the siezure which is good. My favourite Little girl is hanging out with me again which makes it all worth while.:lilheart:

                    The monkey still jabbers away when I pass all the shops which still keep vodka stocked just for him- around here you couldn?t find that poison within a 25 sq/mile radius before the binge!

                    We re-opened our small group of A.A. and things are looking up.

                    I wish all of you well and keep working together one day at a time.

