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Hi again..

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    Hi again..

    I posted in the nest last night but kinda got lost. Thank to all that said hi. Well today will be day 3. Sleep is horrible. But i still feel good in the mornings. My goal is 30 days. Baby steps. I am using calms fort but i dont think it really helps. I read here daily. So even though you dont know me, i know alot of you pretty well. I have learned alot from you and hope to learn more.
    My life is great. It is just this alcohol problem. Ruining my health, my appearance, my cofidence. I want it all restored. I really do. I am weak though and always crave in. I have drank heavily for 15 years. I have gone 30 days af once. With one or two days here and there. But i can tell my heart and health is finally telling me to get it together. Last night i was si emotional and almost took a drink. I would be the only one to know. But i would know i failed again. I did not drink but oh i was sad for a little while.
    Thanks for reading. I hope this is it. My ah ha moment. Look forward to making new friends that can help me through or walk through it with me.
    PS. Typing from my phone. Sorry if anything is messed up.

    Hi again..

    Hi shiner, and welcome to a great site, I am an old newbie so to speak, lurked a lot, and joined in 2007.
    I quit on sept 2 for 3 weeks, and fell off my wagon, I felt great! But it crept up on me again, ugh, now on day 3 again. As far as supplements, I don't know, I take a multi vitamen, and vitamen b every day, and I know that first week sucks. I drink a lot of water with fresh lemon, and herbal tea in the evening to relax. Its hard, but if you make it a week, you feel so good, and so proud of yourself! Then just carry on, my cravings didn't last for long, but when they did, they did! I am sure someone will come along with some better advise for you. Good luck on your journey!
    PS yesterday was my birthday, first sober one in many but it felt great!
    Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


      Hi again..

      Thanks for the post kdog. Happy Belated Birthday. Sober too. Yay. Awesome. We are both on day 3. Glad to know we are not alone. Take care.


        Hi again..

        Hi Shiner -

        I remember you. We cycle in - and out. :-) Welcome back. Day 44 this time for me. I'm doing AB this time and i'm religious about my hynosis program AND my supplements. I'm also doing on the ground support this time through Celebrate Recovery - a Christian recovery program because I really couldn't force myself to do AA - but everybody is different in what they need. We have a lot of AA people, a lot of Sober Recovery Program People, and some Celebrate Recovery - just depends if their is a church around offering it in the area you are at. There are only 2 here offering it for an hour and a half in all directions here.

        Whatever gets you anchored and ready to fight - is what matters.

        Anyway - welcome back.
        That popping sound you hear is me attempting to remove my head from my arse. It's been there for years so this may take a while.
        Admitting I need healing. And I am not big enough to do this alone.
        AF - August 20, 2012


          Hi again..

          Hi Shiner!

          Glad to see you again! Most of us here have had more Day 1's than we can count, I know I have. I was like you, I had a great life...except for one big problem, alcohol. You can overcome this, I know it. You say you are weak, but I'll bet you are a lot stronger than you think. I was finally able to quit when drinking became harder than not drinking.

          I'll walk through this with you. Get mad at alcohol for all it's taken from you. Now it's time to take your life back, and I know you can do it.

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Hi again..

            Hi Shiner

            You are right alcohol does ruin your health. It just happens so slowly over an extended period of time that you get used to the 'new normal' inch by inch and accept it as YOU. We are all weak when it comes to Alcohol or we wouldn't be here. Myself, I was AF January through May and then was weak and caved in. What I hate is that it takes one second of one day to start drinking again and then months to work up the fortitude to stop again. I am now past thinking of stopping again and just need to do it. Not sure if my sharing myself w/you helps but if you quit and see the changes in health, appearance & confidence you speak of then it will propel you to a better place ~An AF Life~.

            I am attempting to make toady day 1. ~~ Best to you Shiner


              Hi again..

              Thx Prairy and K9. I am def. going to try and anchor here. I know the most important thing is to engage myself in it. So here I am. Prairy congrats on day 44 and K9, congrats on kicking the cigs. You are doing great. Thx to you all on this thread for me. I really want to take back control of my life and my health.


                Hi again..

                Welcome Shiner!
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Hi again..

                  Welcome Back Shiner!
                  AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                  AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                  STUMPY IS A LADY!


                    Hi again..

                    Shiner... I think sometimes the time of day you post in the newbies nest matters as far as how many read it.

                    I know this morning, 9am Eastern Time, USA, I posted a lot about my first night and what I'm reading and it sort of got lost too. Right now the nest is hopping with birdies just plain having fun, But it is a really good place. Sometimes it just takes people a little longer to get to reading.

                    Can't wait to "talk" some more!
                    I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                      Hi again..

                      Hi Hyper. Yes your post does help. Every post does. Today is a good day to start day one as any.

                      Thanx Techie I like to read your rat scat page...

                      Hi Stumpy...

                      Rainy.. you are right. I know it gets busy in there. I will try to fly back in soon..


                        Hi again..

                        Hi Shiner,

                        Just wanting to say :hello: I'm a newbie, but am very thankful for this site for it's support, thoughts, concerns and doggone good humour

                        Talk soon and good luck with everything!



                          Hi again..

                          Hi Shiner, we sound like we're in the same mess, and have similar dreams of being "free". I'm offering out shakey support, but hopefully I'm gonna get better this time. x


                            Hi again..

                            Hi Shiner, we started here at almost same time and here we are stuggling to get where we want to still....but as i have seen others post, it takes us years to get here, so why are we suprised when it takes years to get out??
                            Well done for coming back....
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              Hi again..

                              Hi Shiner. I saw you in the Newbie's nest and have been wondering how you are doing? Hope you are doing well :l

                              :h Star



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

