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OK day 1 again!

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    OK day 1 again!

    Ok. So - time to get serious. I've missed two days of work due to the "flu". My kids know otherwise. I downloaded the book, ordered some Kudzu, I already take massive amounts of b vitamins, I have evening primrose oil, flaxseed oil. I'm now going to drive to the store to get some magnesium and zinc. Milk thistle gives me horrific headaches so I won't take that one.
    I'm so tired and I have cold sweats (which suck - by the way) thankfully I'm now having heart palps yet. I haven't had a stretch of 3 days AF in 9 years. I can't beleive that my liver functions are still coming back normal.
    I'm in the health profession - I should know better!!!!
    Ugh. My stomach hurts.

    OK day 1 again!

    You can do it! Just keep at it. Withdrawals really suck. You sound like you have a plan of attack now. Keep us posted on your progress!


      OK day 1 again!

      There was post somewhere not too long ago that said "fall down seven times, get up eight times"

      Just don't give up.
      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


        OK day 1 again!

        Hey, glad your here it truly can change your life as it is changing mine by being part of this group. You can do it!!



          OK day 1 again!

          Saying day one AGAIN is better than never saying DAY ONE at all. Just start over....


            OK day 1 again!

            GldnGirl, that is so strange that milk thistle has caused you headaches....? I thought it was one of the rare sups that had virtually no side effect, but I learn something new all the time. primrose oil seemed to help with my withdrawals and I took about 15 capsules of GABA per day for a few days there. Hang in there!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              OK day 1 again!

              gldngril, I have also been having headaches from Milk Thistle. I asked my local Health food shop about it and she said it's most likely caused from not drinking enough water. I am going to take 1 every two days and see if that makes it better.

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                OK day 1 again!

                Hello gldngal,
                I think that the health profession is one of the most admirable and stressful careers one can choose. You are on the right path. You are here. You can make a change. Just keep posting and reading.
                "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                  OK day 1 again!

                  Thanks everyone for the support - I really need it! I have made it through day 1. Tomorrow I have a very busy day so who knows, maybe it will be my first day two!


                    OK day 1 again!

                    Good luck on Day 2. The first day is amazing in itself, you feel so much better in the morning.
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      OK day 1 again!

                      Well done and keep going, It will be soo worth it. B


                        OK day 1 again!

                        Hey Gldngal, good luck on day two. Just keep at it, over and over again if need be. Go at it one day at a time and before you know if you'll have several AF days under your belt. It's so worth it.


                          OK day 1 again!

                          Keep it up gldngal.
                          I'll be thinking of you.


                            OK day 1 again!

                            Good luck gldngal, much love to you!

                            Gem x
                            Free since 26th February 2012


                              OK day 1 again!

                              keep on keeping on, gldngl.. i have made it to 4 days AF and can't believe how good it feels. said to my husband this morning "this is how [I]normal[I] people must feel all the time!" arm yourself with all the supps you think will help. i am having great experience of kudzu and of hypno. wishing you every strength to do one more day, then another, then another...

                              K x

