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Looking for advice

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    Looking for advice

    :new:Hi, I am brand new to the forum. I actually came across it google searching Kudzu and decided that this is the place for me. I am currently an alcoholic and am looking for advice on quitting. I am still young enough that any damage done at this point is probably reversable and I have a 3 year old that I'd like to watch graduate from college. I am looking for stories, pointers, suggestions, etc... I have attempted this endless times only to end up falling back into the same mindset of "one drink won't kill me" except that as fellow alcoholics we all understand that I could never and never will be able to have that one drink. I am sick of feeling the way I feel right now with the nausea, headache, run down feeling. My life is good all though I have my share of family issues. I have a wonderful husband and amazing daughter. I don't understand why I can't knock this!!! So again, any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
    One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:

    Looking for advice

    Hi, I'm a quitter too! And I'm back to try again. For me I think I am finally ready to admit that even one drink is too many for me. Sad, but true. Even if it isn't in that moment it leads to another day with just one and before you know it it becomes a bottle. I don't want this to be my experience in the world. I just can't drink - period.

    Have you tried the Kudzu? I would love to hear if it works for you. I recently started to hypnosis but still drank yesterday. I know that the shame and guilt will keep me sober today but I need a plan for after that!


      Looking for advice

      Hey Getting real! Thanks for your reply. It's almost humbling to hear that I am not the only one going through this. Before finding this forum I always believed that I was this terrible person with a terrible secret that I could never share for fear of being shamed! I am learning that so many people I interact with on a daily basis could very well be festering this deep secret!
      I actually started the Kudzu today and won't know if it makes a difference until tomorrow when the cravings would normally start today. I won't crave today because of the terrible hangover I have. I am hoping that come tomorrow the cravings don't start and that yesterday was my last day drinking. But I have a feeling that won't be the case. I thought of trying hypnosis and that will be next venture if the kudzu does not work. I will let you know tomorrow how the kudzu seems to be working.
      One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


        Looking for advice

        Hello & welcome iamaquitter!

        Glad you found us, this is a good place
        The best way to get started is by downloading the MWO Book from the Health store here on the site. It has lots of info for you. I did not use kudzu or any meds due to allergy issues but there is a lot of information here about them.

        Be sure to visit the for some great ideas to help you put a plan together.

        Please drop in the Newbies nest thread for ongoing support too
        Wishing you the best!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Looking for advice

          You are SO not the only one. I joined this site a few months back because I was really hoping I could become a moderate drinker. It is very appealing but just doesn't work for me. I have a beautiful family with 3 little ones and a lovely husband. You would think that would be enough! I am committing to being fully alcohol free. I'm sad and excited at the same time. Lets help keep each other honest. I need to be reminded that for me drinking is a big deal EVERY time I drink. And that just because I have given it up for a while doesn't mean I'm cured.


            Looking for advice

            It is also impossible for me to drink moderately. Moderate schmoderate right, LOL. I have always known that I could never be a casual drinker yet somehow every day lie to myself and pour that first shot. It's not in my DNA. My maternal grandmother died of cirrhosis at 53 and I do not want that to be me. From the stories I've heard my mother went through hell watching her die for years. The thought of putting my beautiful daughter through that hell.
            I would love to help you stay honest with your drinking. If you feel like you need that "one drink" send me a message and I'll be your friendly reminder that that "one drink" does not exist. And vise versa. Having a support system is the only way I think I can do this for good this time.
            One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


              Looking for advice

              use the kudzu for sure! it totally worx,i started it over a month ago,i was drinking at least 10 beers a day mostly more,i took the kudzu but still drank,good thing is i couldnt drink my usual,the kudzu made me feel too full,so i got to like 1 or 2 a nite,then none,its still a huge struggle everyday,but kudzu helps! good luck to you!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Looking for advice

                Good morning. Happy day 2!


                  Looking for advice

                  Hi Quitter,
                  This is my first post ever. I have been 'lurking' here off and on for about 3 years. I have been a 'fully functional' drinker but I am convinced that I can no longer concentrate the way I should be able to and that I need to go AF. I am going out to buy some Kudzu right now.

                  On another thought, as I type this I worry about anonymity. I used a gmail address, and I know Google keeps and analyzes everything. Probably just being paranoid. Best wishes to all!

                  As I gain confidence, I'll share more about my (typical) story. I wish I had never 'enjoyed' the buzz alcohol gives. What a sneaky bastard it is.


                    Looking for advice

                    Hi Getting Real! Sorry, I fell off the wagon for a couple days there but I'm back on as of today. About to completely rid my home of AL and go head on full speed ahead! How are you doing?

                    Hello MakeLifeBetter! Congrats on your decision to quit. I myself are full of day 1's and hope that you make it through! Alcohol is quite a sneaky bastard and I agree that I wish I had never started. When I was 19-20 I hated alcohol. I hated the way it made me feel, then I hit 22 and everything changed. My grandmother died of Cirrhosis when she was just 53 and one would think that would have been a life lesson for me but then the AL starts talking and it's all over. I hope to god to beat this devil once and for all this time. I hope that this is my last day 1! Good luck to you and please keep me posted on your progress. You'll find that this really is a great site with very supportive people going through similar situations!
                    One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


                      Looking for advice

                      Hello Iamaquitter28

                      I completely empathise with you, as will many others. When I was a young woman I didn't particularly like alcohol. I trained as a nurse and whilst I smoked, I saw people who had health related drink issues like cirrhosis/oesophageal varises and thought 'at least that will never be a problem for me'. Well - how wrong could I have been!!! OK, I didn't get that stage thankfully, but if I hadn't recognised I had a problem with alcohol, found MWO and done something about it I was sure on course to do so...

                      Someone has already suggested downloading the MWO book - I urge you to if you haven't already - follow the entire programme - the CDs, supplements etc and keep in touch with other members here who will help and support you. This is very much a holistic approach.

                      Do not underestimate the value of the supplements. In my opinion/experience they are invaluable. There is wide opinion that alcohol dependance is due to a nutritional inbalance in the brain. You can also learn more from the nutrition section on this forum.

                      Please PM me if I can be of further help.

                      I wish you the best of luck. :h
                      If you think you're free, there's no escape possible. ~Ram Dass


                        Looking for advice

                        Thank you Chaaku! I am currently taking milk thistle but have stopped taking Kudzu because I believe it was making my cravings worse believe it or not. I am going to go through the nutritional section. I want to avoid medication if at all possible because of all the side effects (HAHAHA go figure an alcoholic worried about side effects!) I have not downloaded the book yet due to lack of money at this time. By the end of the week I will be sure to do it. I've read 100 times on this site how invaluable that book really is.
                        One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:

