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    New here

    Hello everybody,

    i want to introduce myself: i am a 47 year old woman, married and have a daughter. I suffer from alcohol problems since many years, but the last years it is getting out of control. My body is also protesting the last years, sick stomac, shaking hands, bad eye sight. Also my social life is getting less and less because i have to drink in the evening and when i start drinking i am not able to stop.

    It is a little difficult for me to write my feelings and troubles in the english language, because i am a dutch woman, but i hope you understand what i am trying to say.

    I was looking on the internet for some information about baclofen so i that is how i came in your community. I was surprised about the lots of information i found on this forum. So i decided to register.

    A little question: can anybody tell me what AB is? I found it on the thread with meds like antabuse, baclofen...


    New here

    Hi Jessy and welcome, your english is very good. I don't take meds, but I think AB, is just an abreviation of antabuse. I would think you need to try and stop/control your drinking before you take the meds, Have you read the MWO book ? also try posting on the newbies thread, you will get to meet people who are at the same stage as you are. You have taken the hardest step in admitting you have a problem, so you can now work on overcoming it, not easy but lots of people have done it sucessfully. Good luck.


      New here

      Welcome Jessy!

      We're glad you've found us. You are NOT alone in this battle against alcohol. Paula was right, AB is an abbreviation for Antabuse. Do you have any AF (alcohol free) time so far? Please let us know what's going on so we can help you. Again, we're glad you're here...stick around!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        New here

        Hi Jessy,

        Welcome. I have also spent years battling the bottle. I had two years of sobriety at one point. Then went out. It's been a continuous struggle since. Just got ten days AF and then went out over some hurt feelings. Was just way over sensitive at that point. Back to day one again! I really need to stay close and connected to get through these withdrawals. I used to bounce back pretty quickly, but not any more. The three day bender certainly has taken its toll. Warm wishes to everyone here who continues to struggle and fight the good fight. Love to all.
        AF since 12/2/12


          New here

          Hi Jessy,

          Just wanted to check and see how you are doing today? So glad to have you here. I'm new, too. I spent hours and hours reading here before getting up the courage to join. I'm halfway through day 2 and fighting the urge to go get a beer to help to 'wean off'. I am still suffering from the shakes and still some anxiety (all the glutamine and niacin doesn't seem to be helping today). Please keep us posted as to how you are doing. Warmest wishes to you.
          AF since 12/2/12


            New here

            Welcome Jessy. Glad to have you here! Please keep posting. :welcome:
            AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
            AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
            STUMPY IS A LADY!


              New here

              Welcome aboard Jess!

              You have found a great place, with lots of knowledge end experience. Somewhere on here someone has or is going through the same thing you are.

              good luck with your journey, dont be afraid to ask questions
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                New here

                Hi Merlot,
                Good to hear from you. I'm on day 2 and still have the shakes. It's been so bad that I've been wrestling with going out to get a beer and sort of 'wean off'. That has proven tricky in the past, as the beer usually leads to another and then the wine. Wish I had something to take the edge off. I had 10 days AF, and then got a bottle of wine, which turned into another (luckily I can walk to the liquor store). It's always a dilemma, because if I don't buy enough(a regular size bottle), I'm afraid that when my judgement is impaired, and the local liquor store is closed, I may go out driving to get some more. But the problem is, if I buy the big bottle to prevent going out, then I usualy pass out with some left over. That means starting up early the next day, not eating and going downhill from there. God, who would choose this insanity?! Anyway, good luck and glad you are here and posting.
                AF since 12/2/12


                  New here

                  Thank you all for your warm welcome, that feels very good.

                  I tell something about my drinking behaviour. I drink every day. I am getting nervous when my job is done and then after work I go to the store te get 1 bottle of wine. I do not buy more (sometimes I did) because when I buy 2 bottles I will drink both that evening. I am not a binge drinker (don't know if I say that correct) but an every day drinker. The last years my body tells me, especially in the morning when I have to get up and go to work, that alcohol is doing its destroying work. My stomic feels sick and shaking hands. Then I regret that I drunk that bottle and intend to do not buy a bottle of wine that day. Well, after work I can not resist and the whole story repeats itself. I am totally fed up with alcohol, why am I not able to resist?


                    New here

                    Hi Jessy and AlmostFree,

                    I can relate to both of your posts. I had the daily delimma too, do I buy an 18 pack of beer (to be sure I have enough), or do I buy a 12 pack and HOPE I don't decide to go out to get more? Neither option was a good one! I never thought I would get off this roller coaster. I drank to black out/pass out point every night, and every morning I swore that I wouldn't do it again. By 3pm I was feeling ok, and the cycle would start all over. I finally quit when it became harder to drink than to not drink. The first few days will be hard, but once you get through them, the fog will start to lift and you can establish a solid plan. Please stick around and keep posting. Here is a link to the Newbies Nest in case you haven't found it yet:

                    We're glad you're both here!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      New here

                      I am searching for ways to stop my abuse of alcohol. I searched the internet and found the story of
                      dr. O. Ameissen. So now I am looking for people with experience of taking Baclofen. My dr. will not prescribe me because he thinks first this medicine has to be well researched for alcoholabuse.


                        New here

                        Hello Jessy

                        I can totally relate to where you currently are - that is exactly what I used to do. Then it got worse and I started going out and having a sneaky glass of wine at lunch time too. After I gave up working my drinking escalated to two bottles per day (over the last year).

                        Have you started the My Way Out programme yet? It is very helpful - if not please do so and embrace it in its entirety. This is my second time - I started this time on the 20th August and stopped drinking for 30 days. As my aim was to moderate I have had the odd drink since (one glass of wine and 1/2 glass of champagne on special occasions since) and suffered no cravings or side effects.

                        Get every thing you need to start the programme - the book, supplements, CDs, topiramate and most imporatantly of all the right frame of mind and you will be successfull.

                        And keep posting here - everyone is very supportive, experienced and helpful.

                        Best wishes
                        If you think you're free, there's no escape possible. ~Ram Dass


                          New here

                          Hello Chakuu1, thanks for your hopfull reply. It helps to be optimistic for the future. You think the program of My Way Out is better than baclofen?

                          A strange but hopeful feeling I have now, I am beginning to believe there is a way out of my alcohol abuse.


                            New here

                            Almost free, sorry I did not reply to you yet, like you my despair is high. The answers are so warm and heartbreaking and so full of information. And I have to translate because English is not my motherlanguage. I hope we are can start this together and end it positive, but I am so afraid for the time to come.


                              New here

                              Hi Jessy, sorry your still feeling bad, but you won't feel better until you can get the alcohol out of your system.You are not able to resist because it is an addiction and very difficult to stop. If you can stop drinking the withdrawal should get easier, but maybe you need some help, can you speak to your doctor ? it's a very difficult cycle to break but I managed to do it, and sometimes I would drink all day. I managed without medication, but I had got to the point where I was desperate to stop. I suffered night sweats and anxiety for about 4 days then things improved. I did have a lot of support from my husband, have you got someone who understands ?. Hope you feel better soon, keep coming back here. Take care.

