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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    26 March 2015

    Hanna day 1
    Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
    Ava 480
    rooniferd - Day 48
    Fin - Day 114
    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

    Go forward boldly and unafraid


      26 March 2015

      Hanna day 1
      Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
      Ava 480
      rooniferd - Day 48
      Fin - Day 114
      Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't :hug
      Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
      Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
      Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


        26 March 2015

        Hanna day 1
        Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
        Ava 480
        rooniferd - Day 48
        Fin - Day 114
        Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
        Pie - Day 259


          Yes, Roll Callers, it's true....Lavande has 6 years today!!!

          There's not a red carpet long enough nor a crown sparkly enough for this QUEEN!!! She is a super hero to me, and so many others on MWO. Heck, just about EVERYBODY on this site has been helped by this woman!
          Huge congratulations go out to a woman who is on my Top Ten list of influential life savers. Well done, dear lady....well done.
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            26 March 2015

            Hanna day 1
            Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
            Ava 480
            rooniferd - Day 48
            Fin - Day 114
            Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
            Pie - Day 259
            Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)

            Done. Moving on to life.


              26 March 2015

              Hanna day 1
              Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
              Ava 480
              rooniferd - Day 48
              Fin - Day 114
              Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
              Pie - Day 259
              Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)
              Londoner Day 59


                It has been quite a while since I have visited myo. This is day two for me. Tired of sleeping poorly, emotions messed up and serenity unattainable with AL levels I consume. I am ready to give it a go. Good day to all.


                  26 March 2015

                  Hanna day 1
                  Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
                  Ava 480
                  rooniferd - Day 48
                  Fin - Day 114
                  Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
                  Pie - Day 259
                  Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)
                  Londoner Day 59
                  mg72 - Day 2
                  Elvis - Day 142 (Welcome back mg72! Good job on 300 days Cherokeer! Great job on 6 years Lavande!)

                  [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                    26 March 2015

                    Hanna day 1
                    Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
                    Ava 480
                    rooniferd - Day 48
                    Fin - Day 114
                    Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
                    Pie - Day 259
                    Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)
                    Londoner Day 59
                    mg72 - Day 2
                    Elvis - Day 142 (Welcome back mg72! Good job on 300 days Cherokeer! Great job on 6 years Lavande!)
                    Jane27- Day 443 (Nice to see you mrG72 Today is all about Lav!!! )
                    AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                      26 March 2015

                      Hanna day 1
                      Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
                      Ava 480
                      rooniferd - Day 48
                      Fin - Day 114
                      Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
                      Pie - Day 259
                      Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)
                      Londoner Day 59
                      mg72 - Day 2
                      Elvis - Day 142 (Welcome back mg72! Good job on 300 days Cherokeer! Great job on 6 years Lavande!)
                      AlPro - Day 265 (Lavande and Cherokeer! Great inspirations for us. If you can do it WE can Too!)


                        26 March 2015

                        Hanna day 1
                        Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
                        Ava 480
                        rooniferd - Day 48
                        Fin - Day 114
                        Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
                        Pie - Day 259
                        Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)
                        Londoner Day 59
                        mg72 - Day 2
                        Elvis - Day 142 (Welcome back mg72! Good job on 300 days Cherokeer! Great job on 6 years Lavande!)
                        AlPro - Day 265 (Lavande and Cherokeer! Great inspirations for us. If you can do it WE can Too!
                        Matt M.~Day 234
                        AF 08~05~2014

                        There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                          26 March 2015

                          Hanna day 1
                          Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
                          Ava 480
                          rooniferd - Day 48
                          Fin - Day 114
                          Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
                          Pie - Day 259
                          Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)
                          Londoner Day 59
                          mg72 - Day 2
                          Elvis - Day 142 (Welcome back mg72! Good job on 300 days Cherokeer! Great job on 6 years Lavande!)
                          AlPro - Day 265 (Lavande and Cherokeer! Great inspirations for us. If you can do it WE can Too!
                          Matt M.~Day 234
                          Hypernova ~ Day 9 (Warm Welcome mg72~ you've made a big step and a great move to be here)


                            6 March 2015

                            Hanna day 1
                            Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
                            Ava 480
                            rooniferd - Day 48
                            Fin - Day 114
                            Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
                            Pie - Day 259
                            Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)
                            Londoner Day 59
                            mg72 - Day 2
                            Elvis - Day 142 (Welcome back mg72! Good job on 300 days Cherokeer! Great job on 6 years Lavande!)
                            AlPro - Day 265 (Lavande and Cherokeer! Great inspirations for us. If you can do it WE can Too!
                            Matt M.~Day 234
                            Hypernova ~ Day 9 (Warm Welcome mg72~ you've made a big step and a great move to be here)
                            New Page - Day 138 (Big congrats on 6 years, Lavande! And 300 days for Cherokeer!)
                            Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                              March 2015

                              Hanna day 1
                              Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
                              Ava 480
                              rooniferd - Day 48
                              Fin - Day 114
                              Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
                              Pie - Day 259
                              Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)
                              Londoner Day 59
                              mg72 - Day 2
                              Elvis - Day 142 (Welcome back mg72! Good job on 300 days Cherokeer! Great job on 6 years Lavande!)
                              AlPro - Day 265 (Lavande and Cherokeer! Great inspirations for us. If you can do it WE can Too!
                              Matt M.~Day 234
                              Hypernova ~ Day 9 (Warm Welcome mg72~ you've made a big step and a great move to be here)
                              BeachGirly- day 105
                              New Page - Day 138 (Big congrats on 6 years, Lavande! And 300 days for Cherokeer!)


                                March 2015

                                Hanna day 1
                                Eloise 314 AF & 4 SF
                                Ava 480
                                rooniferd - Day 48
                                Fin - Day 114
                                Lavande - Day 2190, or 6 years! (posted by ABC because I know she wouldn't )
                                Pie - Day 259
                                Kensho - Day 108 (2190!! 480!! 259!! Inspiring!)
                                Londoner Day 59
                                mg72 - Day 2
                                Elvis - Day 142 (Welcome back mg72! Good job on 300 days Cherokeer! Great job on 6 years Lavande!)
                                AlPro - Day 265 (Lavande and Cherokeer! Great inspirations for us. If you can do it WE can Too!
                                Matt M.~Day 234
                                Hypernova ~ Day 9 (Warm Welcome mg72~ you've made a big step and a great move to be here)
                                BeachGirly- day 105
                                New Page - Day 138 (Big congrats on 6 years, Lavande! And 300 days for Cherokeer!)
                                Dutch - Day 18

