Jane27 - Day 457
Briseus - Day Thirty
rooniferd- Day 62 (congrats on one month, Briseus!!)
G man - Day 100. (raawkin it Bri! onya for 60 days Rooni!)
Daisy - day 5 (feels good to be in great company today! All of above are rocking it!)
New Page - Day 152 (Congrats Bri on 30, G man on 100! WOW!)
Eloise 327
Fin - Day 4
Pie - Day 273 (Go, G! and Bri!)
Kailey - Day 5 (Yay for Bri and G man!)
AlPro - Day 279 (Congrarts G and Bri and everyone)
Elvis - Day 156 (Good job on 30 days Briseus! Good job on 100 days G man!)
Matt M.~Day 248
Resolve - 158 (Congrats and great speech Bri!)