Jane27 - Day 549
Lifechange Day 30 (Congrats Pie on 1 whole year!!)
Rahul - Day 498 ( Super congrats Pie)
G man - 21 today. (Wow Lifechange 30 days! Pie, a whole freakin year! Youse raawk! Congratulations).
Ava 586 (Happy 1st birthday Pie a wonderful day for you and us. LC great work on 30 days, you have this!, how does it feel to be 21 G? i wish....)
LuckyMe - Day 7! Congrats, Pie and LC and G! Jumpin' for joy this AM.
Kailey - Day 7. So much good news here today! Pie, I am so delighted for you!
New Page - Day 244 (Congrats on one year Pie! That is awesome! Congrats on 30 days Lifechange, G on 3 weeks! Congrats to Lucky & Kailey on one week!)
rooniferd - Day 26
AlPro - Day 371 (CONGRATS Pie, LC, Lucky and Kailey!!!)