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    July 14, 2015

    14 July

    Eloise 424 ( worn out tour guide here )
    Jane27 - Day 553 (get some rest El xo)
    Matt M ~Day 344
    Ava 590
    rooniferd - Day 30!
    Elvis - Day 252
    G man - Day 25 (Congratulations Rooni! Bravo!)

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      P2 sneaking in to say congrats to Rooni on 30 days! Stay with us! The prizes get better as you go!
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        July 14, 2015

        14 July

        Eloise 424 ( worn out tour guide here )
        Jane27 - Day 553 (get some rest El xo)
        Matt M ~Day 344
        Ava 590
        rooniferd - Day 30!
        Elvis - Day 252
        G man - Day 25 (Congratulations Rooni! Bravo!)
        Lifechange day 34 (YAAYYYY Roonie for 30 days!!!)


          July 14, 2015

          14 July

          Eloise 424 ( worn out tour guide here )
          Jane27 - Day 553 (get some rest El xo)
          Matt M ~Day 344
          Ava 590
          rooniferd - Day 30!
          Elvis - Day 252
          G man - Day 25 (Congratulations Rooni! Bravo!)
          Lifechange day 34 (YAAYYYY Roonie for 30 days!!!)
          AlPro - Day 375 ( Congrats on 30 rooniferd!)


            July 14, 2015

            14 July

            Eloise 424 ( worn out tour guide here )
            Jane27 - Day 553 (get some rest El xo)
            Matt M ~Day 344
            Ava 590
            rooniferd - Day 30!
            Elvis - Day 252
            G man - Day 25 (Congratulations Rooni! Bravo!)
            Lifechange day 34 (YAAYYYY Roonie for 30 days!!!)
            AlPro - Day 375 ( Congrats on 30 rooniferd!)
            Kailey - Day 11 (Congratulations, Roonie!!!!!)
            You had the power all along, my dear.


              So here is my little rant about achieving 30 consecutive days sober. First of all, this is NOT my first rodeo. I've actually made it to 30 days several times now, and my all-time record is 100 days. I know there are exceptions, but I think it's really common for us to play the start - stop - start again - stop again loop in this race. Quitting drinking is not an easy thing to do when it's been part of your life for so long! It's everywhere. It's there on birthdays, holidays, weekends, weddings, funerals, and just about every other day too. It's not easy, and everyone here must agree because we are all here on this site looking for extra support.

              So I just tallied up my sober days for the year so far - 30 days drunk, 195 sober. Believe me, I would love for that first number to be 0, but I know it's just a matter of time. But I will say that I am very proud of myself for getting this far. It's been a struggle, and I see many more to come. But just in this short time of being "mostly" sober, my life has changed dramatically for the better. I'm kicking arse at work, I just bought a new house, and I'm finally getting my act together health-wise. Relationships with family and friends are stronger than ever. I've stopped going to the bars, and I wonder if they even notice - probably not. Who cares? I feel better all around, and money isn't seeping out of my wallet like it was before.

              So, my advice is to keep trying! Keep inching a little forward in those sober days and keep trying to beat your record. That's what I'm doing!


                July 14, 2015

                14 July

                Eloise 424 ( worn out tour guide here )
                Jane27 - Day 553 (get some rest El xo)
                Matt M ~Day 344
                Ava 590
                rooniferd - Day 30!
                Elvis - Day 252
                G man - Day 25 (Congratulations Rooni! Bravo!)
                Lifechange day 34 (YAAYYYY Roonie for 30 days!!!)
                AlPro - Day 375 ( Congrats on 30 rooniferd!)
                Kailey - Day 11 (Congratulations, Roonie!!!!!)
                Okoren day 340- Roon!


                  uly 14, 2015

                  14 July

                  Eloise 424 ( worn out tour guide here )
                  Jane27 - Day 553 (get some rest El xo)
                  Matt M ~Day 344
                  Ava 590
                  rooniferd - Day 30!
                  Elvis - Day 252
                  G man - Day 25 (Congratulations Rooni! Bravo!)
                  Lifechange day 34 (YAAYYYY Roonie for 30 days!!!)
                  AlPro - Day 375 ( Congrats on 30 rooniferd!)
                  Kailey - Day 11 (Congratulations, Roonie!!!!!)
                  Okoren day 340- Roon!
                  New Page - Day 248 (Yeah Rooni!)
                  Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                    Awesome speech Rooni!
                    And excellent observations on your journey. Keep at it, you are doing a Fine job of it!

                    Originally posted by rooniferd View Post
                    So here is my little rant about achieving 30 consecutive days sober. First of all, this is NOT my first rodeo. I've actually made it to 30 days several times now, and my all-time record is 100 days. I know there are exceptions, but I think it's really common for us to play the start - stop - start again - stop again loop in this race. Quitting drinking is not an easy thing to do when it's been part of your life for so long! It's everywhere. It's there on birthdays, holidays, weekends, weddings, funerals, and just about every other day too. It's not easy, and everyone here must agree because we are all here on this site looking for extra support.

                    So I just tallied up my sober days for the year so far - 30 days drunk, 195 sober. Believe me, I would love for that first number to be 0, but I know it's just a matter of time. But I will say that I am very proud of myself for getting this far. It's been a struggle, and I see many more to come. But just in this short time of being "mostly" sober, my life has changed dramatically for the better. I'm kicking arse at work, I just bought a new house, and I'm finally getting my act together health-wise. Relationships with family and friends are stronger than ever. I've stopped going to the bars, and I wonder if they even notice - probably not. Who cares? I feel better all around, and money isn't seeping out of my wallet like it was before.

                    So, my advice is to keep trying! Keep inching a little forward in those sober days and keep trying to beat your record. That's what I'm doing!
                    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                      Congratulations Roon! You've got the moves like Jagger!
                      Thank you for your awesome speech! Its inspiring to hear about all the good things that have come with your commitment to a better life! Keep on truckin! xo J

                      Last edited by jane27; July 14, 2015, 03:22 PM.
                      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                        14 July

                        Eloise 424 ( worn out tour guide here )
                        Jane27 - Day 553 (get some rest El xo)
                        Matt M ~Day 344
                        Ava 590
                        rooniferd - Day 30!
                        Elvis - Day 252
                        G man - Day 25 (Congratulations Rooni! Bravo!)
                        Lifechange day 34 (YAAYYYY Roonie for 30 days!!!)
                        AlPro - Day 375 ( Congrats on 30 rooniferd!)
                        Kailey - Day 11 (Congratulations, Roonie!!!!!)
                        Marylou - day 539 (way to go Roonie)
                        Mary Lou

                        A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                          July 15, 2015

                          Jane27 - Day 554
                          AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                            July 15, 2015

                            Jane27 - Day 554
                            rooniferd - Day 31 (thanks for all the kind words yesterday, everyone!)


                              July 15, 2015

                              Jane27 - Day 554
                              rooniferd - Day 31 (thanks for all the kind words yesterday, everyone!)
                              G man - Day 26 (great speech Rooni).

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                July 15, 2015

                                Jane27 - Day 554
                                rooniferd - Day 31 (thanks for all the kind words yesterday, everyone!)
                                G man - Day 26 (great speech Rooni).
                                AlPro - Day 376

