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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Tuesday January 26, 2016

    Lifechange day 82
    Jane27- Day 749
    Mary - Day 192
    Moni - Day 14
    Jvo 99
    Croc - Day 1
    Daisy - Day 78
    Elvis - Day 448 (Good job on 14 days Moni!)
    AlPro - Day 571 (Congrats Moni!)


      Tuesday January 26, 2016

      Lifechange day 82
      Jane27- Day 749
      Mary - Day 192
      Moni - Day 14
      Jvo 99
      Croc - Day 1
      Daisy - Day 78
      Elvis - Day 448 (Good job on 14 days Moni!)
      AlPro - Day 571 (Congrats Moni!)
      idef - Day 25 (Croc, good on coming back!)
      "Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others".
      “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


        Congrats on 2 weeks AF Moni!

        AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


          Tuesday January 26, 2016

          Lifechange day 82
          Jane27- Day 749
          Mary - Day 192
          Moni - Day 14
          Jvo 99
          Croc - Day 1
          Daisy - Day 78
          Elvis - Day 448 (Good job on 14 days Moni!)
          AlPro - Day 571 (Congrats Moni!)
          idef - Day 25 (Croc, good on coming back!)
          Kensho - Day 52 (Great job Moni!)

          Done. Moving on to life.


            uesday January 26, 2016

            Lifechange day 82
            Jane27- Day 749
            Mary - Day 192
            Moni - Day 14
            Jvo 99
            Croc - Day 1
            Daisy - Day 78
            Elvis - Day 448 (Good job on 14 days Moni!)
            AlPro - Day 571 (Congrats Moni!)
            idef - Day 25 (Croc, good on coming back!)
            Kensho - Day 52 (Great job Moni!)
            New Page - Day 444 (Congrats Moni!)
            Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


              uesday January 26, 2016

              Lifechange day 82
              Jane27- Day 749
              Mary - Day 192
              Moni - Day 14
              Jvo 99
              Croc - Day 1
              Daisy - Day 78
              Elvis - Day 448 (Good job on 14 days Moni!)
              AlPro - Day 571 (Congrats Moni!)
              idef - Day 25 (Croc, good on coming back!)
              Kensho - Day 52 (Great job Moni!)
              New Page - Day 444 (Congrats Moni!)
              Eloise 620 ( welcome Croc!)
              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                Tuesday January 26, 2016

                Lifechange day 82
                Jane27- Day 749
                Mary - Day 192
                Moni - Day 14
                Jvo 99
                Croc - Day 1
                Daisy - Day 78
                Elvis - Day 448 (Good job on 14 days Moni!)
                AlPro - Day 571 (Congrats Moni!)
                idef - Day 25 (Croc, good on coming back!)
                Kensho - Day 52 (Great job Moni!)
                New Page - Day 444 (Congrats Moni!)
                Eloise 620 ( welcome Croc!)
                Bacman - Day 25 (comon Croc....)
                I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                  Tuesday January 26, 2016

                  Lifechange day 82
                  Jane27- Day 749
                  Mary - Day 192
                  Moni - Day 14
                  Jvo 99
                  Croc - Day 1
                  Daisy - Day 78
                  Elvis - Day 448 (Good job on 14 days Moni!)
                  AlPro - Day 571 (Congrats Moni!)
                  idef - Day 25 (Croc, good on coming back!)
                  Kensho - Day 52 (Great job Moni!)
                  New Page - Day 444 (Congrats Moni!)
                  Eloise 620 ( welcome Croc!)
                  Bacman - Day 25 (comon Croc....)
                  NoraC - Day 183 (YAHOO Moni.!! Croc glad you got right back to it.)
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Tuesday January 26, 2016

                    Lifechange day 82
                    Jane27- Day 749
                    Mary - Day 192
                    Moni - Day 14
                    Jvo 99
                    Croc - Day 1
                    Daisy - Day 78*
                    Elvis - Day 448 (Good job on 14 days Moni!)*
                    AlPro - Day 571 (Congrats Moni!)
                    idef - Day 25 (Croc, good on coming back!)
                    Kensho - Day 52 (Great job Moni!)
                    New Page - Day 444 (Congrats Moni!)
                    Eloise 620 ( welcome Croc!)*
                    Bacman - Day 25 (comon Croc....)
                    NoraC - Day 183 (YAHOO Moni.!! Croc glad you got right back to it.)
                    Matthew6 day 89


                      Wednesday, January 27, 2016

                      Lifechange day 83 (GREAT job everyone!!!!)


                        Wednesday, January 27, 2016

                        Lifechange day 83 (GREAT job everyone!!!!)
                        Croc - Day 2 (Congrats Moni - smokes too! - you're the Terminator, Bacman - closing in on 30)


                          Wednesday, January 27, 2016

                          Lifechange day 83 (GREAT job everyone!!!!)
                          Croc - Day 2 (Congrats Moni - smokes too! - you're the Terminator, Bacman - closing in on 30)
                          Bacman -Day 26 (Keep it going Croc Idef & Moni - J-vo congrats in advance (I know you will make it)) - and everyone else
                          I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                          Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                            Wednesday, January 27, 2016

                            Lifechange day 83 (GREAT job everyone!!!!)
                            Croc - Day 2 (Congrats Moni - smokes too! - you're the Terminator, Bacman - closing in on 30)
                            Bacman -Day 26 (Keep it going Croc Idef & Moni - J-vo congrats in advance (I know you will make it)) - and everyone else
                            Mary - day 193
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                              Wednesday, January 27, 2016

                              Lifechange day 83 (GREAT job everyone!!!!)
                              Croc - Day 2 (Congrats Moni - smokes too! - you're the Terminator, Bacman - closing in on 30)
                              Bacman -Day 26 (Keep it going Croc Idef & Moni - J-vo congrats in advance (I know you will make it)) - and everyone else
                              Mary - day 193
                              G bloke - day 157 (but who's counting)

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Wednesday, January 27, 2016

                                Lifechange day 83 (GREAT job everyone!!!!)
                                Croc - Day 2 (Congrats Moni - smokes too! - you're the Terminator, Bacman - closing in on 30)
                                Bacman -Day 26 (Keep it going Croc Idef & Moni - J-vo congrats in advance (I know you will make it)) - and everyone else
                                Mary - day 193
                                G bloke - day 157 (but who's counting)
                                Moni - day 15

                                Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

