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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Wednesday 13th July 2016

    tonyniceday - Day 30 (Yeah!)
    Bobby Day 3 Well done Tony day 30 !!!
    New Page - Day 613 (Congrats Tony on 30, Fantastic! )
    Elvis - Day 617 (Good job on 30 days Tony!)
    Daisy - Day 29
    Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


      Wednesday 13th July 2016

      tonyniceday - Day 30 (Yeah!)
      Bobby - Day 3 Well done Tony day 30 !!!
      New Page - Day 613 (Congrats Tony on 30, Fantastic!)
      Elvis - Day 617 ( Good job on 30 days Tony!)
      Daisy - Day 29
      Inthesky - Day 5 (Woo Hoo Tony!!!)


        Wednesday 13th July 2016

        tonyniceday - Day 30 (Yeah!)
        Bobby - Day 3 Well done Tony day 30 !!!
        New Page - Day 613 (Congrats Tony on 30, Fantastic!)
        Elvis - Day 617 ( Good job on 30 days Tony!)
        Daisy - Day 29
        Inthesky - Day 5 (Woo Hoo Tony!!!)
        Fin - Day 94 (Tony!)
        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

        Go forward boldly and unafraid


          Well thank you all for the comments and to PP1 Eloise for the prize - a speech eh?

          If I think back to day 1, it makes me shudder. I came on here a gibbering wreck, hung-over, nauseous, VERY scared, with the DT's and the voices of my wife and the Doctor ringing in my ears, not knowing, once again, how the hell I was actually going to start to kick Al into touch. I never, ever EVER want, or intend to experience that again.

          Yes, I had medical help, yes, I've read a lot, Yes, my wife has been really supportive, Yes I've had psychiatric help (which has now been re-instated - letter this morning! because my local Doc won the argument that I still need a psychiatrist (2 edged sword??))

          But, and this really is MOST important of all, knowing I could come on here and have a rant, get things off my chest, and get help from people who know EXACTLY what I've been through has been the lynch pin to getting this far. I've only ever got to 14 days before and here I am 30 days AF - amazing.

          I would like to thank ALL of you who have posted anything on here that has helped. Particularly Byrdie, Lav, Ava & Eloise and, of course, last and by NO MEANS least, my very own quit-buddy Sky.

          (Actually, Sky, I've just realised that you will get an extra prize from PP1 in a couple of days as you'll be getting day 7 again - so very soon you will always have one more than me.....)

          As to the plan and goals.

          The plan is very simple. I cannot avoid the al situation at work, but I will continue to avoid much of it socially, but accepting that I can now socialise with those who still have Al, but who know why I cannot.
          I will continue with the ODAAT mantra which I've recently added to my signature line because it is SO important.

          My short term plan is now to hit 70 days (10 weeks) as it's something that someone close to me had trouble with and it's very important personally. Also to be AF for the 1st weekend in September which is a HUGE festival weekend here and I may well be the only sober person, not only in the village, but the whole Glen (Valley).:egad:

          Thank you all once again.:thumbsup:


          Tony XO


            Wednesday 13th July 2016

            tonyniceday - Day 30 (Yeah!)
            Bobby - Day 3 Well done Tony day 30 !!!
            New Page - Day 613 (Congrats Tony on 30, Fantastic!)
            Elvis - Day 617 ( Good job on 30 days Tony!)
            Daisy - Day 29
            Inthesky - Day 5 (Woo Hoo Tony!!!)
            Fin - Day 94 (Tony!)
            Orimus - Day 38 (Well Done Tony!!)
            “If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking.” – Zen proverb

            "See it as it is, not worse than it is just so you have a reason not to try." - Tony Robbins.

            Newbies Nest
            Newbies Nest Roll Call
            Cattleman Cafe


              Wednesday 13th July 2016

              tonyniceday - Day 30 (Yeah!)
              Bobby - Day 3 Well done Tony day 30 !!!
              New Page - Day 613 (Congrats Tony on 30, Fantastic!)
              Elvis - Day 617 ( Good job on 30 days Tony!)
              Daisy - Day 29
              Inthesky - Day 5 (Woo Hoo Tony!!!)
              Fin - Day 94 (Tony!)
              Orimus - Day 38 (Well Done Tony!!)
              abcowboy - Day 547 or 18 months or 1 1/2 years. Congrats to everyone on the roll call, keep adding them up!
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                Wednesday 13th July 2016

                tonyniceday - Day 30 (Yeah!)
                Bobby - Day 3 Well done Tony day 30 !!!
                New Page - Day 613 (Congrats Tony on 30, Fantastic!)
                Elvis - Day 617 ( Good job on 30 days Tony!)
                Daisy - Day 29
                Inthesky - Day 5 (Woo Hoo Tony!!!)
                Fin - Day 94 (Tony!)
                Orimus - Day 38 (Well Done Tony!!)
                abcowboy - Day 547 or 18 months or 1 1/2 years. Congrats to everyone on the roll call, keep adding them up!
                NoraC - Day 353 ( YAHOO Tony)
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Wednesday 13th July 2016

                  tonyniceday - Day 30 (Yeah!)
                  Bobby Day 3 Well done Tony day 30 !!!
                  New Page - Day 613 (Congrats Tony on 30, Fantastic! )
                  20/20 - Day 12
                  "Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it" ........


                    Bobby Day 4


                      Thursday 14th July 2016

                      Bobby Day 4
                      tonyniceday - Day 31


                        Thursday 14th July 2016[/B]

                        Bobby Day 4
                        tonyniceday - Day 31
                        Daisy - Day 30
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          PP Checking in early (for once!)

                          Daisy Daisy look at you! Time for a 30 day speech, time to put into writing how you are feeling about all this?
                          What is next for you girl?
                          I think it is :teatime:

                          I want to change the 30 day award to a galloping lama :llama:
                          He is cute right?
                          (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                            Thursday 14th July 2016[/B]

                            Bobby Day 4
                            tonyniceday - Day 31
                            Daisy - Day 30
                            New Page - Day 614 (Congrats on 30 days Daisy!)
                            Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                              Thursday 14th July 2016

                              Bobby Day 4
                              tonyniceday - Day 31
                              Daisy - Day 30
                              New Page - Day 614 (Congats on 30 days Daisy!)
                              Inthesky - Day 6 (Awesome Daisy!)


                                Thursday 14th July 2016

                                Bobby Day 4
                                tonyniceday - Day 31
                                Daisy - Day 30
                                New Page - Day 614 (Congats on 30 days Daisy!)
                                Inthesky - Day 6 (Awesome Daisy!)
                                Fin - Day 95 (keep going Daisy!)
                                Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                                Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                                Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                                Go forward boldly and unafraid

