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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Tuesday 23rd August 2016

    Tonyniceday - Day 71
    Daisy - Day 9 (LC ...1 week! Good going)
    New Page - Day 654
    Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


      Tuesday 23rd August 2016

      Tonyniceday - Day 71
      Daisy - Day 9 (LC ...1 week! Good going)
      New Page - Day 654
      Kensho - Day 14

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Tuesday 23rd August 2016

        Tonyniceday - Day 71
        Daisy - Day 9 (LC ...1 week! Good going)
        New Page - Day 654
        Kensho - Day 14
        Elvis - Day 658

        [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


          Tuesday 23rd August 2016

          Tonyniceday - Day 71
          Daisy - Day 9 (LC ...1 week! Good going)
          New Page - Day 654
          Kensho - Day 14
          Elvis - Day 658
          Lifechange day 7! (thanks, Daisy!)


            Tuesday 23rd August 2016

            Tonyniceday - Day 71
            Daisy - Day 9 (LC ...1 week! Good going)
            New Page - Day 654
            Kensho - Day 14
            Elvis - Day 658
            Lifechange day 7! (thanks, Daisy!)
            Darkest Diamonds - Day 30


              Prize Patrol 1 here...
              Darkest diamond I just read your post. First I feel so sorry about all this, too many things all at once. How much can one human take? I am sorry and thank you for your post.
              I am going to do my best to stop feeling sorry for myself.

              Congratulations on your first 30 days of sobriety. Your prize to mark this day :llama:
              You won't regret this commitment you are making to yourself and your future. Bless you.

              And we have another award for Lifechange :butt:
              Congrats on these 7 glorious and sober days.
              Well done, It is not easy so be proud :congrats:
              Last edited by Eloise; August 23, 2016, 01:35 PM.
              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                Tuesday 23rd August 2016

                Tonyniceday - Day 71
                Daisy - Day 9 (LC ...1 week! Good going)
                New Page - Day 654
                Kensho - Day 14
                Elvis - Day 658
                Lifechange day 7! (thanks, Daisy!)
                Dunder - Day1!!!!!
                Last edited by Dunder; August 23, 2016, 04:59 PM.


                  Tuesday 23rd August 2016

                  Tonyniceday - Day 71
                  Daisy - Day 9 (LC ...1 week! Good going)
                  New Page - Day 654
                  Kensho - Day 14
                  Elvis - Day 658
                  Lifechange day 7! (thanks, Daisy!)
                  Dunder - Day1!!!!!
                  TMH - Day 17 Welcome Dunder! Congrats LC on 1 week!
                  The pain of discipline is less than the pain of regret.


                    Tuesday 23rd August 2016

                    Tonyniceday - Day 71
                    Daisy - Day 9 (LC ...1 week! Good going)
                    New Page - Day 654
                    Kensho - Day 14
                    Elvis - Day 658
                    Lifechange day 7! (thanks, Daisy!)
                    Dunder - Day1!!!!!
                    TMH - Day 17 Welcome Dunder! Congrats LC on 1 week!
                    lex - day 504


                      Wednesday 24th August 2016

                      Tonyniceday - Day 72 Congrats on 30 DD, and 14 Kensho. Welcome Dunder
                      Last edited by tonyniceday; August 24, 2016, 03:40 AM.


                        Wednesday 24th August 2016

                        Tonyniceday - Day 72 Congrats on 30 DD, and 14 Kensho. Welcome Dunder
                        Marrhew6 day 300


                          Nice number Matthew - Congratulations


                            Wednesday 24th August 2016

                            Tonyniceday - Day 72 Congrats on 30 DD, and 14 Kensho. Welcome Dunder
                            Marrhew6 day 300
                            Daisy - Day 10
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Wednesday 24th August 2016

                              Tonyniceday - Day 72 Congrats on 30 DD, and 14 Kensho. Welcome Dunder
                              Marrhew6 day 300
                              New Page - Day 655 (Congrats on 300 Matthew6 !)
                              Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                                Wednesday 24th August 2016

                                Tonyniceday - Day 72 Congrats on 30 DD, and 14 Kensho. Welcome Dunder
                                Marrhew6 day 300
                                New Page - Day 655 (Congrats on 300 Matthew6 !)
                                Elvis - Day 659 (Good job on 300 days Matthew6!)

                                [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:

