Firstly, you have taken a huge step by recognising that you have a problem. That really is so important.
Secondly, you've tried things to stop so you clearly want to do something about it - again that is a really good place to start from.
No one on here is going to bullshit you by saying it will be easy to quit, it's not, and everyone will relate to your fear of withdrawal. One thing about that is you can go to your doctor (or a drop-in centre if you have one nearby) and get help with this. They can prescribe a drug which you take for a short while which will dramatically reduce the physical effects of withdrawal/detox. I would encourage you to seek this help as it works for many people.
Once you've got that help then it is much easier. Yes, you will get some symptoms but being on here you can put that on-line on a forum here and someone WILL have suffered the same thing and will be able to offer you advice as to how to cope or reduce or eliminate that symptom.
Good on you for coming here. You are in the right place to get this sorted!
You may want to have a look at the "Newbies Nest" thread
and see how others start out and also look at the toolbox
These will help - but keep on posting on here and we'll be with you all the way!