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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Hi Andrea and welcome.
    Firstly, you have taken a huge step by recognising that you have a problem. That really is so important.

    Secondly, you've tried things to stop so you clearly want to do something about it - again that is a really good place to start from.

    No one on here is going to bullshit you by saying it will be easy to quit, it's not, and everyone will relate to your fear of withdrawal. One thing about that is you can go to your doctor (or a drop-in centre if you have one nearby) and get help with this. They can prescribe a drug which you take for a short while which will dramatically reduce the physical effects of withdrawal/detox. I would encourage you to seek this help as it works for many people.

    Once you've got that help then it is much easier. Yes, you will get some symptoms but being on here you can put that on-line on a forum here and someone WILL have suffered the same thing and will be able to offer you advice as to how to cope or reduce or eliminate that symptom.

    Good on you for coming here. You are in the right place to get this sorted!

    You may want to have a look at the "Newbies Nest" thread
    and see how others start out and also look at the toolbox

    These will help - but keep on posting on here and we'll be with you all the way!


      Welcome Andrea. I felt like you about AA and found MWO. After logging in each and every day and getting to know the kind, wonderful people on here i am nearly sober 3 years. I was a 2+ bottle of wine drinker a day but i decided enough was enough. Head over to the newbies nest and say hello. There is always someone around to support you.

      You can do this and i think us alkies are all stressful people in our own way but take the al out of the equation and suprisingly we calm down.

      Take care x
      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


        Thank you all for the kind welcome and kind words. I am so frightened but I really want help, I want to feel like me again. I wonder if I ever will again. I don't know how I got here. Well, yes I do. I chose to drink and I still make that choice. I feel guilty about it, what I am putting my family through but I just don't stop. I don't want to sound like boo hoo, pity me but I guess I do. Anyway, thank you all again.


          Andrea we all come on here wanting to stop the madness, that is why we are here, we all have a story involving alcohol and we were all so very scared but taking the step to being sober gives us so much more than alcohol can. One day at a time, one minute at a time without alcohol is what we do. You definitely will feel like you again in time and it is the best feeling in the world. None of us wants to drink like we did/do and it takes a lot of effort and dedication to be sober. It is one of the hardest things i have achieved but it is the best choices i made. We all had a day one and for none of us was it easy but being on here and reading and posting goes a long way in being accountable in sobriety. We understand, we are alcoholics as well and there is nothing like an alcoholic to understand another alcoholic.
          AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


            And, Andrea, that fear is so, so real... we've all been there. I think there are 2 main fears right now: The first is of the detox/withdrawal as you've said. The other is the "never able to have another drink" fear.

            You will see loads of people on here talking about "one day at a time". Frankly for me, and for many people, at the beginning that is too much. Don't look too far ahead. Tell yourself you're not going to have a drink for x hours or even just 1 hour and then go and do something else - read a book, or walk the dog, or take a bath, or mend the car, or bake a cake - ANYTHING for that hour or so. Then look at things again. Small bite size pieces...That's how to do this to start with.


              Thursday 27th October 2016

              Tonyniceday - Day10
              G fella - Day 75!
              ThirdTimesACharm - Day 20 (^^^ Congrats Tony & G-man ^^^)


                Originally posted by andrealeigh View Post
                Hello. I am new here. I have been drinking wine everyday now for three years, at first just a glass or its three bottles daily. I try to fool myself by buying the little sutter home four packs but it doesn't work. I am destroying my family and I am too scared of withdrawals to quit. I have tried AA and have a private therapist but nothing seems to work. I was so happy to find this site, I have felt so all alone. AA just doesn't work for me, I don't like groups and it stresses me out. Well, everything stresses me out, this why I work from home. I am pretty much a recluse.
                Anyway, I found the posts on here interesting and inspirational so I decided to join.
                WELCOME Andrea!

                I am on Day 20, so not too far away from you. Just like you, on Day 1 I was scared to death too. I have tried to quit twice before and not been successful in the long term.

                Like you, I drank daily - perhaps even more than you - up to 25 beers, 4 bottles of wine or 1L of vodka. I did that for decades and the amount and frequency just got worse and worse. I stopped cold turkey with no physical symptoms and I started to feel better literally from day 1.

                At Day 20 I feel like a completely new person. I don't think about drinking, and when I am confronted with it (say, my wife has a glass of wine or we go out to eat and the server asks me if I want a beer) it's no longer an issue for me - I don't want it. I know it doesn't solve any problems and I don't want the hangovers, the red bloated face, the back aches the mental grogginess. That was a phase of my life that I am not returning to.

                So give it a try! Tell yourself you won't drink today, and figure out about tomorrow when you get to it.

                This is a great community with lots of support from people who have been there and done that many times.



                  Thursday 27th October 2016

                  Tonyniceday - Day10
                  G fella - Day 75!
                  ThirdTimesACharm - Day 20 (^^^ Congrats Tony & G-man ^^^)
                  New Page - Day 719 (Congrats everyone, nice round numbers today! )
                  Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                    Thursday 27th October 2016

                    Tonyniceday - Day10
                    G fella - Day 75!
                    ThirdTimesACharm - Day 20 (^^^ Congrats Tony & G-man ^^^)
                    New Page - Day 719 (Congrats everyone, nice round numbers today! )
                    aihfl - Day 219
                    First, a man takes a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes the man. --Chinese proverb


                      Thursday 27th October 2016

                      Tonyniceday - Day10
                      G fella - Day 75!
                      ThirdTimesACharm - Day 20 (^^^ Congrats Tony & G-man ^^^)
                      New Page - Day 719 (Congrats everyone, nice round numbers today! )
                      aihfl - Day 219
                      Elvis - Day 723

                      [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                        Thursday 27th October 2016

                        Tonyniceday - Day10
                        G fella - Day 75!
                        ThirdTimesACharm - Day 20 (^^^ Congrats Tony & G-man ^^^)
                        New Page - Day 719 (Congrats everyone, nice round numbers today! )
                        aihfl - Day 219
                        Elvis - Day 723
                        Wags - Day 96 (Back in double digits Tony!!!)


                          Thursday 27th October 2016

                          Tonyniceday - Day10
                          G fella - Day 75!
                          ThirdTimesACharm - Day 20 (^^^ Congrats Tony & G-man ^^^)
                          New Page - Day 719 (Congrats everyone, nice round numbers today! )
                          aihfl - Day 219
                          Elvis - Day 723
                          Wags - Day 96 (Back in double digits Tony!!!)
                          Jvo 18
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            Thursday 27th October 2016

                            Tonyniceday - Day10
                            G fella - Day 75!
                            ThirdTimesACharm - Day 20 (^^^ Congrats Tony & G-man ^^^)
                            New Page - Day 719 (Congrats everyone, nice round numbers today! )
                            aihfl - Day 219
                            Elvis - Day 723
                            Wags - Day 96 (Back in double digits Tony!!!)
                            Ivo 18
                            lex - day 558 G-fella so unstoppable when you want to be!; and aihfl well I can see you're not kidding around about kicking this stupid problem either- good job to you both!)


                              Friday 28th October

                              Day 56 or 8 whole weeks.


                                Friday 28th October

                                Starty - Day 56 or 8 whole weeks.
                                Tonyniceday - Day 11 (Good job on 8 weeks Starts!)

