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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    Roll call Monday June 10th

    kambob - Day 41
    Wine-no! - Day 41 (Congrats Samstone!)
    jenniech - Day 134
    Miley - Day 11
    rooniferd - Day 26


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      my name is justin, i am 34 and live in minneapolis. i have been off of heroin and benzos(except temazepam for sleep only,also i take 110 mgs of methadone daily cuz i never could do the cold turkey thing except in jail but i would allways get out and overdose so methadone has really been my saving grace despite the stigma surrounding it,it helps my cravings as well as keeping back the inevitable wd, plus opiates dont effect me on it so i know its a waste of time and money)anyway i had a stroke back in feb. ever since i have been either in hospitals or rehabs, i have had three MAJOR surgeries including having my skull opened up and some capalaries deep in my brain cauterized, my last surgery was to put a plastic plate in my skull where they had to remove it so my brain could swell because my actuAL PIECE OF SKULL GREW BACTERIA ON IT SO THEY USED PLASTIC AND TITANIUMdamn caps lock, ANYWAY if ever i had a craving to shoot heroin it was after my last surgery, i woke up in THE WORST pain i had ever felt and all the dilaudid in the world wouldnt get past the opioidreceptor -blocking effects of the methadone'plus on yop of all the pain i had to re-learn to walk with a paralyzed leg(my left arm is too)so i am finally at home and doing out vpatient physical therapy, also thank god for my amazing girlfriend who has stood by me since day one(and she has stood by through my addiction issues too!)but she helps me with everything from showering to getting dressed,needless to say its been tough on us both but luckily 4 her shes not an addictbut god do i wanna get high, on anything! god please help me hang on and not throw away everything i have worked so hard for but for some reason i am almost ready to do just that! i suspect a lot of it is because my ego has been beaten to the ground and stomped on and the physical pain is getting real old! also i have little support and never cliqued well with naaa folk can anyone relate at all?


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        PLEASE hang on. Stay here and while away your time reading different posts. Spend your time really investigating this site. There is so much here to look at. Keep yourself occupied getting information from different readings. Look for a couple of folks here such as Brydlady or Kuya or others that have been here awhile who can direct you to places on this site that are helpful.

        I can't imagine the pain that you have had and continue to be going through so I know it seems easy for me to say "do this do that", but what I'm suggesting is to refocus on the why's of addiction and not its cravings.

        Liberated 5/11/2013


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          Roll call Monday June 10th

          kambob - Day 41
          Wine-no! - Day 41 (Congrats Samstone!)
          jenniech - Day 134
          Miley - Day 11
          rooniferd - Day 26
          Samstone - day 31
          Liberated 5/11/2013


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            Roll call Monday June 10th

            kambob - Day 41
            Wine-no! - Day 41 (Congrats Samstone!)
            jenniech - Day 134
            Miley - Day 11
            rooniferd - Day 26
            Samstone - day 31
            jackdanielsgirl - Day 6
            Making the quit stick! since 02/27/2016:victorious:


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              Roll call Monday June 10th

              kambob - Day 41
              Wine-no! - Day 41 (Congrats Samstone!)
              jenniech - Day 134
              Miley - Day 11
              rooniferd - Day 26
              Samstone - day 31
              jackdanielsgirl - Day 6
              AllanKay1 - 9months 10Days
              AF since 1st Sep 2012
              NF since 1st Sep 2012

              If you want to feel better visit


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                Roll call Monday June 10th

                kambob - Day 41
                Wine-no! - Day 41 (Congrats Samstone!)
                jenniech - Day 134
                Miley - Day 11
                rooniferd - Day 26
                Samstone - day 31
                jackdanielsgirl - Day 6
                AllanKay1 - 9months 10Days
                gofig07- Day 1
                Persistence and Failure do not live in the same room !


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  Roll call Monday June 10th

                  kambob - Day 41
                  Wine-no! - Day 41 (Congrats Samstone!)
                  jenniech - Day 134
                  Miley - Day 11
                  rooniferd - Day 26
                  Samstone - day 31
                  jackdanielsgirl - Day 6
                  AllanKay1 - 9months 10Days
                  gofig07- Day 1
                  Unwasted - Day 24


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    Smeggz, can you copy and past your message into a new post under Just Starting Out? That will get a dialogue going unlike this thread which a lot of people don't visit.

                    Hang in there. We can all relate, although you've really been through hell. So glad you have the support of your girlfriend. Lots of people here to talk with. Please keep reading and posting. :l


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      Roll Call Tuesday 11 June

                      Wine-no! - Day 42
                      AF since Halloween 2016

                      Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        Bcp2013!>72 days today

                        Salonpedrapp>72 days today


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          Roll Call Tuesday 11 June

                          Wine-no! - Day 42
                          Bcp2013!>72 days today
                          Salonpedrapp>72 days today
                          G bloke - Day 30.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            Roll Call Tuesday 11 June

                            Wine-no! - Day 42
                            Bcp2013!>72 days today
                            Salonpedrapp>72 days today
                            G bloke - Day 30.
                            rooniferd - Day 27


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              Roll Call Tuesday 11 June

                              Wine-no! - Day 42
                              Bcp2013!>72 days today
                              Salonpedrapp>72 days today
                              G bloke - Day 30.
                              rooniferd - Day 27
                              Unwasted - Day 25


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                Roll Call Tuesday 11 June

                                Wine-no! - Day 42
                                Bcp2013!>72 days today
                                Salonpedrapp>72 days today
                                G bloke - Day 30.
                                rooniferd - Day 27
                                Unwasted - Day 25
                                Samstone - day 32
                                Liberated 5/11/2013

