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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    December 31 - New Year's Eve Edition

    Elvis - Day 48 (Good job on 7 days Unwasted! Good job on 30 days Pavati and Poppy!)
    Dottie - Day 122
    WineBGone - Day 70 WooHoo !!!! Congrats everyone !!
    Skull- Day 61
    Pavati - Day 30 - Whoot! (Way to go WBG!)
    Overit44-Day 6 (GREAT JOB PAVATI!)

    AF since 12/26/13

    "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      Yaaaayyyy for my buddy Pavati! Way to go! Looking forward to that sober New Year's Day coffee tomorrow


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        December 31 - New Year's Eve Edition

        Elvis - Day 48 (Good job on 7 days Unwasted! Good job on 30 days Pavati and Poppy!)
        Dottie - Day 122
        WineBGone - Day 70 WooHoo !!!! Congrats everyone !!
        Skull- Day 61
        Pavati - Day 30 - Whoot! (Way to go WBG!)
        Overit44-Day 6 (GREAT JOB PAVATI!)
        Winterwalk-Day 4! Happy (sober!) New Year everyone!
        AF since 8.8.14


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          December 31 - New Year's Eve Edition

          Elvis - Day 48 (Good job on 7 days Unwasted! Good job on 30 days Pavati and Poppy!)
          Dottie - Day 122
          WineBGone - Day 70 WooHoo !!!! Congrats everyone !!
          Skull- Day 61
          Pavati - Day 30 - Whoot! (Way to go WBG!)
          Overit44-Day 6 (GREAT JOB PAVATI!)
          Winterwalk-Day 4! Happy (sober!) New Year everyone!
          Unwasted - Day 7 - Cheers to a healthy, sober 2014 (thanks Elvis and congrats everyone).


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            Roll Callers, please join me in presenting this most coveted award to the one and only Pavoti!!! My dear, your hat!


            This is an achievement that not everyone can accomplish! It eluded me for a year!! We all know that these days don't just happen, it takes a concerted plan and constant reinforcement to become reality. I hope you will give us a few words as to HOW YOU DID IT! Great job and well done!!

            (P.S. your name sounds like a wonderful Italian dish)

            We have another prize going out to Unwasted (AKA, unwarranted, unwanted, unassay correct spellings) I'm not sure I've ever seen a name as misspelled as yours!! But alas, it doesn't madda, 7 full days is big doings around here!! Roll Callers, drop your pants and let's shine for UN!!!


            May you keep this streak going for many moons to come! Keep on shining, my dear!!

            The Prize Patrol
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              December 31 - New Year's Eve Edition

              Elvis - Day 48 (Good job on 7 days Unwasted! Good job on 30 days Pavati and Poppy!)
              Dottie - Day 122
              WineBGone - Day 70 WooHoo !!!! Congrats everyone !!
              Skull- Day 61
              Pavati - Day 30 - Whoot! (Way to go WBG!)
              Overit44-Day 6 (GREAT JOB PAVATI!)
              Winterwalk-Day 4! Happy (sober!) New Year everyone!
              Unwasted - Day 7 - Cheers to a healthy, sober 2014 (thanks Elvis and congrats everyone).
              Poppy - Day 30, sipping my AF drinks on a very Happy New Years Eve ! here is to a af 014 for one and all xx
              AF Since 2nd December 2013

              Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

              Diet Start

              25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                Poppy, the Prize Patrol has been waiting for you to pop up all day!! We are pleased as af punch to present you this award! Your hat!!


                This is for outstanding achievement of goal setting, cheering others and being an all-around good egg. We are so proud of you! Would you have a few words as to how you were able to achieve your goal? You know how we love a good speech! Great job and keep up the fine work!!

                The Prize Patrol
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call



                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    NoSugar;1605884 wrote: CONGRATULATIONS, UNWASTED, POPPY AND PAVATI!!!
                    I second that emotion
                    Last drink 6th September 2013


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      Gee, thanks everyone.........I forgot that Byrdie rolls out the red carpet even for the one week marker.

                      Sweet people!!


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        The first week is the toughest! And THIS can be you last first week . Happy New Year, UN!


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          Congratulations Pav, Unwasted, Pop!!! Ain't it grand!!
                          Liberated 5/11/2013


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            Just gone midnight here in the UK so a very Happy New Year to all my MYO friends.
                            Brydie post and award bought a tear to my very sober eye. Its so lovely that my achievement has not gone un- noticed and what an amazing post for me to read at the start of a new year. I feel so bloody proud of myself I have remained af for what is probably the most prolific drinking month of the year. I kept thinking and still do if I can do December I can do any month !!!. I keep asking myself how come I have stuck with it this time when I have failed inumerable times over the past 20 years plus and the answer is i really don't know I think I havet ried everything possible to try and mod over the years, every med going and it never worked I just came to the conclusion 31 days ago enough is enough I will never be able to mod and I have stuck with it. The biggest thing I did was told my family and close friends ( I texted them !!) which made it so much easier to go to events and not drink without making up excuses. I am also doing my very best to look ahead and not look back because feeling sorry for myself was a massive trigger in my drinking, the poor me poor me pour me a drink syndrome . My experience has shown me never give up giving up as its better to get there in the end . So 2014 bring it on , af, no hangovers no shame and regret what an amazing gift the gift that only you can give yourself. !!!
                            AF Since 2nd December 2013

                            Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

                            Diet Start

                            25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              1st January 2014

                              Poppy Day 31
                              AF Since 2nd December 2013

                              Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

                              Diet Start

                              25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                December 31 - New Year's Eve Edition

                                Elvis - Day 48 (Good job on 7 days Unwasted! Good job on 30 days Pavati and Poppy!)
                                Dottie - Day 122
                                WineBGone - Day 70 WooHoo !!!! Congrats everyone !!
                                Skull- Day 61
                                Pavati - Day 30 - Whoot! (Way to go WBG!)
                                Overit44-Day 6 (GREAT JOB PAVATI!)
                                Winterwalk-Day 4! Happy (sober!) New Year everyone!
                                Unwasted - Day 7 - Cheers to a healthy, sober 2014 (thanks Elvis and congrats everyone).
                                Poppy - Day 30, sipping my AF drinks on a very Happy New Years Eve ! here is to a af 014 for one and all xx
                                Myluck - Day 72
                                AF since 10/20/2013
                                Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                                Meat free since 09/20/2008
                                With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles

