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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    We can help you help yourself, Broken Wing :l.

    The link to the Newbies Nest is below - that is a great place to start. There is also a link to the toolbox which has several good ideas for getting this done.



      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      Hi Brokenwing. I just joined today and it is Day 1 for me. This seems like a very caring and supportive group. I believe they, we, can help you. Go over the newbie nest and introduce yourself. I know you will be welcomed with open arms, I was just today.


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        Roll Call January 13

        Lifechange day 135 (is that right, Dottie? Yea!! AllanK on 500 today! and ELVIS! Well done on the big 60
        Available Day 44
        Londoner - Day 13
        Sixtyfour - Day 52 (Well done, everyone! Great to see the numbers ticking on!)
        Myluck - Day 85
        nellie78 - day 9 (gathering momentum seeing all these days stacking up between us!)
        Gardener - Day 9, Wow AllanK, speech, speech, speech!
        Hypernova - Day 17
        Skull Day 74 AF
        Elvis - Day 61 (Thanks and welcome back Lifechange! Good job on 500 days AllanK!)
        Pavati - Day 43 - (Hi, LC - you're back! Way to go AllanK!)
        LostSoul33 - Day 4
        WineBGone - Day 83
        AllanKay - Day 500 (Big Thank you to everyone who was with me on this journey who had shown me what was possible when it seemed beyond reach. Thank you. And Byrdie thanks for reminding me about my PM box, I was wondering why I wasn't getting any messages )
        Overit-still-Day 19 (and grumpy!)
        Dottie - Day 135 (Yes LC we have come this far!!! Welcome back!!)
        Honeysoup - Day 13 (made it through the weekend, yaaaa
        NomoreJim - Day 13
        Bastet - Day 1
        Eloise- Day 23
        G bloke - Day 84. Great stuff Allan and Bastet. Badasses both of you!
        Meshellrn Day 10 - very irritable but here.
        Rivergal- Day 20


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          Roll Call January 13

          Lifechange day 135 (is that right, Dottie? Yea!! AllanK on 500 today! and ELVIS! Well done on the big 60
          Available Day 44
          Londoner - Day 13
          Sixtyfour - Day 52 (Well done, everyone! Great to see the numbers ticking on!)
          Myluck - Day 85
          nellie78 - day 9 (gathering momentum seeing all these days stacking up between us!)
          Gardener - Day 9, Wow AllanK, speech, speech, speech!
          Hypernova - Day 17
          Skull Day 74 AF
          Elvis - Day 61 (Thanks and welcome back Lifechange! Good job on 500 days AllanK!)
          Pavati - Day 43 - (Hi, LC - you're back! Way to go AllanK!)
          LostSoul33 - Day 4
          WineBGone - Day 83
          AllanKay - Day 500 (Big Thank you to everyone who was with me on this journey who had shown me what was possible when it seemed beyond reach. Thank you. And Byrdie thanks for reminding me about my PM box, I was wondering why I wasn't getting any messages )
          Overit-still-Day 19 (and grumpy!)
          Dottie - Day 135 (Yes LC we have come this far!!! Welcome back!!)
          Honeysoup - Day 13 (made it through the weekend, yaaaa
          NomoreJim - Day 13
          Bastet - Day 1
          Eloise- Day 23
          G bloke - Day 84. Great stuff Allan and Bastet. Badasses both of you!
          Meshellrn Day 10 - very irritable but here.
          jvo Day 2
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            Roll Call January 13

            Lifechange day 135 (is that right, Dottie? Yea!! AllanK on 500 today! and ELVIS! Well done on the big 60
            Available Day 44
            Londoner - Day 13
            Sixtyfour - Day 52 (Well done, everyone! Great to see the numbers ticking on!)
            Myluck - Day 85
            nellie78 - day 9 (gathering momentum seeing all these days stacking up between us!)
            Gardener - Day 9, Wow AllanK, speech, speech, speech!
            Hypernova - Day 17
            Skull Day 74 AF
            Elvis - Day 61 (Thanks and welcome back Lifechange! Good job on 500 days AllanK!)
            Pavati - Day 43 - (Hi, LC - you're back! Way to go AllanK!)
            LostSoul33 - Day 4
            WineBGone - Day 83
            AllanKay - Day 500 (Big Thank you to everyone who was with me on this journey who had shown me what was possible when it seemed beyond reach. Thank you. And Byrdie thanks for reminding me about my PM box, I was wondering why I wasn't getting any messages )
            Overit-still-Day 19 (and grumpy!)
            Dottie - Day 135 (Yes LC we have come this far!!! Welcome back!!)
            Honeysoup - Day 13 (made it through the weekend, yaaaa
            NomoreJim - Day 13
            Bastet - Day 1
            Eloise- Day 23
            G bloke - Day 84. Great stuff Allan and Bastet. Badasses both of you!
            Meshellrn Day 10 - very irritable but here.
            jvo Day 2
            Tree23- Day 13! Lucky number!________________
            :earth: Tree23


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              14 January

              Eloise day 24
              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                14 January

                Eloise day 24
                Available Day 45 (nearly to 30 El!)
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  14 January

                  Eloise day 24
                  Available Day 45 (nearly to 30 El!)
                  Londoner - Day 14


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    14 January

                    Eloise day 24
                    Available Day 45 (nearly to 30 El!)
                    Londoner - Day 14
                    Myluck - Day 86
                    AF since 10/20/2013
                    Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                    Meat free since 09/20/2008
                    With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      14 January

                      Eloise day 24
                      Available Day 45 (nearly to 30 El!)
                      Londoner - Day 14
                      Myluck - Day 86
                      NomoreJim - Day 14


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        14 January

                        Eloise day 24
                        Available Day 45 (nearly to 30 El!)
                        Londoner - Day 14
                        Myluck - Day 86
                        NomoreJim - Day 14
                        Honeysoup - Day 14
                        Honeysoup :heart:


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          14 January

                          Eloise day 24
                          Available Day 45 (nearly to 30 El!)
                          Londoner - Day 14
                          Myluck - Day 86
                          NomoreJim - Day 14
                          Honeysoup - Day 14
                          Tavistock - Day 11


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            14 January

                            Eloise day 24
                            Available Day 45 (nearly to 30 El!)
                            Londoner - Day 14
                            Myluck - Day 86
                            NomoreJim - Day 14
                            Honeysoup - Day 14
                            Tavistock - Day 11
                            Pavati - Day 44 - 2 Weeks, Londoner, Jim and Honey!


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              14 January

                              Eloise day 24
                              Available Day 45 (nearly to 30 El!)
                              Londoner - Day 14
                              Myluck - Day 86
                              NomoreJim - Day 14
                              Honeysoup - Day 14
                              Tavistock - Day 11
                              Pavati - Day 44 - 2 Weeks, Londoner, Jim and Honey!
                              Elvis - Day 62

                              [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                14 January

                                Eloise day 24
                                Available Day 45 (nearly to 30 El!)
                                Londoner - Day 14
                                Myluck - Day 86
                                NomoreJim - Day 14
                                Honeysoup - Day 14
                                Tavistock - Day 11
                                Pavati - Day 44 - 2 Weeks, Londoner, Jim and Honey!
                                Elvis - Day 62
                                Bastet - Day 2

