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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    New today and addicted to chilled white do I stop... help!!!

    :new: Hi I am 53 and been trying to quit white wine for about ten years, I can drink a bottle a night and often do without any side effects!! I don't want this any more, I function great but I know I cant moderate as all I do is wish time on to a drinking day !!! Does anyone else have a specific drink that is the demon.. I can resist all other drinks but not the chilled one... I am thinking of trying meditation but at the moment because I have tried so many times, and keep going back to it I have little motivation as I have no confidence I will succeed!!! Feeling very sad... what is life like without xx also not sure if I posted this right??? Should it have been a new thread ..eek, sorry if I've jumped in !!


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      Welcome BusyBee. Feel free to post your days AF on this thread but make sure you hop on over the Newbies Nest and introduce yourself. You will meet many others just like yourself there. Good luck to you.
      The easy way to quit drinking?:


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        January 16th

        Poppy Day 46
        Eloise day 25
        Available Day 47 i think, too hot to care
        Londoner - Day 16 (send some of that heat our way Av Poppy almost at a half century!)
        Myluck - Day 88
        Yellow Lab - Day 2
        Nellie78- Day 12 - going strong!
        Pavati - Day 46
        Meshellrn day 12
        WineBGone - Day 86
        Skullbaby- Day 77
        Dottie - Day 138
        Fin - Day 1 (again. Licking my wounds. It's so hard to get started again!)
        Star - Day 1 (again. Fin. will you be my partner? we did it before and we can do it again)
        Bastet - Day 4
        Tree23- Day 16
        Hypernova - Day 20
        Elvis - Day 64
        NomoreJim - Day 16
        Winterwalk-Day 20
        Overit-still Day 24
        The easy way to quit drinking?:


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          January 16th

          Poppy Day 46
          Eloise day 25
          Available Day 47 i think, too hot to care
          Londoner - Day 16 (send some of that heat our way Av Poppy almost at a half century!)
          Myluck - Day 88
          Yellow Lab - Day 2
          Nellie78- Day 12 - going strong!
          Pavati - Day 46
          Meshellrn day 12
          WineBGone - Day 86
          Skullbaby- Day 77
          Dottie - Day 138
          Fin - Day 1 (again. Licking my wounds. It's so hard to get started again!)
          Star - Day 1 (again. Fin. will you be my partner? we did it before and we can do it again)
          Bastet - Day 4
          Tree23- Day 16
          Hypernova - Day 20
          Elvis - Day 64
          NomoreJim - Day 16
          Winterwalk-Day 20
          Overit-still Day 24
          Jvo Day 5
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            January 16th

            Poppy Day 46 Eloise day 25 Available Day 47 i think, too hot to care Londoner - Day 16 (send some of that heat our way Av Poppy almost at a half century!) Myluck - Day 88 Yellow Lab - Day 2 Nellie78- Day 12 - going strong! Pavati - Day 46 Meshellrn day 12 WineBGone - Day 86 Skullbaby- Day 77 Dottie - Day 138 Fin - Day 1 (again. Licking my wounds. It's so hard to get started again!) Star - Day 1 (again. Fin. will you be my partner? we did it before and we can do it again) Bastet - Day 4 Tree23- Day 16 Hypernova - Day 20 Elvis - Day 64 NomoreJim - Day 16 Winterwalk-Day 20 Overit-still Day 24 Jvo Day 5
            Gardener, Day 12
            "A good garden may have some weeds"
            Thomas Fuller


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              January 17

              broken halo day 97
              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                January 17

                Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  January 17

                  Broken Halo day 97
                  Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
                  Available Day 48
                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    January 17th

                    Broken Halo day 97
                    Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
                    Available Day 48
                    Londoner - Day 17 (there's too many milestones to keep up with here!)


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      January 17th

                      Broken Halo day 97
                      Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
                      Available Day 48
                      Londoner - Day 17 (there's too many milestones to keep up with here!)
                      WineBGone - Day 87
                      I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

                      AF since Oct 23,2013

                      I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        January 17th

                        Broken Halo day 97
                        Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
                        Available Day 48
                        Londoner - Day 17 (there's too many milestones to keep up with here!)
                        WineBGone - Day 87
                        Myluck - Day 89
                        AF since 10/20/2013
                        Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                        Meat free since 09/20/2008
                        With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          January 17th

                          Broken Halo day 97
                          Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
                          Available Day 48
                          Londoner - Day 17 (there's too many milestones to keep up with here!)
                          WineBGone - Day 87
                          Myluck - Day 89
                          Honeysoup - Day was a close call, but I made it! YEEHAW!!
                          Honeysoup :heart:


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            January 17th

                            Broken Halo day 97
                            Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
                            Available Day 48
                            Londoner - Day 17 (there's too many milestones to keep up with here!)
                            WineBGone - Day 87
                            Myluck - Day 89
                            Honeysoup - Day was a close call, but I made it! YEEHAW!!
                            NomoreJim - Day 17


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              January 17th

                              Broken Halo day 97
                              Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
                              Available Day 48
                              Londoner - Day 17 (there's too many milestones to keep up with here!)
                              WineBGone - Day 87
                              Myluck - Day 89
                              Honeysoup - Day was a close call, but I made it! YEEHAW!!
                              NomoreJim - Day 17
                              Yellow Lab - Day 3

                              AF since January 15, 2014
                              Goal: short-term make it through this week, then the rest of the month of Jan.
                              Long-term: no more ever...not even one, because I can never have just one.


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                ROLL CALL FOR JAN 17, 2014

                                January 17th

                                Broken Halo day 97
                                Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
                                Available Day 48
                                Londoner - Day 17 (there's too many milestones to keep up with here!)
                                WineBGone - Day 87
                                Myluck - Day 89
                                Honeysoup - Day was a close call, but I made it! YEEHAW!!
                                NomoreJim - Day 17
                                Yellow Lab - Day 3
                                Fin - Day 2 (hooooha! The first day is the hardest. Thanks for all the support yesterday: guitarista, K9, byrd, lav, available and last but not least, star to name a few)
                                Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                                Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                                Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                                Go forward boldly and unafraid

