January 17th
Broken Halo day 97
Eloise day 26 (- almost 100 days broken halo- that is great!! Everyone is doing fantastic in this new year, great to see such a long list of folks! J-vo keep at it girl, good you got right back to business! This takes practice).
Available Day 48
Londoner - Day 17 (there's too many milestones to keep up with here!)
WineBGone - Day 87
Myluck - Day 89
Honeysoup - Day 17....it was a close call, but I made it! YEEHAW!!
NomoreJim - Day 17
Yellow Lab - Day 3
Fin - Day 2 (hooooha! The first day is the hardest. Thanks for all the support yesterday: guitarista, K9, byrd, lav, available and last but not least, star to name a few)
Star - Day 2- glad to be hangin with ya, Fin!
Poppy - Day 47 - what an amazing crowd we are !!!
Elvis - Day 65
Bastet - Day 5 - everyone is doing so great! Glad I'm part of a winning team!
Skull- Day 78
Dottie - Day 139
LostSoul33 - Day 8
meshellrn - day 12
Jane27 - Day 11
Hypernova - Day 21
j-vo Day 6
G bloke - day 88. Winners are grinners
Softy - Day 133 (end of week 19 !
Winterwalk-Day 21
Balboa45- Day 19