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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    January 20

    Eloise Day 28
    Londoner - Day 20


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      January 20

      Eloise Day 28
      Londoner - Day 20
      Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
      AF Since 2nd December 2013

      Being af is not your punishment ! its your salvation !!:goodjob:

      Diet Start

      25th Feb 2014 10st 6lbs 3rd March 10st 1.5lbs


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        January 20

        Eloise Day 28
        Londoner - Day 20
        Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
        Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)



        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          Eloise Day 28
          Londoner - Day 20
          Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
          Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
          gracieb-Day 6


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            Eloise Day 28
            Londoner - Day 20
            Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
            Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
            gracieb-Day 6
            Jane27-day 14
            Cocoflo - day 2


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              Eloise Day 28
              Londoner - Day 20
              Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
              Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
              gracieb-Day 6
              Jane27-day 14
              Cocoflo - day 2
              NomoreJim - Day 20


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                Eloise Day 28
                Londoner - Day 20
                Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
                Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
                gracieb-Day 6
                Jane27-day 14
                Cocoflo - day 2
                NomoreJim - Day 20
                broken halo day 100 (congrats to Pav and Poppy on the big five o!, and I missed yours yesterday Ava, great job!))
                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  Eloise Day 28
                  Londoner - Day 20
                  Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
                  Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
                  gracieb-Day 6
                  Jane27-day 14
                  Cocoflo - day 2
                  NomoreJim - Day 20
                  broken halo day 100 (congrats to Pav and Poppy on the big five o!, and I missed yours yesterday Ava, great job!))
                  Skull- Day 81- congrats on the great numbers, you guys!


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    January 20

                    Eloise Day 28
                    Londoner - Day 20
                    Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
                    Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
                    gracieb-Day 6
                    Jane27-day 14
                    Cocoflo - day 2
                    NomoreJim - Day 20
                    broken halo day 100 (congrats to Pav and Poppy on the big five o!, and I missed yours yesterday Ava, great job!))
                    Skull- Day 81- congrats on the great numbers, you guys!
                    WineBGone - Day 90. Yea.... I made it !!!! Congrats everyone !!
                    I would rather have a frontal labotomy than a bottle in-front-of-me.

                    AF since Oct 23,2013

                    I watched this and found it incredibly empowering.....


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      Eloise Day 28
                      Londoner - Day 20
                      Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
                      Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
                      gracieb-Day 6
                      Jane27-day 14
                      Cocoflo - day 2
                      NomoreJim - Day 20
                      broken halo day 100 (congrats to Pav and Poppy on the big five o!, and I missed yours yesterday Ava, great job!))
                      Skull- Day 81- congrats on the great numbers, you guys!
                      WineBGone - Day 90. Yea.... I made it !!!! Congrats everyone !!
                      Byrdlady - 3 years
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        Roll Callers,
                        We have some prizes to hand out! Big numbers going up on the boards (any day above 1 is big, if you ask the PP)
                        Broken Halo, it is an honor to be able to flip you this fine award:


                        The Bird! For indicating that being sober is #1!! AND telling AL where to go! We are so happy for these 100 AF days! Take THAT DickHead! GREAT JOB to you!! Welcome to the 100 Day Club!!!

                        WineBGone, right on her heels with 90 days. This puts you in an elite class as well. 3 months of reigning over your AF domain. You my dear, are Royal!!


                        Stay the course and you will be heir to the kingdom of freedom, self respect, and NORMALCY! We are thrilled for your accomplishment! You came, you saw, you conquered!!

                        Poppy, 50 days is some sort of record!!
                        Keep rocking along!

                        NoMoreJim and Londoner, sorry, 20 days has no prize. What? Says who? I've just been handed a note saying that special recognition be awarded for this accomplishment!
                        I never saw-sauge a prize for this, but you never know around here! Eat it up, you deserve the accolades!

                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          Eloise Day 28
                          Londoner - Day 20
                          Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
                          Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
                          gracieb-Day 6
                          Jane27-day 14
                          Cocoflo - day 2
                          NomoreJim - Day 20
                          broken halo day 100 (congrats to Pav and Poppy on the big five o!, and I missed yours yesterday Ava, great job!))
                          Skull- Day 81- congrats on the great numbers, you guys!
                          WineBGone - Day 90. Yea.... I made it !!!! Congrats everyone !!
                          Byrdlady - 3 years
                          Myluck - Day 92 - Way to go WineBGone 90 dats is awesome!!! Byrdlady - your are our role model!!
                          AF since 10/20/2013
                          Smoke free since 09/24/2007
                          Meat free since 09/20/2008
                          With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            January 20

                            Eloise Day 28
                            Londoner - Day 20
                            Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
                            Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
                            gracieb-Day 6
                            Jane27-day 14
                            Cocoflo - day 2
                            NomoreJim - Day 20
                            broken halo day 100 (congrats to Pav and Poppy on the big five o!, and I missed yours yesterday Ava, great job!))
                            Skull- Day 81- congrats on the great numbers, you guys!
                            WineBGone - Day 90. Yea.... I made it !!!! Congrats everyone !!
                            Byrdlady - 3 years
                            Myluck - Day 92 - Way to go WineBGone 90 dats is awesome!!! Byrdlady - your are our role model!!
                            Elvis - Day 68 (good job!)

                            [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              January 20

                              Eloise Day 28
                              Londoner - Day 20
                              Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
                              Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
                              gracieb-Day 6
                              Jane27-day 14
                              Cocoflo - day 2
                              NomoreJim - Day 20
                              broken halo day 100 (congrats to Pav and Poppy on the big five o!, and I missed yours yesterday Ava, great job!))
                              Skull- Day 81- congrats on the great numbers, you guys!
                              WineBGone - Day 90. Yea.... I made it !!!! Congrats everyone !!
                              Byrdlady - 3 years
                              Myluck - Day 92 - Way to go WineBGone 90 dats is awesome!!! Byrdlady - your are our role model!!
                              Elvis - Day 68 (good job!)
                              Dottie - Day 142 (Congrats WBG on 90 days, WooHoo!!)(BH WTG on 100 days!!)

                              Newbie's Nest

                              Tool Box
                              AF 9.1.2013


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                January 20

                                Eloise Day 28
                                Londoner - Day 20
                                Poppy - Day - 50 !!!!!!
                                Star- Day 5 (Congrats on 50 days, Poppy!)
                                gracieb-Day 6
                                Jane27-day 14
                                Cocoflo - day 2
                                NomoreJim - Day 20
                                broken halo day 100 (congrats to Pav and Poppy on the big five o!, and I missed yours yesterday Ava, great job!))
                                Skull- Day 81- congrats on the great numbers, you guys!
                                WineBGone - Day 90. Yea.... I made it !!!! Congrats everyone !!
                                Byrdlady - 3 years
                                Myluck - Day 92 - Way to go WineBGone 90 dats is awesome!!! Byrdlady - your are our role model!!
                                Elvis - Day 68 (good job!)
                                Dottie - Day 142 (Congrats WBG on 90 days, WooHoo!!)(BH WTG on 100 days!!)
                                Pavati - Day 50! WooHoo Poppy! WBG, BH and Byrdie! This is a great list!

