Tuesday Feb 11th
Maji - Day 17 (I love being able to come on here first thing and chalk another day up!)
Poppy - Day 72
Londoner - Day 42
Daisy - day 15
jvo day 10
Myluck - Day 114
Skull- Day 103
Pavati - Day 72 - Good to see you, ican! Double digs, J-Vo!
WineBGone - day 112
LIGAF - Day 16
Elvis - Day 90
Bastet - Day 30
NomoreJim - Day 42 Congrats Elvis and Bastet!
Jane27 - Day 36 - Elvis (90) Bastet (30)
Lead---Day 7...Sooo impressed with all these big number days above.
Kailey - Day 8
SL - Day 12