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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    March 12 2014

    Lifechange day 7 (Congrats Hypernova on 30 yesterday! and Briseus on 30 today!!)
    Available Day 103 (big hugs to hyper and Bris on your achievement and super duper hugs to LC, woo hoo)
    rooniferd - Day 23 (congrats to hyper, Bris, and Lifechange! )
    Change- Day 1
    Jane27- Day 65 (Change- Its a beautiful day to start afresh! Lifechange, Yeehaw! 7 days is wonderful!)
    Mary Lou - Day 50! Well done Hyper, Bri, LC. You're rocking it Change!
    Frances - Day 15 (great work lifechange, hyper, and bri! Go Change!)
    New Dreams - Day 12
    Pavati - Day 101 - Hyper, Bri, LC, Marylou! Way to go.
    Kailey - Day 2
    jvo day 39 Congrats Hyper, LifeChange, Bri, and Marylou!! Lots of prizes today!
    Hypernova - Day 30 ( Was my count off?? Today actually day 30 ~ Thanks everyone!!)
    Lead - Day 36-- Big congrats Hyper! Go Frances, Rooni Lifechange, New Dreams
    TJAF-226 days
    Skull- Day 132. Big congrats, Hyper, Life, Mary Lou, Briseus! Anyone I missed... well done!
    Bastet - Day 59 - yay for everyone who is on this list today and any day!


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      I'm guessing this roll call thing works by copy and paste and everybody updates their own call?

      March 13 2014

      Lifechange day 7 (Congrats Hypernova on 30 yesterday! and Briseus on 30 today!!)
      Available Day 103 (big hugs to hyper and Bris on your achievement and super duper hugs to LC, woo hoo)
      rooniferd - Day 23 (congrats to hyper, Bris, and Lifechange! )
      Change- Day 2 (F#ck alcohol, poop!)
      Jane27- Day 65 (Change- Its a beautiful day to start afresh! Lifechange, Yeehaw! 7 days is wonderful!)
      Mary Lou - Day 50! Well done Hyper, Bri, LC. You're rocking it Change!
      Frances - Day 15 (great work lifechange, hyper, and bri! Go Change!)
      New Dreams - Day 12
      Pavati - Day 101 - Hyper, Bri, LC, Marylou! Way to go.
      Kailey - Day 2
      jvo day 39 Congrats Hyper, LifeChange, Bri, and Marylou!! Lots of prizes today!
      Hypernova - Day 30 ( Was my count off?? Today actually day 30 ~ Thanks everyone!!)
      Lead - Day 36-- Big congrats Hyper! Go Frances, Rooni Lifechange, New Dreams
      TJAF-226 days
      Skull- Day 132. Big congrats, Hyper, Life, Mary Lou, Briseus! Anyone I missed... well done!
      Bastet - Day 59 - yay for everyone who is on this list today and any day!
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        Change - just copy and paste the newest entry on the current day and add your name and the day you are on.


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          I'm guessing this roll call thing works by copy and paste and everybody updates their own call?

          March 13 2014

          Lifechange day 7 (Congrats Hypernova on 30 yesterday! and Briseus on 30 today!!)
          Available Day 103 (big hugs to hyper and Bris on your achievement and super duper hugs to LC, woo hoo)
          rooniferd - Day 23 (congrats to hyper, Bris, and Lifechange! )
          Change- Day 2 (F#ck alcohol, poop!)
          Jane27- Day 65 (Change- Its a beautiful day to start afresh! Lifechange, Yeehaw! 7 days is wonderful!)
          Mary Lou - Day 50! Well done Hyper, Bri, LC. You're rocking it Change!
          Frances - Day 15 (great work lifechange, hyper, and bri! Go Change!)
          New Dreams - Day 12
          Pavati - Day 101 - Hyper, Bri, LC, Marylou! Way to go.
          Kailey - Day 2
          jvo day 39 Congrats Hyper, LifeChange, Bri, and Marylou!! Lots of prizes today!
          Hypernova - Day 30 ( Was my count off?? Today actually day 30 ~ Thanks everyone!!)
          Lead - Day 36-- Big congrats Hyper! Go Frances, Rooni Lifechange, New Dreams
          TJAF-226 days
          Skull- Day 132. Big congrats, Hyper, Life, Mary Lou, Briseus! Anyone I missed... well done!
          Bastet - Day 59 - yay for everyone who is on this list today and any day!
          Petrelhead - Day 18


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            I'm guessing this roll call thing works by copy and paste and everybody updates their own call?

            March 13 2014

            Lifechange day 7 (Congrats Hypernova on 30 yesterday! and Briseus on 30 today!!)
            Available Day 103 (big hugs to hyper and Bris on your achievement and super duper hugs to LC, woo hoo)
            rooniferd - Day 23 (congrats to hyper, Bris, and Lifechange! )
            Change- Day 2 (F#ck alcohol, poop!)
            Jane27- Day 65 (Change- Its a beautiful day to start afresh! Lifechange, Yeehaw! 7 days is wonderful!)
            Mary Lou - Day 50! Well done Hyper, Bri, LC. You're rocking it Change!
            Frances - Day 15 (great work lifechange, hyper, and bri! Go Change!)
            New Dreams - Day 12
            Pavati - Day 101 - Hyper, Bri, LC, Marylou! Way to go.
            Kailey - Day 2
            jvo day 39 Congrats Hyper, LifeChange, Bri, and Marylou!! Lots of prizes today!
            Hypernova - Day 30 ( Was my count off?? Today actually day 30 ~ Thanks everyone!!)
            Lead - Day 36-- Big congrats Hyper! Go Frances, Rooni Lifechange, New Dreams
            TJAF-226 days
            Skull- Day 132. Big congrats, Hyper, Life, Mary Lou, Briseus! Anyone I missed... well done!
            Bastet - Day 59 - yay for everyone who is on this list today and any day!
            Petrelhead - Day 18
            Myluck - Day 142
            AF since 10/20/2013
            Smoke free since 09/24/2007
            Meat free since 09/20/2008
            With will one can do anything - Samuel Smiles


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              March 13 2014

              Lifechange day 7 (Congrats Hypernova on 30 yesterday! and Briseus on 30 today!!)
              Available Day 103 (big hugs to hyper and Bris on your achievement and super duper hugs to LC, woo hoo)
              rooniferd - Day 23 (congrats to hyper, Bris, and Lifechange! )
              Change- Day 2 (F#ck alcohol, poop!)
              Jane27- Day 65 (Change- Its a beautiful day to start afresh! Lifechange, Yeehaw! 7 days is wonderful!)
              Mary Lou - Day 50! Well done Hyper, Bri, LC. You're rocking it Change!
              Frances - Day 15 (great work lifechange, hyper, and bri! Go Change!)
              New Dreams - Day 12
              Pavati - Day 101 - Hyper, Bri, LC, Marylou! Way to go.
              Kailey - Day 2
              jvo day 39 Congrats Hyper, LifeChange, Bri, and Marylou!! Lots of prizes today!
              Hypernova - Day 30 ( Was my count off?? Today actually day 30 ~ Thanks everyone!!)
              Lead - Day 36-- Big congrats Hyper! Go Frances, Rooni Lifechange, New Dreams
              TJAF-226 days
              Skull- Day 132. Big congrats, Hyper, Life, Mary Lou, Briseus! Anyone I missed... well done!
              Bastet - Day 59 - yay for everyone who is on this list today and any day!
              Petrelhead - Day 18
              Myluck - Day 142
              Briseus - Day 30 ( thank you everyone?& congrats to all fighting this!


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                March 13 2014

                Lifechange day 7 (Congrats Hypernova on 30 yesterday! and Briseus on 30 today!!)
                Available Day 103 (big hugs to hyper and Bris on your achievement and super duper hugs to LC, woo hoo)
                rooniferd - Day 23 (congrats to hyper, Bris, and Lifechange! )
                Change- Day 2 (F#ck alcohol, poop!)
                Jane27- Day 65 (Change- Its a beautiful day to start afresh! Lifechange, Yeehaw! 7 days is wonderful!)
                Mary Lou - Day 50! Well done Hyper, Bri, LC. You're rocking it Change!
                Frances - Day 15 (great work lifechange, hyper, and bri! Go Change!)
                New Dreams - Day 12
                Pavati - Day 101 - Hyper, Bri, LC, Marylou! Way to go.
                Kailey - Day 2
                jvo day 39 Congrats Hyper, LifeChange, Bri, and Marylou!! Lots of prizes today!
                Hypernova - Day 30 ( Was my count off?? Today actually day 30 ~ Thanks everyone!!)
                Lead - Day 36-- Big congrats Hyper! Go Frances, Rooni Lifechange, New Dreams
                TJAF-226 days
                Skull- Day 132. Big congrats, Hyper, Life, Mary Lou, Briseus! Anyone I missed... well done!
                Bastet - Day 59 - yay for everyone who is on this list today and any day!
                Petrelhead - Day 18
                Myluck - Day 142
                Briseus - Day 30
                Rahul - Day 19
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  March 13, 2014

                  Lifechange Day 8 (YAYYY!! Bastet on 60 days! You rock!:lilflower:..thankyou everyone for yesterday!)


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    March 13, 2014

                    Lifechange Day 8 (YAYYY!! Bastet on 60 days! You rock!..thankyou everyone for yesterday!)
                    Kairos Day 17
                    Sobriety is its own reward


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      March 13, 2014

                      Lifechange Day 8 (YAYYY!! Bastet on 60 days! You rock!..thankyou everyone for yesterday!)
                      Kairos Day 17
                      Available day 103
                      AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        Oops I don't know what happened as there were a few posts for March 13th! Did I miscount?
                        Thanks to everyone for my congrats on 30 but today is the official day. Sorry!

                        March 13, 2014

                        Lifechange Day 8 (YAYYY!! Bastet on 60 days! You rock!..thankyou everyone for yesterday!)
                        Kairos Day 17
                        Available day 103
                        Briseus - Day 30


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          March 13, 2014

                          Lifechange Day 8 (YAYYY!! Bastet on 60 days! You rock!..thankyou everyone for yesterday!)
                          Kairos Day 17
                          Available day 103
                          Briseus - Day 30
                          rooniferd - Day 24 (Congrats Briseus! One whole month of freedom from the beast!)


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call


                            March 13, 2014

                            Lifechange Day 8 (YAYYY!! Bastet on 60 days! You rock!..thankyou everyone for yesterday!)
                            Kairos Day 17
                            Available day 103
                            Briseus - Day 30
                            rooniferd - Day 24 (Congrats Briseus! One whole month of freedom from the beast!)
                            Frances - Day 16 - Congratulations Briseus!!


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call


                              March 13, 2014

                              Lifechange Day 8 (YAYYY!! Bastet on 60 days! You rock!..thankyou everyone for yesterday!)
                              Kairos Day 17
                              Available day 103
                              Briseus - Day 30
                              rooniferd - Day 24 (Congrats Briseus! One whole month of freedom from the beast!)
                              Frances - Day 16 - Congratulations Briseus!!
                              Jane27- day 66 (congrats Bris!...Bastet, do I hear 60? My money's on yes! Congrrrrrrrrrrrrrrats )
                              jvo 40 and congrats to Briseus on 30 and Bastet on 60! Whoot!
                              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                briseus;1637397 wrote: Oops I don't know what happened as there were a few posts for March 13th! Did I miscount?
                                Thanks to everyone for my congrats on 30 but today is the official day. Sorry!

                                March 13, 2014

                                Lifechange Day 8 (YAYYY!! Bastet on 60 days! You rock!..thankyou everyone for yesterday!)
                                Kairos Day 17
                                Available day 103
                                Briseus - Day 30
                                Well, well, looks like The Prize Patrol isn't crazy after all! Briseus, The PP looked for your confirmation post all day and went to the Land of Nod at 10. I see you checked in just after that. This is a very special dedication and I didn't want to miss it!
                                Please accept this hat as a small token of a huge accomplishment. We have seen your efforts on these boards, and we are so proud of you! This one has been a while in the making, but hopefully, that makes it all the more cherished. We have witnessed a total personality change in one that is bright and hopeful for the future! You are really coming in to your own. Keep up the great work! We are all right by your side! Very well done.

                                Bastet, please make your way to the stage!
                                We are quite proud of the pair you are displaying! (a pair of months!)
                                The whole place is busting with pride! You have really measured up to the challenge. I hope you are finding that life without AL is not only possible, but considerably BETTER! You don't have one side telling you this and the other side telling you that (mismatched). As you rack up the days, we appreciate your dedication to this process. Keep up the good work and you will never regret it. Don't let AL rob you of one more day of life! Nip it! Congratulations!

                                The Prize Patrol
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

