March 12 2014
Lifechange day 7 (Congrats Hypernova on 30 yesterday! and Briseus on 30 today!!)
Available Day 103 (big hugs to hyper and Bris on your achievement and super duper hugs to LC, woo hoo)
rooniferd - Day 23 (congrats to hyper, Bris, and Lifechange! )
Change- Day 1
Jane27- Day 65 (Change- Its a beautiful day to start afresh! Lifechange, Yeehaw! 7 days is wonderful!)
Mary Lou - Day 50! Well done Hyper, Bri, LC. You're rocking it Change!
Frances - Day 15 (great work lifechange, hyper, and bri! Go Change!)
New Dreams - Day 12
Pavati - Day 101 - Hyper, Bri, LC, Marylou! Way to go.
Kailey - Day 2
jvo day 39 Congrats Hyper, LifeChange, Bri, and Marylou!! Lots of prizes today!
Hypernova - Day 30 ( Was my count off?? Today actually day 30 ~ Thanks everyone!!)
Lead - Day 36-- Big congrats Hyper! Go Frances, Rooni Lifechange, New Dreams
TJAF-226 days
Skull- Day 132. Big congrats, Hyper, Life, Mary Lou, Briseus! Anyone I missed... well done!
Bastet - Day 59 - yay for everyone who is on this list today and any day!