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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    March 27th Roll Call

    Jane27 - Day 80 (remembering Ava, Pav & Poppy hitting 80 and getting excited about 100)

    LC day 22 (Jane, my 22, your 80 as promised! Francis!! Day 30 Lead!! 50 days!!--everyone is doing so well..)

    Kairos Day 31 (I echo the above and can't wait to say YAHOO to Frances today @30!)

    Frances - Day 30! Yippee!! and Thanks! Congrats to Jane!

    rooniferd - Day 38 (congrats everyone!!)

    Kensho - Day 10 (Way to go Frances! Here's to the next 30! Awesome Jane - love those round numbers)

    Done. Moving on to life.


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      March 27th Roll Call

      Jane27 - Day 80 (remembering Ava, Pav & Poppy hitting 80 and getting excited about 100)

      LC day 22 (Jane, my 22, your 80 as promised! Francis!! Day 30 Lead!! 50 days!!--everyone is doing so well..)

      Kairos Day 31 (I echo the above and can't wait to say YAHOO to Frances today @30!)

      Frances - Day 30! Yippee!! and Thanks! Congrats to Jane!

      rooniferd - Day 38 (congrats everyone!!)

      Kensho - Day 10 (Way to go Frances! Here's to the next 30! Awesome Jane - love those round numbers)

      Skull- Day 148 - Well done everybody, keep up the great work!


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        March 27th Roll Call

        Jane27 - Day 80 (remembering Ava, Pav & Poppy hitting 80 and getting excited about 100)

        LC day 22 (Jane, my 22, your 80 as promised! Francis!! Day 30 Lead!! 50 days!!--everyone is doing so well..)

        Kairos Day 31 (I echo the above and can't wait to say YAHOO to Frances today @30!)

        Frances - Day 30! Yippee!! and Thanks! Congrats to Jane!

        rooniferd - Day 38 (congrats everyone!!)

        Kensho - Day 10 (Way to go Frances! Here's to the next 30! Awesome Jane - love those round numbers)

        Skull- Day 148 - Well done everybody, keep up the great work!

        Honeysoup - Day 7 - Great job everyone!!!
        Honeysoup :heart:


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          March 27th Roll Call

          Jane27 - Day 80 (remembering Ava, Pav & Poppy hitting 80 and getting excited about 100)

          LC day 22 (Jane, my 22, your 80 as promised! Francis!! Day 30 Lead!! 50 days!!--everyone is doing so well..)

          Kairos Day 31 (I echo the above and can't wait to say YAHOO to Frances today @30!)

          Frances - Day 30! Yippee!! and Thanks! Congrats to Jane!

          rooniferd - Day 38 (congrats everyone!!)

          Kensho - Day 10 (Way to go Frances! Here's to the next 30! Awesome Jane - love those round numbers)

          Skull- Day 148 - Well done everybody, keep up the great work!

          Honeysoup - Day 7 - Great job everyone!!!
          NomoreJim - Day 86 - Lots of big numbers! Good to see you back Honeysoup!


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            March 27th Roll Call

            Jane27 - Day 80 (remembering Ava, Pav & Poppy hitting 80 and getting excited about 100)

            LC day 22 (Jane, my 22, your 80 as promised! Francis!! Day 30 Lead!! 50 days!!--everyone is doing so well..)

            Kairos Day 31 (I echo the above and can't wait to say YAHOO to Frances today @30!)

            Frances - Day 30! Yippee!! and Thanks! Congrats to Jane!

            rooniferd - Day 38 (congrats everyone!!)

            Kensho - Day 10 (Way to go Frances! Here's to the next 30! Awesome Jane - love those round numbers)

            Skull- Day 148 - Well done everybody, keep up the great work!

            Honeysoup - Day 7 - Great job everyone!!!
            NomoreJim - Day 86 - Lots of big numbers! Good to see you back Honeysoup!
            Lead _ Day 50.....Way to go Frances! Honeysoup so glad you made 7


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              The Prize Patrol thought they could remember all the award winners today, but due to the vast number of successful participants she finally had to write them all down! May we have a huge round of applause for our first winner?

              Frances, 30 days is the milestone by which we all aspire when we arrive at MWO (or MYO, Jane!) To those lost souls who find our website when they are at the end of any other lifelines, the dream of being 30 days AF seems like an impossibility. You have just proven the impossible. By determination, participation and downright tenacity, you have achieved it. Here is your hat!

              Please take the mic and say a few words about how you were able to do this! We are all very proud of you!

              HoneySoup, hats off for 7 big days going for your new streak!! Great job!! As you know, the worst is behind you!!! (that just never gets old!!!)

              Lead, please join these two on stage for 50 days. The Prize Patrol used to write poems for this but due to popular demand, a prize is now bestowed:

              This is the ultimate acknowledgement that you've lost about 75 pounds worth of monkey on your back!! GREAT job on you! You reach out to everyone to lend a hand, we are so lucky to have you on this site, keep up the great work....the pay is bananas but it's rewarding!!

              Jane....setting records every day. Thank you for all of your work in helping newbies. You started a very successful thread, Do this, not that, to help us keep our minds on the ultimate prize. This is a better place because of you, too. We are cheering you on as you approach triple digits!! Well done, lady Jane!!

              Please join me in a round of applause for these wonderful people!!! Here's to a lifetime of sobriety!!

              The Prize Patrol
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                March 27th Roll Call

                Jane27 - Day 80 (remembering Ava, Pav & Poppy hitting 80 and getting excited about 100)

                LC day 22 (Jane, my 22, your 80 as promised! Francis!! Day 30 Lead!! 50 days!!--everyone is doing so well..)

                Kairos Day 31 (I echo the above and can't wait to say YAHOO to Frances today @30!)

                Frances - Day 30! Yippee!! and Thanks! Congrats to Jane!

                rooniferd - Day 38 (congrats everyone!!)

                Kensho - Day 10 (Way to go Frances! Here's to the next 30! Awesome Jane - love those round numbers)

                Skull- Day 148 - Well done everybody, keep up the great work!

                Honeysoup - Day 7 - Great job everyone!!!
                NomoreJim - Day 86 - Lots of big numbers! Good to see you back Honeysoup!
                Lead _ Day 50.....Way to go Frances! Honeysoup so glad you made 7
                Petrelhead - Day 33


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  March 27th Roll Call

                  Jane27 - Day 80 (remembering Ava, Pav & Poppy hitting 80 and getting excited about 100)

                  LC day 22 (Jane, my 22, your 80 as promised! Francis!! Day 30 Lead!! 50 days!!--everyone is doing so well..)

                  Kairos Day 31 (I echo the above and can't wait to say YAHOO to Frances today @30!)

                  Frances - Day 30! Yippee!! and Thanks! Congrats to Jane!

                  rooniferd - Day 38 (congrats everyone!!)

                  Kensho - Day 10 (Way to go Frances! Here's to the next 30! Awesome Jane - love those round numbers)

                  Skull- Day 148 - Well done everybody, keep up the great work!

                  Honeysoup - Day 7 - Great job everyone!!!
                  NomoreJim - Day 86 - Lots of big numbers! Good to see you back Honeysoup!
                  Lead _ Day 50.....Way to go Frances! Honeysoup so glad you made 7
                  Petrelhead - Day 33
                  Rahul - Day 32
                  Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                  Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                  Rebooting ... done ...
                  Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    March 27th Roll Call

                    Jane27 - Day 80 (remembering Ava, Pav & Poppy hitting 80 and getting excited about 100)
                    LC day 22 (Jane, my 22, your 80 as promised! Francis!! Day 30 Lead!! 50 days!!--everyone is doing so well..)
                    Kairos Day 31 (I echo the above and can't wait to say YAHOO to Frances today @30!)
                    Frances - Day 30! Yippee!! and Thanks! Congrats to Jane!
                    rooniferd - Day 38 (congrats everyone!!)
                    Kensho - Day 10 (Way to go Frances! Here's to the next 30! Awesome Jane - love those round numbers)
                    Skull- Day 148 - Well done everybody, keep up the great work!
                    Honeysoup - Day 7 - Great job everyone!!!
                    NomoreJim - Day 86 - Lots of big numbers! Good to see you back Honeysoup!
                    Lead _ Day 50.....Way to go Frances! Honeysoup so glad you made 7
                    Petrelhead - Day 33
                    Rahul - Day 32
                    New Dreams - Day 27 terrific job everyone!!!


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      getting to 30 days

                      Thanks Byrd aka prize patrol! I'm so happy to be at day 30 and looking forward to continued success! There have been some tough days and some relatively easy days.

                      Here's what I've done so far that has beeing working:

                      Telling/reminding myself every day "I do not drink"
                      Checking in on MWO multiple times a day
                      Drinking lots of tea and seltzer water
                      Allowing myself 'treats' - I'm not usually a sweets eater but lately I have been!
                      Reading sober blogs and connecting with others in a similar situation
                      Reminding myself frequently that alcohol does nothing good for me and it is toxic

                      Still working on:
                      Accepting that I cannot drink normally and therefore cannot drink
                      Need to learn more about addiction

                      :thanks: Thanks for the support of everyone here!!


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        March 28th 2014 Roll Call

                        Jane27- Day 81 (thanks for all the love & shouts outs re my 80 days. Love you guys! )
                        Lifechange day 23


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          March 28th 2014 Roll Call

                          Jane27- Day 81 (thanks for all the love & shouts outs re my 80 days. Love you guys! )
                          Lifechange day 23
                          rooniferd - Day 39 (loving all these high numbers!!)


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            March 28th 2014 Roll Call

                            Jane27- Day 81 (thanks for all the love & shouts outs re my 80 days. Love you guys! )
                            Lifechange day 23
                            rooniferd - Day 39 (loving all these high numbers!!)
                            Kairos Day 32
                            Sobriety is its own reward


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              March 28th 2014 Roll Call

                              Jane27- Day 81 (thanks for all the love & shouts outs re my 80 days. Love you guys! )
                              Lifechange day 23
                              rooniferd - Day 39 (loving all these high numbers!!)
                              Kairos Day 32
                              Frances - Day 31


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                March 28th 2014 Roll Call

                                Jane27- Day 81 (thanks for all the love & shouts outs re my 80 days. Love you guys! )
                                Lifechange day 23
                                rooniferd - Day 39 (loving all these high numbers!!)
                                Kairos Day 32
                                Frances - Day 31
                                Kailey - Day 1 (I will not give up)
                                You had the power all along, my dear.

