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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    April 7th Roll Call

    Jane27 - Day 91 (thanks again everyone for making me so special! XO. Frances- a belated happy 40! Petrel, all that matters is that you're back. Set your sights on one day at a time, and before long you'll be right back where you were.)
    Petrelhead - Day 1 (congrats Jane. Well done! I wish I could say the same.)
    Frances - Day 41
    Lifechange day 33 (ditto what Jane said, Frances and Petrel!!)
    Skull- Day 158. Well done on 90 days Jane, you RAAAWK
    jvo day 8
    New Dreams - Day 4 congrats 90 days Jane...just a couple days ahead of you Petrel confused:]
    Hypernova - Day 56
    AllanKay -Day 584
    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      April 7th Roll Call

      Jane27 - Day 91 (thanks again everyone for making me so special! XO. Frances- a belated happy 40! Petrel, all that matters is that you're back. Set your sights on one day at a time, and before long you'll be right back where you were.)
      Petrelhead - Day 1 (congrats Jane. Well done! I wish I could say the same.)
      Frances - Day 41
      Lifechange day 33 (ditto what Jane said, Frances and Petrel!!)
      Skull- Day 158. Well done on 90 days Jane, you RAAAWK
      jvo day 8
      New Dreams - Day 4 congrats 90 days Jane...just a couple days ahead of you Petrel confused:]
      Hypernova - Day 56
      AllanKay -Day 584
      NomoreJim - Day 97


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        April 7th Roll Call

        Jane27 - Day 91 (thanks again everyone for making me so special! XO. Frances- a belated happy 40! Petrel, all that matters is that you're back. Set your sights on one day at a time, and before long you'll be right back where you were.)
        Petrelhead - Day 1 (congrats Jane. Well done! I wish I could say the same.)
        Frances - Day 41
        Lifechange day 33 (ditto what Jane said, Frances and Petrel!!)
        Skull- Day 158. Well done on 90 days Jane, you RAAAWK
        jvo day 8
        New Dreams - Day 4 congrats 90 days Jane...just a couple days ahead of you Petrel confused:]
        Hypernova - Day 56
        AllanKay -Day 584
        NomoreJim - Day 97
        Blooming Tree23- Day 97
        :earth: Tree23


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          April 7th Roll Call

          Frances - Day 42


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            April 7th Roll Call

            Frances - Day 42
            Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              April 7th Roll Call

              Frances - Day 42
              Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
              Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April?)
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                April 8th Roll Call

                Frances - Day 42
                Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
                Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April? Yup, fixed it. ML)
                Mary Lou - Day 76
                Mary Lou

                A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  April 8th Roll Call

                  Frances - Day 42
                  Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
                  Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April? Yup, fixed it. ML)
                  Mary Lou - Day 76
                  Jane27- Day 92 (Ava, 129 sounds particularly like a long time. Happy for you!)
                  Briseus - Day 56 (congrats on day 2 Petrelhead!)


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    April 8th Roll Call

                    Frances - Day 42
                    Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
                    Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April? Yup, fixed it. ML)
                    Mary Lou - Day 76
                    Jane27- Day 92 (Ava, 129 sounds particularly like a long time. Happy for you!)
                    Briseus - Day 56 (congrats on day 2 Petrelhead!)
                    Skull- Day 159


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      April 8th Roll Call

                      Frances - Day 42
                      Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
                      Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April? Yup, fixed it. ML)
                      Mary Lou - Day 76
                      Jane27- Day 92 (Ava, 129 sounds particularly like a long time. Happy for you!)
                      Briseus - Day 56 (congrats on day 2 Petrelhead!)
                      Skull- Day 159
                      Star - Day 5 (Congrats everyone! I am here, just so busy! Work and Wedding!)



                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        April 8th Roll Call

                        Frances - Day 42
                        Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
                        Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April? Yup, fixed it. ML)
                        Mary Lou - Day 76
                        Jane27- Day 92 (Ava, 129 sounds particularly like a long time. Happy for you!)
                        Briseus - Day 56 (congrats on day 2 Petrelhead!)
                        Skull- Day 159
                        Star - Day 5 (Congrats everyone! I am here, just so busy! Work and Wedding!)
                        Meshell RN - Day 1
                        ?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?

                        ― John Wayne


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          April 8th Roll Call

                          Frances - Day 42
                          Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
                          Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April? Yup, fixed it. ML)
                          Mary Lou - Day 76
                          Jane27- Day 92 (Ava, 129 sounds particularly like a long time. Happy for you!)
                          Briseus - Day 56 (congrats on day 2 Petrelhead!)
                          Skull- Day 159
                          Star - Day 5 (Congrats everyone! I am here, just so busy! Work and Wedding!)
                          Meshell RN - Day 1
                          Sober Soul - Day 4

                          "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            April 8th Roll Call

                            Frances - Day 42
                            Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
                            Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April? Yup, fixed it. ML)
                            Mary Lou - Day 76
                            Jane27- Day 92 (Ava, 129 sounds particularly like a long time. Happy for you!)
                            Briseus - Day 56 (congrats on day 2 Petrelhead!)
                            Skull- Day 159
                            Star - Day 5 (Congrats everyone! I am here, just so busy! Work and Wedding!)
                            Meshell RN - Day 1
                            Sober Soul - Day 4
                            Petrelhead - Day 3 ( start of day 3 in the crazy time zone thing. Thanks Bris, power on to 60.)


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              April 8th Roll Call

                              Frances - Day 42
                              Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
                              Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April? Yup, fixed it. ML)
                              Mary Lou - Day 76
                              Jane27- Day 92 (Ava, 129 sounds particularly like a long time. Happy for you!)
                              Briseus - Day 56 (congrats on day 2 Petrelhead!)
                              Skull- Day 159
                              Star - Day 5 (Congrats everyone! I am here, just so busy! Work and Wedding!)
                              Meshell RN - Day 1
                              Sober Soul - Day 4
                              Petrelhead - Day 3 ( start of day 3 in the crazy time zone thing. Thanks Bris, power on to 60.)
                              Hypernova - Day 57


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                April 8th Roll Call

                                Frances - Day 42
                                Petrelhead - Day 2 (days end, night all)
                                Available day 129 (isnt it the 8th April? Yup, fixed it. ML)
                                Mary Lou - Day 76
                                Jane27- Day 92 (Ava, 129 sounds particularly like a long time. Happy for you!)
                                Briseus - Day 56 (congrats on day 2 Petrelhead!)
                                Skull- Day 159
                                Star - Day 5 (Congrats everyone! I am here, just so busy! Work and Wedding!)
                                Meshell RN - Day 1
                                Sober Soul - Day 4
                                Petrelhead - Day 3 ( start of day 3 in the crazy time zone thing. Thanks Bris, power on to 60.)
                                Hypernova - Day 57
                                jvo day 9 - Star, thinking of you! Good on 5!!!!
                                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

