5th June 2014 Roll Call
Jane27 - Day 150 (Congrats (& thanks) Frances for 100 heard earned days! Thanks also Roon, Rahul, Skull, & Nar! Eloise- What Nar said, 20/20 is a perfect score).
Daisy - day 24
Available 187
Frances- Day 100!!!!!! (Yipee! Yahoo! Oh Yeah! ...and I'm gonna borrow from Narilly...........BOOM! Thanks Jane and congrats to YOU on 150!!!)
Eloise (a modest) 20
rooniferd - Day 3 (a big fat congrats to Jane and Frances!)
cocoflo - day 2
Rahul -Day 104 (congrats Jane ... Congrats Frances)
Skull- Day 217. Big big congrats to both Jane and Frances! you guys RAAAWK
Narilly- Day 53- Frances BOOM BABY!! 100 Days is freakin' awesome! Jane you too for 150! Eloise20/20!
Darkest Diamond - Day 36
SL - 105 - Yahoo Frances!!!!! and you too Jane!
NomoreJim - Day 156 (Congrats Jane and Frances!)
Mary Lou - Day 134...HUGE hugs to Jane on 150, Francis on 100, NoMore on 150, SL on 100 and PAV -- 6 mos!!
jvo 67
Wagmore - 35 (big congrats to ALL and thanks for being here)