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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    25th July

    Bran New Day - Day 18
    Jane27 - Day 200
    Daevid - Day 5
    Londoner - Day 20
    Pie - Day 15 (Wow, Jane 200!)
    momofthree - Day 2
    Look at the high numbers! Go people!
    Daisy45 - day 74
    Briseus - day 164
    jvo 116 Congratulations on your 200 Jane!!!!!!!
    Kensho - Day 4 (WAY TO GO Jane27! You ROCK! Mom3, keep going!)
    rooniferd - Day 5 (200 days is fabulous, Jane!!)
    AlPro - Day 21
    Wagmore - Day 85 (Congrats Jane 200!!!, AlPro 3 wks)
    Star - Day 7 (JANE!!!There are no words to express how proud I am of you!!!! Guess you'll have to settle for diamonds and a pool boy)
    TJAF- Day 362
    RedJib - Day 12
    Eloise 69
    Frances - Day 150 - Jane.....NICE!!! You are my inspiration I love following in your footsteps exactly 50 days behind :-)
    SL - 154 - many high fives to Jane, Frances and Star:l
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      Roll call July 25

      Bran New Day - Day 18
      Jane27 - Day 200
      Daevid - Day 5
      Londoner - Day 20
      Pie - Day 15 (Wow, Jane 200!)
      momofthree - Day 2
      Look at the high numbers! Go people!
      Daisy45 - day 74
      Briseus - day 164
      jvo 116 Congratulations on your 200 Jane!!!!!!!
      Kensho - Day 4 (WAY TO GO Jane27! You ROCK! Mom3, keep going!)
      rooniferd - Day 5 (200 days is fabulous, Jane!!)
      AlPro - Day 21
      Wagmore - Day 85 (Congrats Jane 200!!!, AlPro 3 wks)
      Star - Day 7 (JANE!!!There are no words to express how proud I am of you!!!! Guess you'll have to settle for diamonds and a pool boy)
      TJAF- Day 362
      RedJib - Day 12
      Eloise 69
      Frances - Day 150 - Jane.....NICE!!! You are my inspiration I love following in your footsteps exactly 50 days behind :-)
      SL - 154 - many high fives to Jane, Frances and Star
      Lifechange Day 27 (Yayyy Jane on 200 days! and Frances for 150! and Star for conquering those first difficult 7!! Good job everyone!)


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        Roll call July 25

        Bran New Day - Day 18
        Jane27 - Day 200
        Daevid - Day 5
        Londoner - Day 20
        Pie - Day 15 (Wow, Jane 200!)
        momofthree - Day 2
        Look at the high numbers! Go people!
        Daisy45 - day 74
        Briseus - day 164
        jvo 116 Congratulations on your 200 Jane!!!!!!!
        Kensho - Day 4 (WAY TO GO Jane27! You ROCK! Mom3, keep going!)
        rooniferd - Day 5 (200 days is fabulous, Jane!!)
        AlPro - Day 21
        Wagmore - Day 85 (Congrats Jane 200!!!, AlPro 3 wks)
        Star - Day 7 (JANE!!!There are no words to express how proud I am of you!!!! Guess you'll have to settle for diamonds and a pool boy)
        TJAF- Day 362
        RedJib - Day 12
        Eloise 69
        Frances - Day 150 - Jane.....NICE!!! You are my inspiration I love following in your footsteps exactly 50 days behind :-)
        SL - 154 - many high fives to Jane, Frances and Star
        Lifechange Day 27 (Yayyy Jane on 200 days! and Frances for 150! and Star for conquering those first difficult 7!! Good job everyone!)
        Rahul - Day 154 (congrats Jane and Frances)
        Rewiring my brain ... done ...
        Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
        Rebooting ... done ...
        Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          Thanks everyone for the congratulations and the PRIZE and CAKE it feels great to be here!!


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            Brand new do I reply to add my name to the roll call list? )


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              Hi Allycat and welcome!! I'm not sure how everyone else does it but I'll tell you how I do it.
              I copy and paste the last roll call in a new post and add myself to the bottom of the list. I'm assuming that's how everyone else does it.

              Glad you are here! I'm at 82 days alcohol free and it's only due to the support and wisdom of the great people here at MWO. Check out the two links below for some great suggestions and support!


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                July 26th 2014 Roll Call

                Jane27 - Day 201 (thanks everyone for all the good wishes on 200. You guys all carry me! Xox)
                Rahul - Day 155
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  July 26th 2014 Roll Call

                  Jane27 - Day 201 (thanks everyone for all the good wishes on 200. You guys all carry me! Xox)
                  Rahul - Day 155
                  Daevid - Day 6 (this feels very strange)
                  ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                  ― George Carlin


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    July 26th 2014 Roll Call

                    Jane27 - Day 201 (thanks everyone for all the good wishes on 200. You guys all carry me! Xox)
                    Rahul - Day 155
                    Daevid - Day 6 (this feels very strange)
                    Pie - Day 16


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      July 26th 2014 Roll Call

                      Jane27 - Day 201 (thanks everyone for all the good wishes on 200. You guys all carry me! Xox)
                      Rahul - Day 155
                      Daevid - Day 6 (this feels very strange)
                      Pie - Day 16
                      Frances - Day 151 (Daevid I remember feeling very strange believe me it starts to feel normal after awhile...and then the fact that it feels normal feels strange...and then it's your new normal!)


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        July 26th 2014 Roll Call

                        Jane27 - Day 201 (thanks everyone for all the good wishes on 200. You guys all carry me! Xox)
                        Rahul - Day 155
                        Daevid - Day 6 (this feels very strange)
                        Pie - Day 16
                        Frances - Day 151 (Daevid I remember feeling very strange believe me it starts to feel normal after awhile...and then the fact that it feels normal feels strange...and then it's your new normal!)
                        Star - Day 8



                        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          July 26th 2014 Roll Call

                          Jane27 - Day 201 (thanks everyone for all the good wishes on 200. You guys all carry me! Xox)
                          Rahul - Day 155
                          Daevid - Day 6 (this feels very strange)
                          Pie - Day 16
                          Frances - Day 151 (Daevid I remember feeling very strange believe me it starts to feel normal after awhile...and then the fact that it feels normal feels strange...and then it's your new normal!)
                          Star - Day 8
                          Wagmore - Day 86
                          Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            July 26th 2014 Roll Call

                            Jane27 - Day 201 (thanks everyone for all the good wishes on 200. You guys all carry me! Xox)
                            Rahul - Day 155
                            Daevid - Day 6 (this feels very strange)
                            Pie - Day 16
                            Frances - Day 151 (Daevid I remember feeling very strange believe me it starts to feel normal after awhile...and then the fact that it feels normal feels strange...and then it's your new normal!)
                            Star - Day 8
                            Wagmore - Day 86
                            AlPro - Day 22


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              July 26th 2014 Roll Call

                              Jane27 - Day 201 (thanks everyone for all the good wishes on 200. You guys all carry me! Xox)
                              Rahul - Day 155
                              Daevid - Day 6 (this feels very strange)
                              Pie - Day 16
                              Frances - Day 151 (Daevid I remember feeling very strange believe me it starts to feel normal after awhile...and then the fact that it feels normal feels strange...and then it's your new normal!)
                              Star - Day 8
                              Wagmore - Day 86
                              AlPro - Day 22
                              rooniferd - Day 6 (finally coming out of my funk)


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                July 26th 2014 Roll Call

                                Jane27 - Day 201 (thanks everyone for all the good wishes on 200. You guys all carry me! Xox)
                                Rahul - Day 155
                                Daevid - Day 6 (this feels very strange)
                                Pie - Day 16
                                Frances - Day 151 (Daevid I remember feeling very strange believe me it starts to feel normal after awhile...and then the fact that it feels normal feels strange...and then it's your new normal!)
                                Star - Day 8
                                Wagmore - Day 86
                                AlPro - Day 22
                                rooniferd - Day 6 (finally coming out of my funk)
                                Eloise 70
                                (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober

