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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    Jane27 -Day 204 (congrats to TJAF, BND, Kensho & Cherokeer)
    Rahul - Day 158
    Bran New Day - 22 Days , TJAF . Awesome work .
    Daevid - Day 9
    Ava 241 (congratulations on a whole year TJ a superb job)
    AlPro - Day 25
    Cherokee- Day 61
    Daisy45 - day 78
    Pie - Day 19 (One year for TJAF!!)
    Londoner - Day 24
    Kailey - Day 12
    rooniferd - Day 9 (great job, everyone!!)
    Frances - Day 154
    Kensho - Day 8
    Wagmore - Day 89 (Awesome TJAF!!! Kensho & Cher, big milestones yesterday!!)
    jvo 120
    momofthree - Day 6
    Star - Day 11 (Congrats, TJ and Cher)
    Pepper - Day 129
    Sober Soul - Day 96 (TJ one year is amazing!)
    SL - 159 (yeah j-vo! good going!!)
    Allycat - Day 6


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      Byrdlady;1687586 wrote: RC'ers,
      Cherokeer has logged in with 60 days today!!!!! This is utterly amazing!!!

      This is for being on fire with your AF streak!! You are really smoking it! All of us join you in your efforts to extinguish the flames of the AL burn'n churn!!! GREAT JOB on this huge accomplishment and keep it going!!!! WELL DONE :H:H:H (get it?) xo

      Love the burning dude, well done Byrdie & congrats Cherokeer!!!
      (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        Jane27 -Day 204 (congrats to TJAF, BND, Kensho & Cherokeer)
        Rahul - Day 158
        Bran New Day - 22 Days , TJAF . Awesome work .
        Daevid - Day 9
        Ava 241 (congratulations on a whole year TJ a superb job)
        AlPro - Day 25
        Cherokee- Day 61
        Daisy45 - day 78
        Pie - Day 19 (One year for TJAF!!)
        Londoner - Day 24
        Kailey - Day 12
        rooniferd - Day 9 (great job, everyone!!)
        Frances - Day 154
        Kensho - Day 8
        Wagmore - Day 89 (Awesome TJAF!!! Kensho & Cher, big milestones yesterday!!)
        jvo 120
        momofthree - Day 6
        Star - Day 11 (Congrats, TJ and Cher)
        Pepper - Day 129
        Sober Soul - Day 96 (TJ one year is amazing!)
        SL - 159 (yeah j-vo! good going!!)
        Allycat - Day 6
        Hypernova - Day 18 ~ Nice number JVO/Good for you & congratulations!!! Great mile marker Cherokee/ 2 months is a HUGE accomplishment!!


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          July 29, 2014

          Jane27 -Day 204 (congrats to TJAF, BND, Kensho & Cherokeer)
          Rahul - Day 158
          Bran New Day - 22 Days , TJAF . Awesome work .
          Daevid - Day 9
          Ava 241 (congratulations on a whole year TJ a superb job)
          AlPro - Day 25
          Cherokee- Day 61
          Daisy45 - day 78
          Pie - Day 19 (One year for TJAF!!)
          Londoner - Day 24
          Kailey - Day 12
          rooniferd - Day 9 (great job, everyone!!)
          Frances - Day 154
          Kensho - Day 8
          Wagmore - Day 89 (Awesome TJAF!!! Kensho & Cher, big milestones yesterday!!)
          jvo 120
          momofthree - Day 6
          Star - Day 11 (Congrats, TJ and Cher)
          Pepper - Day 129
          Sober Soul - Day 96 (TJ one year is amazing!)
          SL - 159 (yeah j-vo! good going!!)
          Allycat - Day 6
          Hypernova - Day 18 ~ Nice number JVO/Good for you & congratulations!!! Great mile marker Cherokee/ 2 months is a HUGE accomplishment!!
          Narilly- Day 109

          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            30 th July

            Bran New Day - Day 23
            Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
            Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              30 th July

              Bran New Day - Day 23
              Daevid - Day 10
              ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

              ― George Carlin


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                30 th July

                Bran New Day - Day 23
                Daevid - Day 10
                Ava 242 (keep up the momentum Daevid)
                AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  30 th July

                  Bran New Day - Day 23
                  Daevid - Day 10
                  Ava 242 (keep up the momentum Daevid)
                  Alpro - Day 26


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    30 th July

                    Bran New Day - Day 23
                    Daevid - Day 10
                    Ava 242 (keep up the momentum Daevid)
                    Alpro - Day 26
                    Peppersnow - Day 130 -- way to go, Daevid!
                    Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      30 th July

                      Bran New Day - Day 23
                      Daevid - Day 10
                      Ava 242 (keep up the momentum Daevid)
                      Alpro - Day 26
                      Peppersnow - Day 130 -- way to go, Daevid!
                      momofthree - Day 7!


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        30 th July

                        Bran New Day - Day 23
                        Daevid - Day 10
                        Ava 242 (keep up the momentum Daevid)
                        Alpro - Day 26
                        Peppersnow - Day 130 -- way to go, Daevid!
                        momofthree - Day 7!
                        Frances- Day 155- Great going Daevid!! Big congrats to you Momofthree!


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          30 th July

                          Bran New Day - Day 23
                          Daevid - Day 10
                          Ava 242 (keep up the momentum Daevid)
                          Alpro - Day 26
                          Peppersnow - Day 130 -- way to go, Daevid!
                          momofthree - Day 7!
                          Frances- Day 155- Great going Daevid!! Big congrats to you Momofthree!
                          Kailey - Day 13. (Hooray, Momof3 on 7 days, and Daevid on double digits!!!)
                          You had the power all along, my dear.


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            30 th July

                            Bran New Day - Day 23
                            Daevid - Day 10
                            Ava 242 (keep up the momentum Daevid)
                            Alpro - Day 26
                            Peppersnow - Day 130 -- way to go, Daevid!
                            momofthree - Day 7!
                            Frances- Day 155- Great going Daevid!! Big congrats to you Momofthree!
                            Kailey - Day 13. (Hooray, Momof3 on 7 days, and Daevid on double digits!!!)
                            Pie - Day 20 (ditto what Kailey said!)


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              30 th July

                              Bran New Day - Day 23
                              Daevid - Day 10
                              Ava 242 (keep up the momentum Daevid)
                              Alpro - Day 26
                              Peppersnow - Day 130 -- way to go, Daevid!
                              momofthree - Day 7!
                              Frances- Day 155- Great going Daevid!! Big congrats to you Momofthree!
                              Kailey - Day 13. (Hooray, Momof3 on 7 days, and Daevid on double digits!!!)
                              Pie - Day 20 (ditto what Kailey said!)
                              rooniferd - Day 10 (great job, Momofthree!!!)


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                30 th July

                                Bran New Day - Day 23
                                Daevid - Day 10
                                Ava 242 (keep up the momentum Daevid)
                                Alpro - Day 26
                                Peppersnow - Day 130 -- way to go, Daevid!
                                momofthree - Day 7!
                                Frances- Day 155- Great going Daevid!! Big congrats to you Momofthree!
                                Kailey - Day 13. (Hooray, Momof3 on 7 days, and Daevid on double digits!!!)
                                Pie - Day 20 (ditto what Kailey said!)
                                rooniferd - Day 10 (great job, Momofthree!!!)
                                Wagmore - Day 90 (yay Daevid, Rooni, Momof3!!!)
                                Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

