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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    August 2nd 2014

    Bran New Day - 26 Days
    Londoner - 28 days
    Pie - Day 23
    Daevid - Day 13
    Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
    rooniferd - Day 13
    AlPro - Day 29


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      Dat, dat dat datta dat dat dat dahhhhhhh (trumpets signifying a big announcement)

      Will Ginger please follow the Red Carpet to the throne?
      It is with great plez-zha that we award this prize to Ging-ga.

      90 days is huge! May your reign be long and happy!!!! Great job!!

      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        August 2nd 2014

        Bran New Day - 26 Days
        Londoner - 28 days
        Pie - Day 23
        Daevid - Day 13
        Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
        rooniferd - Day 13
        AlPro - Day 29
        Kensho - Day 3

        Done. Moving on to life.


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          August 2nd 2014

          Bran New Day - 26 Days
          Londoner - 28 days
          Pie - Day 23
          Daevid - Day 13
          Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
          rooniferd - Day 13
          AlPro - Day 29
          Kensho - Day 3
          AllanKay - Day 701
          AF since 1st Sep 2012
          NF since 1st Sep 2012

          If you want to feel better visit


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            Holy cow, AllanKay!! I remember when you just started this journey! You are such an inspiration!



              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              August 2nd 2014

              Bran New Day - 26 Days
              Londoner - 28 days
              Pie - Day 23
              Daevid - Day 13
              Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
              rooniferd - Day 13
              AlPro - Day 29
              Kensho - Day 3
              AllanKay - Day 701
              RedJib - Day 20
              Resisting all Magical day at a time


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                Roll Callers,
                AllanKay continues to be on fire!!!

                Wow! 701! Did you ever think this would happen? Those first few days are so painfully slow, but then they just click by! We are so proud and happy for you! Here's to the next 701 and beyond!!!! Well done (fire joke).

                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  August 2nd 2014

                  Bran New Day - 26 Days
                  Londoner - 28 days
                  Pie - Day 23
                  Daevid - Day 13
                  Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
                  rooniferd - Day 13
                  AlPro - Day 29
                  Kensho - Day 3
                  AllanKay - Day 701
                  RedJib - Day 20
                  Eloise 77 ( good for you Allan Kay! Thanks for posting, your accomplishments gives me hope to really put drinking behind me!)
                  (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    August 2nd 2014

                    Bran New Day - 26 Days
                    Londoner - 28 days
                    Pie - Day 23
                    Daevid - Day 13
                    Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
                    rooniferd - Day 13
                    AlPro - Day 29
                    Kensho - Day 3
                    AllanKay - Day 701
                    RedJib - Day 20
                    Eloise 77 ( good for you Allan Kay! Thanks for posting, your accomplishments gives me hope to really put drinking behind me!)
                    Pepper - Day 133
                    Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      August 2nd 2014

                      Bran New Day - 26 Days
                      Londoner - 28 days
                      Pie - Day 23
                      Daevid - Day 13
                      Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
                      rooniferd - Day 13
                      AlPro - Day 29
                      Kensho - Day 3
                      AllanKay - Day 701
                      RedJib - Day 20
                      Eloise 77 ( good for you Allan Kay! Thanks for posting, your accomplishments gives me hope to really put drinking behind me!)
                      Pepper - Day 133
                      Bri - 172 days


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        Happy weekend, fellow Nesters! Am painting a bedroom and waiting for the first coat to dry, and thought I'd check in, as I was thinking about you all...this is the first time I've painted any room in my house while sober in about 15 years. I'll be disappointed if it doesn't look MUCH better than any of my previous paint jobs!

                        Does anyone remember reading, as kids, "The Tripods" series of books? These tripod machines came to earth and once a year, on capping day, would install caps on the heads of every 14 year old and their minds would become controlled by the aliens inside the tripods. These teenaged kids become part of the resistance movement, and in one of the books, they try to get caught, so they could become servants of these "Masters" (but really the kids were spies) which are aliens that look like green monsters. I remember this one scene where the Masters are either smoking or drinking some stuff and get high, and the boys notice that they get silly, lose their concentration, lose their sense of balance...and ultimately they take advantage of them later in the book when they're in this stoned/high state. I was about 12 years old when I read these books, and I distinctly remember wondering, why would anyone - human or monster -- want to get stoned/high like that? What could possibly be the draw? I remember asking my brother about that, too. What could possibly be fun about being so high you lose your ability to speak, move and function well?

                        Fast forward about 35 years, and needless to say I figured out the answer to that question a long time ago. Those books came into my mind last night, when I was at our family cabin and stopped by the bonfire to say hi to the relatives (our family owns an old resort so there are like 40 relatives around in the summer), and they were drinking, which is normal. Two of them were slurring pretty badly, and thought things were funny that were just stupid. It didn't bother me at all, but that same thought from when I was 10 popped into my head..."Why in the world would you want to put so much of that into your body so that you get drunk? And slur and act stupid? What in the world is the draw?"

                        Of course I get it - I know what the draw is for me, or what it used to be. But this stray thought from my 12 year old self passing through my mind was quietly thrilling. I'll hit 5 months AF in a few weeks and can honestly say that I have no desire for alcohol at all right now. I get occasional cravings from out of nowhere, but they're usually triggered by me doing something I used to do when drinking (like painting a room). But they're not bad cravings at all. And when I'm with people who are drinking, most of the time I totally don't want any. I get just a little bit bummed out when there's a special event and everyone is having a glass of fine wine to toast the occasion, and I wish I could drink normally. But then I say to myself, "You can't drink normally, so grow the f*** up and quit the pity party." And honestly when others are drinking, I don't care the vast majority of the time - I'm not missing out on anything other than my own destruction.

                        I just wanted to mention this for all of you who are in the first week and struggling. In my first few weeks, I never could have imagined that I'd eventually think drinking is stupid and have no desire to join in. In a few months, you're going to realize that the fear of what others think is ridiculous, and you're not going to believe that you ever could have worried about that. You're going to look back and realize that all those thoughts from this time early in your quit were thoughts controlled by an addicted brain that was screaming for it's fix, telling you lies about how you might hurt the feelings of your family members if you don't have just one glass of wine with them....or lose your friends...or not get the promotion because you're not drinking....those are LIES that your addicted brain is concocting. I used to read posts like this and think, "Yeah, but for me, it's different because..." Well, it's NOT different, for me or for any of you. Some folks might be bummed out to lose their drinking buddy, but they'll figure out a way to drink without you, I guarantee. Those who move onto other friends weren't your true friends to begin with. Regardless of their choices, you'll go to bed and wake up sober, in control and have your self-respect and dignity intact. And for me, that's been worth "missing" out on a few toasts. Have a great AF weekend, all!
                        Gratefully AF and NF since March 23, 2014


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          August 2nd 2014

                          Bran New Day - 26 Days
                          Londoner - 28 days
                          Pie - Day 23
                          Daevid - Day 13
                          Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
                          rooniferd - Day 13
                          AlPro - Day 29
                          Kensho - Day 3
                          AllanKay - Day 701
                          RedJib - Day 20
                          Eloise 77 ( good for you Allan Kay! Thanks for posting, your accomplishments gives me hope to really put drinking behind me!)
                          Pepper - Day 133
                          Bri - 172 days
                          Frances - Day 158


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            August 2nd 2014

                            Bran New Day - 26 Days
                            Londoner - 28 days
                            Pie - Day 23
                            Daevid - Day 13
                            Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
                            rooniferd - Day 13
                            AlPro - Day 29
                            Kensho - Day 3
                            AllanKay - Day 701
                            RedJib - Day 20
                            Eloise 77 ( good for you Allan Kay! Thanks for posting, your accomplishments gives me hope to really put drinking behind me!)
                            Pepper - Day 133
                            Bri - 172 days
                            Frances - Day 158
                            Pavati - 8 Months! Way to go, Ginger! Hi, Everyone!


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              August 2nd 2014

                              Bran New Day - 26 Days
                              Londoner - 28 days
                              Pie - Day 23
                              Daevid - Day 13
                              Ginger - 90 days (Look at you guys racking up the days!! Way to go!!)
                              rooniferd - Day 13
                              AlPro - Day 29
                              Kensho - Day 3
                              AllanKay - Day 701
                              RedJib - Day 20
                              Eloise 77 ( good for you Allan Kay! Thanks for posting, your accomplishments gives me hope to really put drinking behind me!)
                              Pepper - Day 133
                              Bri - 172 days
                              Frances - Day 158
                              Pavati - 8 Months! Way to go, Ginger! Hi, Everyone!
                              Daisy - day 82
                              IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                Roll Callers!
                                Pavati is checking in with 8 months too!!

                                I bet you feel like a new person without that monkey on your back!!! Words cannot express how happy and proud we are of you. Your work in the NN is very much appreciated, there is no telling how many people you have pulled out of the pit with your kind and thoughtful posts. You took strength when you needed it, and you have certainly given it back. Keep up your fine work! Whatever you are doing is working!!! Great job!!!

                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

