Elo? Elllllooooooo.
Eloise? Is that you? Do I see that you have 90 days of ALFreedom??? This is a victorious day!!! You deserve some headgear!!!
This is a magnificent reign. We are all proud and honored to be in your midst! Thank you for all you do in your kingdom! Keep it going for additional valuable prizes! Well done!!!
MyLuck, please come forward!
When you aren't scaling tall buildings with spider webs and thwarting would-be villains, how do you find the time to be 300 days AF? It's just part of your amazing-ness, I guess! GREAT JOB on this incredible web of days! It won't be long until you are a YEAR! Keep stretching across the obstacles and you will reach even greater heights! Congratulations!
Welcome, Iwantme!! :hugs: