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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    On behalf of roll callers old and new, please accept this small token of a week's work!

    You have conquered every day that a week can throw at you! 7 full days of shining! GREAT job! No butts about it, the worst is behind you!

    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      August 24th 2014

      Jane27 - Day 230
      Bran New Day - 48 Days
      Daevid - Day 35
      Eloise 99 (my goodness amazing numbers here- Jane!!!! Almost a year.)
      Artsymom --Day 7!
      See the Light- Day 27 (Great job Artsy on 1 week, Daevid 5 weeks)
      Frances - Day 180
      Pie - Day 45 (Artsy, 1 week ! Daevid, 5 weeks!)
      Ava 267 (brilliant work Artsy, everyday of the week, yeah for you!)
      Cherokee- Day 86
      AlPro - Day 51
      Rivergal- 14
      rooniferd - Day 35 (we are kicking BUTT!!!)
      jvo 14
      Wagmore - Day 115 (Yay Daevid & Rooni 5wks, Artsy 1 wk, RG & jvo 2 wks; Frances 6 months!!!)
      Everything you want is on the other side of fear.


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        August 24th 2014

        Jane27 - Day 230
        Bran New Day - 48 Days
        Daevid - Day 35
        Eloise 99 (my goodness amazing numbers here- Jane!!!! Almost a year.)
        Artsymom --Day 7!
        See the Light- Day 27 (Great job Artsy on 1 week, Daevid 5 weeks)
        Frances - Day 180
        Pie - Day 45 (Artsy, 1 week ! Daevid, 5 weeks!)
        Ava 267 (brilliant work Artsy, everyday of the week, yeah for you!)
        Cherokee- Day 86
        AlPro - Day 51
        Rivergal- 14
        rooniferd - Day 35 (we are kicking BUTT!!!)
        jvo 14
        Wagmore - Day 115 (Yay Daevid & Rooni 5wks, Artsy 1 wk, RG & jvo 2 wks; Frances 6 months!!!)
        LostSoul33 - Day 1- I screwed up


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          August 24th 2014

          Jane27 - Day 230
          Bran New Day - 48 Days
          Daevid - Day 35
          Eloise 99 (my goodness amazing numbers here- Jane!!!! Almost a year.)
          Artsymom --Day 7!
          See the Light- Day 27 (Great job Artsy on 1 week, Daevid 5 weeks)
          Frances - Day 180
          Pie - Day 45 (Artsy, 1 week ! Daevid, 5 weeks!)
          Ava 267 (brilliant work Artsy, everyday of the week, yeah for you!)
          Cherokee- Day 86
          AlPro - Day 51
          Rivergal- 14
          rooniferd - Day 35 (we are kicking BUTT!!!)
          jvo 14
          Wagmore - Day 115 (Yay Daevid & Rooni 5wks, Artsy 1 wk, RG & jvo 2 wks; Frances 6 months!!!)
          Kensho - Day 19 (great work Artsy, River, JVO!)

          Done. Moving on to life.


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            August 24th 2014

            Jane27 - Day 230
            Bran New Day - 48 Days
            Daevid - Day 35
            Eloise 99 (my goodness amazing numbers here- Jane!!!! Almost a year.)
            Artsymom --Day 7!
            See the Light- Day 27 (Great job Artsy on 1 week, Daevid 5 weeks)
            Frances - Day 180
            Pie - Day 45 (Artsy, 1 week ! Daevid, 5 weeks!)
            Ava 267 (brilliant work Artsy, everyday of the week, yeah for you!)
            Cherokee- Day 86
            AlPro - Day 51
            Rivergal- 14
            rooniferd - Day 35 (we are kicking BUTT!!!)
            jvo 14
            Wagmore - Day 115 (Yay Daevid & Rooni 5wks, Artsy 1 wk, RG & jvo 2 wks; Frances 6 months!!!)
            Kensho - Day 19 (great work Artsy, River, JVO!)
            Matt M. Day~20
            AF 08~05~2014

            There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              August 24th 2014

              Jane27 - Day 230
              Bran New Day - 48 Days
              Daevid - Day 35
              Eloise 99 (my goodness amazing numbers here- Jane!!!! Almost a year.)
              Artsymom --Day 7!
              See the Light- Day 27 (Great job Artsy on 1 week, Daevid 5 weeks)
              Frances - Day 180
              Pie - Day 45 (Artsy, 1 week ! Daevid, 5 weeks!)
              Ava 267 (brilliant work Artsy, everyday of the week, yeah for you!)
              Cherokee- Day 86
              AlPro - Day 51
              Rivergal- 14
              rooniferd - Day 35 (we are kicking BUTT!!!)
              jvo 14
              Wagmore - Day 115 (Yay Daevid & Rooni 5wks, Artsy 1 wk, RG & jvo 2 wks; Frances 6 months!!!)
              Kensho - Day 19 (great work Artsy, River, JVO!)
              Matt M. Day~20
              LavBlue - Day 12 (YAY artsy! YAY everyone, we've got some awesome numbers going!!!)
              I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

              Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
              AF on: 8/12/2014


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                Follow up congrats to Frances, rooni, rivergal and Jvo on your milestones
                “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  Follow up congrats to Frances, rooni, rivergal and Jvo on your milestones
                  “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    August 24th 2014

                    Jane27 - Day 230
                    Bran New Day - 48 Days
                    Daevid - Day 35
                    Eloise 99 (my goodness amazing numbers here- Jane!!!! Almost a year.)
                    Artsymom --Day 7!
                    See the Light- Day 27 (Great job Artsy on 1 week, Daevid 5 weeks)
                    Frances - Day 180
                    Pie - Day 45 (Artsy, 1 week ! Daevid, 5 weeks!)
                    Ava 267 (brilliant work Artsy, everyday of the week, yeah for you!)
                    Cherokee- Day 86
                    AlPro - Day 51
                    Rivergal- 14
                    rooniferd - Day 35 (we are kicking BUTT!!!)
                    jvo 14
                    Wagmore - Day 115 (Yay Daevid & Rooni 5wks, Artsy 1 wk, RG & jvo 2 wks; Frances 6 months!!!)
                    Kensho - Day 19 (great work Artsy, River, JVO!)
                    Matt M. Day~20
                    LavBlue - Day 12 (YAY artsy! YAY everyone, we've got some awesome numbers going!!!
                    RedJib - Day 42 - 6 weeks, yeah!
                    Resisting all Magical day at a time


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      August 24th 2014

                      Jane27 - Day 230
                      Bran New Day - 48 Days
                      Daevid - Day 35
                      Eloise 99 (my goodness amazing numbers here- Jane!!!! Almost a year.)
                      Artsymom --Day 7!
                      See the Light- Day 27 (Great job Artsy on 1 week, Daevid 5 weeks)
                      Frances - Day 180
                      Pie - Day 45 (Artsy, 1 week ! Daevid, 5 weeks!)
                      Ava 267 (brilliant work Artsy, everyday of the week, yeah for you!)
                      Cherokee- Day 86
                      AlPro - Day 51
                      Rivergal- 14
                      rooniferd - Day 35 (we are kicking BUTT!!!)
                      jvo 14
                      Wagmore - Day 115 (Yay Daevid & Rooni 5wks, Artsy 1 wk, RG & jvo 2 wks; Frances 6 months!!!)
                      Kensho - Day 19 (great work Artsy, River, JVO!)
                      Matt M. Day~20
                      LavBlue - Day 12 (YAY artsy! YAY everyone, we've got some awesome numbers going!!!
                      RedJib - Day 42 - 6 weeks, yeah!
                      Skull- Day 297


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        August 24th 2014

                        Jane27 - Day 230
                        Bran New Day - 48 Days
                        Daevid - Day 35
                        Eloise 99 (my goodness amazing numbers here- Jane!!!! Almost a year.)
                        Artsymom --Day 7!
                        See the Light- Day 27 (Great job Artsy on 1 week, Daevid 5 weeks)
                        Frances - Day 180
                        Pie - Day 45 (Artsy, 1 week ! Daevid, 5 weeks!)
                        Ava 267 (brilliant work Artsy, everyday of the week, yeah for you!)
                        Cherokee- Day 86
                        AlPro - Day 51
                        Rivergal- 14
                        rooniferd - Day 35 (we are kicking BUTT!!!)
                        jvo 14
                        Wagmore - Day 115 (Yay Daevid & Rooni 5wks, Artsy 1 wk, RG & jvo 2 wks; Frances 6 months!!!)
                        Kensho - Day 19 (great work Artsy, River, JVO!)
                        Matt M. Day~20
                        LavBlue - Day 12 (YAY artsy! YAY everyone, we've got some awesome numbers going!!!
                        RedJib - Day 42 - 6 weeks, yeah!
                        Skull- Day 297
                        Okoren-Day 16


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          August 25th

                          Rahul - Day 185
                          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                          Rebooting ... done ...
                          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            August 25

                            Rahul 185
                            Eloise 100 ( nice work Rahul!)
                            (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              August 25

                              Rahul 185
                              Eloise 100 ( nice work Rahul!)
                              Petrelhead - Day 14


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                August 25

                                Rahul 185
                                Eloise 100 ( nice work Rahul!)
                                Petrelhead - Day 14
                                Bran New Day - 49 Days [ well done Eloise ]
                                Tomorrow ! is a brand new day , open it with carealm:
                                Final Quit 7/7/14 , The last of so many .

