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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

    Jane27 - Day 248
    Ginger999 - Day 130
    Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
    Bran New Day - 65 Days
    Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
    Daisy - day 5
    Blackflag - Day 18
    Frances - Day 198
    Cherokee- Day 104
    Ava 286
    Pie - Day 63
    See the Light - Day 45
    rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

      Jane27 - Day 248
      Ginger999 - Day 130
      Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
      Bran New Day - 65 Days
      Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
      Daisy - day 5
      Blackflag - Day 18
      Frances - Day 198
      Cherokee- Day 104
      Ava 286
      Pie - Day 63
      See the Light - Day 45
      rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
      Kensho - Day 37

      Done. Moving on to life.


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

        Jane27 - Day 248
        Ginger999 - Day 130
        Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
        Bran New Day - 65 Days
        Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
        Daisy - day 5
        Blackflag - Day 18
        Frances - Day 198
        Cherokee- Day 104
        Ava 286
        Pie - Day 63
        See the Light - Day 45
        rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
        Kensho - Day 37
        Kailey - Day 11
        You had the power all along, my dear.


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

          Jane27 - Day 248
          Ginger999 - Day 130
          Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
          Bran New Day - 65 Days
          Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
          Daisy - day 5
          Blackflag - Day 18
          Frances - Day 198
          Cherokee- Day 104
          Ava 286
          Pie - Day 63
          See the Light - Day 45
          rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
          Kensho - Day 37
          Kailey - Day 11
          Matt M~Day 38
          AF 08~05~2014

          There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

            Jane27 - Day 248
            Ginger999 - Day 130
            Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
            Bran New Day - 65 Days
            Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
            Daisy - day 5
            Blackflag - Day 18
            Frances - Day 198
            Cherokee- Day 104
            Ava 286
            Pie - Day 63
            See the Light - Day 45
            rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
            Kensho - Day 37
            Kailey - Day 11
            Fin - Day 9
            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

            Go forward boldly and unafraid


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

              Jane27 - Day 248
              Ginger999 - Day 130
              Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
              Bran New Day - 65 Days
              Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
              Daisy - day 5
              Blackflag - Day 18
              Frances - Day 198
              Cherokee- Day 104
              Ava 286
              Pie - Day 63
              See the Light - Day 45
              rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
              Kensho - Day 37
              Kailey - Day 11
              Fin - Day 9
              Sunnygirl - Day 24


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

                Jane27 - Day 248
                Ginger999 - Day 130
                Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
                Bran New Day - 65 Days
                Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
                Daisy - day 5
                Blackflag - Day 18
                Frances - Day 198
                Cherokee- Day 104
                Ava 286
                Pie - Day 63
                See the Light - Day 45
                rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
                Kensho - Day 37
                Kailey - Day 11
                Fin - Day 9
                Sunnygirl - Day 24
                AlPro - Day 69


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

                  Jane27 - Day 248
                  Ginger999 - Day 130
                  Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
                  Bran New Day - 65 Days
                  Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
                  Daisy - day 5
                  Blackflag - Day 18
                  Frances - Day 198
                  Cherokee- Day 104
                  Ava 286
                  Pie - Day 63
                  See the Light - Day 45
                  rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
                  Kensho - Day 37
                  Kailey - Day 11
                  Fin - Day 9
                  Sunnygirl - Day 24*
                  AlPro - Day 69
                  Matt M~Day 38
                  AF 08~05~2014

                  There is a 100% chance I can't do this by myself! ~ Me


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    I would like to state my total and utter appreciation for all you roll callers. You support us and encourage us and with whatever number day you're on it's a wonderful and special achievement and the longer the list of newbies names, the greater our joy, you reinforce and strengthen our recoveries. A run-on sentence from the heart and a lump in my throat. Daevid x
                    ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                    ― George Carlin


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

                      Jane27 - Day 248
                      Ginger999 - Day 130
                      Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
                      Bran New Day - 65 Days
                      Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
                      Daisy - day 5
                      Blackflag - Day 18
                      Frances - Day 198
                      Cherokee- Day 104
                      Ava 286
                      Pie - Day 63
                      See the Light - Day 45
                      rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
                      Kensho - Day 37
                      Kailey - Day 11
                      Fin - Day 9
                      Sunnygirl - Day 24*
                      AlPro - Day 69
                      Matt M~Day 38
                      LavBlue - Day 30
                      I am stubborn as a pig - but changing what I'm being stubborn about!

                      Cigarette Free On: 9/23/2014
                      AF on: 8/12/2014


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

                        Jane27 - Day 248
                        Ginger999 - Day 130
                        Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
                        Bran New Day - 65 Days
                        Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
                        Daisy - day 5
                        Blackflag - Day 18
                        Frances - Day 198
                        Cherokee- Day 104
                        Ava 286
                        Pie - Day 63
                        See the Light - Day 45
                        rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
                        Kensho - Day 37
                        Kailey - Day 11
                        Fin - Day 9
                        Sunnygirl - Day 24*
                        AlPro - Day 69
                        Matt M~Day 38
                        LavBlue - Day 30
                        Skull- Day 315


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

                          Jane27 - Day 248
                          Ginger999 - Day 130
                          Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
                          Bran New Day - 65 Days
                          Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
                          Daisy - day 5
                          Blackflag - Day 18
                          Frances - Day 198
                          Cherokee- Day 104
                          Ava 286
                          Pie - Day 63
                          See the Light - Day 45
                          rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
                          Kensho - Day 37
                          Kailey - Day 11
                          Fin - Day 9
                          Sunnygirl - Day 24*
                          AlPro - Day 69
                          Matt M~Day 38
                          LavBlue - Day 30
                          Skull- Day 315
                          SL - 203
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            LavenderBlue, please step to the front of the room!
                            It's with GREAT PRIDE that we are able to present this small token of a HUGE JOB! My dear, your hat!

                            Yes, this hat may look cheesy, but what it represents is anything but.
                            30+ days ago, you came to this site with your hat in did something VERY IMPORTANT that helped you succeed and I bet you don't even know what it is! Nope, not that, altho you are quite pretty. No....not that either, we only do that on Sundays. What you did when you came here was open your mind and LISTEN to those who had gone before you! You checked your ego at the door and took notes as to what worked for others! You were able to take advice! Not everyone is capable of this (unfortunately, the Prize Patrol is BAD about this). You did in 30 days what it takes others YEARS to do (and some NEVER DO) and that's achieve these 30 AF days!!! We also discovered that you had great empathy and a flair for expressing yourself that always seems to capture just the right words. It was OUR gift when you showed up at MWO. Congratulations on this great beginning of what is sure to be a wonderful, sober life!! Well done!

                            Edit to add: I forgot to ask for the 30 Day Speech!

                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

                              Jane27 - Day 248
                              Ginger999 - Day 130
                              Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
                              Bran New Day - 65 Days
                              Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
                              Daisy - day 5
                              Blackflag - Day 18
                              Frances - Day 198
                              Cherokee- Day 104
                              Ava 286
                              Pie - Day 63
                              See the Light - Day 45
                              rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
                              Kensho - Day 37
                              Kailey - Day 11
                              Fin - Day 9
                              Sunnygirl - Day 24*
                              AlPro - Day 69
                              Matt M~Day 38
                              LavBlue - Day 30
                              Skull- Day 315
                              SL - 203
                              Londoner - Day 11


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                September 11th 2014 * Never Forget *

                                Jane27 - Day 248
                                Ginger999 - Day 130
                                Eloise 117 (okay, its really Sept 11 now
                                Bran New Day - 65 Days
                                Daevid - Day 53 (I did a double take just then, gosh)
                                Daisy - day 5
                                Blackflag - Day 18
                                Frances - Day 198
                                Cherokee- Day 104
                                Ava 286
                                Pie - Day 63
                                See the Light - Day 45
                                rooniferd - Day 53 (I know what you mean, Daevid!)
                                Kensho - Day 37
                                Kailey - Day 11
                                Fin - Day 9
                                Sunnygirl - Day 24*
                                AlPro - Day 69
                                Matt M~Day 38
                                LavBlue - Day 30
                                Skull- Day 315
                                SL - 203
                                Londoner - Day 11
                                Wagmore - Day 133
                                Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

