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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    Why is it so easy to forget how much you wanted to stop in the first place, with every day that passes where i can drink and be okay i think its okay to drink. I know its only a matter of time till I screw everything up do you guys hold on to that motivation?


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      rockbottom91;1441799 wrote: Why is it so easy to forget how much you wanted to stop in the first place, with every day that passes where i can drink and be okay i think its okay to drink. I know its only a matter of time till I screw everything up do you guys hold on to that motivation?
      by remembering how it feels to wake feeling shitty both physically and emotionally .the feeling of guilt and general shittiness always lasts days whereas the high from alcohol wears out fast.there are only 2 cures for that shitty feeling." no 1" drink more,but this leads to more of the same in an ever decreasing circle til all you do is drink and feel shitty all the time or 2 STOP DRINKING ALTOGETHER and love yourself.

      I found no 2 is generally the better option
      AF since october 8th 2012:new

      How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        Dear rockbottom - I'm only 10 days AF, so consider the source. :chick: For me, I think of Alcohol as "someone" who beat me to a pulp and left me for dead. Not only that, but Alcohol enjoyed trying to kill me. If in "real life" an actual person had beat me to a pulp and left me for dead, I would be terrified of that person. And I would hate that person. If by chance I happened to meet that person while taking a walk, let's say, I would have a very strong emotional reaction: probably fear, but maybe revenge -- or both.

        So when I think of Alcohol (or see it, or drive by the Mini Mart, or dream about it), I have the very strong emotional reaction of fear. I know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that if I give Alcohol half a chance, it will IMMEDIATELY and with GREAT PLEASURE attempt to kill me again.

        Alcohol is SO clever. It tempts me quite often. It promises to taste wonderful, and be fun, and solve my problems, and just make life a whole lot better in general. Alcohol tells me that I can't possibly live without it (through cravings). And I fall for it!! But only for a little while -- maybe a few minutes to an hour. AND THEN I REMEMBER. I don't want to be beat to a pulp and left for dead again.

        I want to be healthy and free from fear. I want joy.

        Join us in Newbies Nest. I could not have stopped drinking without the amazing people in The Nest. We would love to have you!! :groupluv:
        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

        The man pulling radishes
        pointed the way
        with a radish. ISSA


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          hi Tess
          I found that what helped me was not thinking of alcohol as something or some one attacking me or trying to tempt me but realising the it was ME trying to destroy me, MY brain trying to tempt me I was doing it to myself.A friend of mine who went to AA told me to accept the fact that I am powerless over alcohol.Well f**K that for a game of soldiers,I now have total power over alcohol because I chose to never ,ever let a drop touch my lips again.We are just people who cant handle alcohol ,best to stay away from it totally.Like you I,m only a newbie here so its just my 2 cents worth.and congrats on your success so far ,your doing great.:goodjob:
          AF since october 8th 2012:new

          How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            Hey Patrick, Thanks for your 2 cents worth!! I like what you have to say. And you made me laugh too, something that I haven't done much over the last five years. For me, I had to re-learn how to make choices. I felt completely powerless over alcohol. And because I believed myself to be powerless, I behaved like a powerless person. I don't know exactly what "turned the tide" for me, that is -- what caused me to wake up and realize that I do have choices and, therefore, power. But once I got started, and with support from the folks in Newbies Nest, I was on my way. I can make choices. I have power. No alcohol for me. Congrats on winning the game of soldiers!! :rays: Tess
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              we just remember what problems it caused


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                Patrick;1441842 wrote: hi Tess
                I found that what helped me was not thinking of alcohol as something or some one attacking me or trying to tempt me but realising the it was ME trying to destroy me, MY brain trying to tempt me I was doing it to myself.A friend of mine who went to AA told me to accept the fact that I am powerless over alcohol.Well f**K that for a game of soldiers,I now have total power over alcohol because I chose to never ,ever let a drop touch my lips again.We are just people who cant handle alcohol ,best to stay away from it totally.Like you I,m only a newbie here so its just my 2 cents worth.and congrats on your success so far ,your doing great.:goodjob:
                Hi Again Patrick, I think, too, that there is not a "One Size Fits All" answer to the disease of alcoholism. I have not studied alcoholism, so I am just expressing my opinion. From the various posts I've read on Newbies Nest, it seems that what works for one person may not work for another. And, maybe, what works in the beginning of recovery needs to be updated as we make progress. So, right now, I'm VERY afraid of Alcohol. It terrifies me. Yes, I have power. And, No, I'm not going to touch the stuff. But I also have a "healthy respect" for the power that alcohol can have in a person's life. Maybe in a few months I won't feel the need to be as vigilant. I don't really know much!! It's all unfolding day-by-day. Tess:catroll:
                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                The man pulling radishes
                pointed the way
                with a radish. ISSA


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  That's not what I meant Tess ,to take power over alcohol you have to constantly be vigilant.I dont know much either but I do know that I gave up AL and YOU gave up AL so alcohol has only the power that WE give it.Keep up the good fight.
                  AF since october 8th 2012:new

                  How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    Got it, Patrick. Thanks!!!
                    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                    The man pulling radishes
                    pointed the way
                    with a radish. ISSA


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      I am constantly vigilant. I never relax about it....but I operate out of fear. And that's ok. B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        Tess-I loved your illustration. You have the ability to put words to paper and make it make sense. Thank you.

                        AF since 12/26/13

                        "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          sorry Byrdie I dont seem to be coming across clear,I agree you must also fear it,treat it like you would a potentially fatal contagous disease ,just stay away from it,but also take control of it by not taking any,ever.
                          AF since october 8th 2012:new

                          How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            ROLL CALL JANUARY 11 2013
                            Patrick - Day 95(waiting for you to sign in Merlot)
                            AF since october 8th 2012:new

                            How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              ROLL CALL JANUARY 11 2013
                              Patrick - Day 95(waiting for you to sign in Merlot)
                              Kairos - Day11
                              Sobriety is its own reward


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                ROLL CALL JANUARY 11 2013

                                Patrick - Day 95(waiting for you to sign in Merlot)
                                Kairos - Day11
                                rooniferd - Day 9 (no alcohol will pass these lips today!)

