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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    6 December Here in France, it's JANUARY 6th !

    Eloise 234 (keep trying Overit!)
    Pie - Day 180
    New Page - Day 59 - YAY Pie on 180 !
    Daisy - day 37
    Kensho - Day 29
    AlPro - Day 186
    Meshellrn Day 1
    Fin - Day 35 (Pie and Meshellrn!!)
    Elvis - Day 63 (Good job on 150 days Okoren! Good job on 180 days Pie!)
    MyWayIn - Day 10
    Resolve - 65 (Belated congrats Okoren, keep it infinite Pie and welcome Meshell)


      6 December Here in France, it's JANUARY 6th !

      Eloise 234 (keep trying Overit!)
      Pie - Day 180
      New Page - Day 59 - YAY Pie on 180 !
      Daisy - day 37
      Kensho - Day 29
      AlPro - Day 186
      Meshellrn Day 1
      Fin - Day 35 (Pie and Meshellrn!!)
      Elvis - Day 63 (Good job on 150 days Okoren! Good job on 180 days Pie!)
      MyWayIn - Day 10
      Resolve - 65 (Belated congrats Okoren, keep it infinite Pie and welcome Meshell)
      SL - 320
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        6 December Here in France, it's JANUARY 6th !

        Eloise 234 (keep trying Overit!)
        Pie - Day 180
        New Page - Day 59 - YAY Pie on 180 !
        Daisy - day 37
        Kensho - Day 29
        AlPro - Day 186
        Meshellrn Day 1
        Fin - Day 35 (Pie and Meshellrn!!)
        Elvis - Day 63 (Good job on 150 days Okoren! Good job on 180 days Pie!)
        MyWayIn - Day 10
        Resolve - 65 (Belated congrats Okoren, keep it infinite Pie and welcome Meshell)
        SL - 320
        See The Light- Day 162 (WTG Pie, OKoren !! Great start Meshellrn)
        Last edited by See the Light; January 6, 2015, 01:33 PM.
        “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



          Eloise 234 (keep trying Overit!)
          Pie - Day 180
          New Page - Day 59 - YAY Pie on 180 !
          Daisy - day 37
          Kensho - Day 29
          AlPro - Day 186
          Meshellrn Day 1
          Fin - Day 35 (Pie and Meshellrn!!)
          Elvis - Day 63 (Good job on 150 days Okoren! Good job on 180 days Pie!)
          MyWayIn - Day 10
          Resolve - 65 (Belated congrats Okoren, keep it infinite Pie and welcome Meshell)
          SL - 320
          See The Light- Day 162 (WTG Pie, OKoren !! Great start Meshellrn)
          Rahul - Day 319
          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
          Rebooting ... done ...
          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


            Did Jane not stop by for her 1 year mark? I think we missed it yesterday (or today not sure, but remember reading it a few days ago). Jane27??? You out there?? 1 year is a BIG DEAL...don't hide from us :goodjob:
            “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness”- Desmond Tutu



              Eloise 234 (keep trying Overit!)
              Pie - Day 180
              New Page - Day 59 - YAY Pie on 180 !
              Daisy - day 37
              Kensho - Day 29
              AlPro - Day 186
              Meshellrn Day 1
              Fin - Day 35 (Pie and Meshellrn!!)
              Elvis - Day 63 (Good job on 150 days Okoren! Good job on 180 days Pie!)
              MyWayIn - Day 10
              Resolve - 65 (Belated congrats Okoren, keep it infinite Pie and welcome Meshell)
              SL - 320
              See The Light- Day 162 (WTG Pie, OKoren !! Great start Meshellrn)
              Rahul - Day 319
              Okoren day 151- Thanks to STL, Elvis, Resolve- PIE "180", welcome meshall


                Eloise 234 (keep trying Overit!)
                Pie - Day 180
                New Page - Day 59 - YAY Pie on 180 !
                Daisy - day 37
                Kensho - Day 29
                AlPro - Day 186
                Meshellrn Day 1
                Fin - Day 35 (Pie and Meshellrn!!)
                Elvis - Day 63 (Good job on 150 days Okoren! Good job on 180 days Pie!)
                MyWayIn - Day 10
                Resolve - 65 (Belated congrats Okoren, keep it infinite Pie and welcome Meshell)
                SL - 320
                See The Light- Day 162 (WTG Pie, OKoren !! Great start Meshellrn)
                Rahul - Day 319
                Okoren day 151- Thanks to STL, Elvis, Resolve- PIE "180", welcome meshall
                Roadside - 5
                Constant relapsing is soul destroying.
                I cherish my soul, it is the most important thing to me in the world. I cherish my soul even on th bad days. This is why I do not drink.


                  Eloise 234 (keep trying Overit!)
                  Pie - Day 180
                  New Page - Day 59 - YAY Pie on 180 !
                  Daisy - day 37
                  Kensho - Day 29
                  AlPro - Day 186
                  Meshellrn Day 1
                  Fin - Day 35 (Pie and Meshellrn!!)
                  Elvis - Day 63 (Good job on 150 days Okoren! Good job on 180 days Pie!)
                  MyWayIn - Day 10
                  Resolve - 65 (Belated congrats Okoren, keep it infinite Pie and welcome Meshell)
                  SL - 320
                  See The Light- Day 162 (WTG Pie, OKoren !! Great start Meshellrn)
                  Rahul - Day 319
                  Okoren day 151- Thanks to STL, Elvis, Resolve- PIE "180", welcome meshall
                  Roadside - 5
                  Kailey - Day 23
                  You had the power all along, my dear.


                    December 7

                    Eloise 235
                    (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                      Originally posted by Eloise View Post
                      December 7

                      Eloise 235
                      Jane27 - 366 days / 1 whole calandar year!
                      AF since January 7, 2014 *Never, never, never give up. ~ Winston Churchill*


                        January 7

                        Eloise - 235 days
                        Jane27 - 366 days / 1 whole calandar year!
                        Daisy - day 38 (Brilliant Jane!)
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          January 7

                          Eloise - 235 days
                          Jane27 - 366 days / 1 whole calandar year!
                          Daisy - day 38 (Brilliant Jane!)
                          New Page - Day 60 (Congrats Jane!)
                          Kicked AL to the curb November 9, 2014!


                            January 7

                            Eloise - 235 days
                            Jane27 - 366 days / 1 whole calandar year!
                            Daisy - day 38 (Brilliant Jane!)
                            New Page - Day 60 (Congrats Jane!)
                            Pie - Day 181 (Jane! Wow, just wow!!)


                              January 7

                              Eloise - 235 days
                              Jane27 - 366 days / 1 whole calandar year!
                              Daisy - day 38 (Brilliant Jane!)
                              New Page - Day 60 (Congrats Jane!)
                              Pie - Day 181 (Jane! Wow, just wow!!)
                              Kailey - Day 24 (Incredibly happy for you, Jane!)
                              You had the power all along, my dear.


                                Mile Stoners,
                                May I have your attention, please? Tap...tap...tap. Is this dam thing even on? Feck. Tap.....OH, it IS? Um. Thank you.

                                There once was a girl named Jane
                                Who came here to escape the insane
                                She jumped in the nest
                                That's where she did best!
                                And now she's ONE YEAR in the game!!

                                Congratulations on this HUGE accomplishment! Will you take the mike and share a few words with us? We are so proud of you!!

                                A NEW PAGE.....Lost and Found paging, A NEW PAGE!
                                You may have been lost, but you have definitely proven that AF is the new black! GREAT going on your pair....of months!
                                We are thrilled for you!! You did it quietly and without fanfare....but that's all changing today with this big shout out. WELL DONE!!!!

                                Edit to add, the Prize Patrol missed Resolve's 60 day mark as he began rollcalling with us on his day 61 and I missed it...RETROACTIVE KUDOS to you for this huge feat!!! We are so glad you joined us!!!

                                Great going, Roll Callers, every day we mark down is a victory for the good guys!! It's a great day on Roll Call!

                                Prize Patrol
                                Last edited by Byrdlady; January 7, 2015, 09:11 AM.
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

