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Newbies Nest Roll Call

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    Newbies Nest Roll Call

    I will join for May. I quit March 11 and have lost track of the AF days. I have not lost track of the cravings though and I am attending three weddings this month.


      Newbies Nest Roll Call

      Tap...tap.....tapTapTAP! Can everybody hear me? Hello? HELLO???? Oh, ok. May I have your attention? The chef has informed me we are out of the chicken....what? Oh, sorry. We have some awards to give out! Will the following people please stand up?!

      On September 1, 2012 two people came to this site and it's never been the same since. Neither have these 2 people. Allan, his wit and quick, sharp posts are such an asset to read. He is an example of how lifechanging this whole getting sober thing can be. He lost weight, started running races, landed a new job...and still offers encouragement to us all. I understand he is a real cutie as well. Congratulations on 8 months sober!!!

      Same day, half a world away, comes Kuya. Kuya says there are no coincidences, but how did 2 such wonderful people come to the same site in the same day and have such success on their first real quit!??? Whatever it was, we've all benefited from it. I always look for your posts....because you go looking for the people that need it. You are the person here in the middle of the night when someone has hit rock bottom. Your posts to new people are so valuable. There is NO TELLING how many folks you have really helped here. Thank you for being a life saver. Well done on your 8 months!
      Please accept this award for getting that CRAZY MONKEY off your backs!!!

      Fin! The man who taught me to use paragraph breaks (still working on that, BTW). It is with really great pride that we bestow this coveted prize to you!!
      My dear, your hat!


      Wear it loud and proud, my friend!! YOU EARNED IT! We are all so proud of you, we could bust (oops, that's a different award). Here's to a lifetime of sobriety!! Thank you for being here and offering your gifts of song and humor and strength to us all. We are so glad you're here!

      As always, if you have some words on how you achieved these wonderful accomplishments, our Newbies (hells bells, the Oldbies) are all ears. THIS IS YOUR DAY!!! ENJOY IT! Well done!!!
      The Staff
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest Roll Call

        Roll Call May 1 2013

        Patrick -Day 206
        AllanKay - 8 months exactly!
        Snapdragon - Day 31 (well done AllanKay!! )
        Jenniech = Day 94 (P and A you guys are inspiring!!!)
        Irie -Day 5 (yesterday was tough, but I used everything I've learned here to power through!)
        Fin - Day 30 (many thoughts of caving around this mark, but no! Not this time!)
        Sunnygirl - Day 2


          Newbies Nest Roll Call

          Roll Call May 1 2013

          Patrick -Day 206
          AllanKay - 8 months exactly!
          Snapdragon - Day 31 (well done AllanKay!! )
          Jenniech = Day 94 (P and A you guys are inspiring!!!)
          Irie -Day 5 (yesterday was tough, but I used everything I've learned here to power through!)
          Fin - Day 30 (many thoughts of caving around this mark, but no! Not this time!)
          Sunnygirl - Day 2
          cocoflo - day 14


            Newbies Nest Roll Call

            Roll Call May 1 2013

            Patrick -Day 206
            AllanKay - 8 months exactly!
            Snapdragon - Day 31 (well done AllanKay!! )
            Jenniech = Day 94 (P and A you guys are inspiring!!!)
            Irie -Day 5 (yesterday was tough, but I used everything I've learned here to power through!)
            Fin - Day 30 (many thoughts of caving around this mark, but no! Not this time!)
            Sunnygirl - Day 2
            cocoflo - day 14
            MagMom - Day 1
            Mags Mom

            May 2, Day 2


              Newbies Nest Roll Call

              Roll Call May 1 2013

              Patrick -Day 206
              AllanKay - 8 months exactly!
              Snapdragon - Day 31 (well done AllanKay!! )
              Jenniech = Day 94 (P and A you guys are inspiring!!!)
              Irie -Day 5 (yesterday was tough, but I used everything I've learned here to power through!)
              Fin - Day 30 (many thoughts of caving around this mark, but no! Not this time!)
              Sunnygirl - Day 2
              cocoflo - day 14
              MagMom - Day 1
              K9Lover - Day 490 (I am so PROUD of everyone's accomplishments! And Byrdie...that was quite a speech!)
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                Roll Call May 1 2013

                Patrick -Day 206
                AllanKay - 8 months exactly!
                Snapdragon - Day 31 (well done AllanKay!! )
                Jenniech = Day 94 (P and A you guys are inspiring!!!)
                Irie -Day 5 (yesterday was tough, but I used everything I've learned here to power through!)
                Fin - Day 30 (many thoughts of caving around this mark, but no! Not this time!)
                Sunnygirl - Day 2
                cocoflo - day 14
                MagMom - Day 1
                K9Lover - Day 490 (I am so PROUD of everyone's accomplishments! And Byrdie...that was quite a speech!)
                kreeves -Day 30


                  Newbies Nest Roll Call

                  Roll Call May 2 2013

                  Patrick -Day 207
                  AF since october 8th 2012:new

                  How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                    Newbies Nest Roll Call

                    Ok, I have a correction to make. This is actually only day 29 for me. For some reason I always think Fin and I have the same number of days but I am actually a day behind. So sorry! I'll celebrate 30 days tomorrow!
                    Roll Call May 1 2013

                    Patrick -Day 206
                    AllanKay - 8 months exactly!
                    Snapdragon - Day 31 (well done AllanKay!! )
                    Jenniech = Day 94 (P and A you guys are inspiring!!!)
                    Irie -Day 5 (yesterday was tough, but I used everything I've learned here to power through!)
                    Fin - Day 30 (many thoughts of caving around this mark, but no! Not this time!)
                    Sunnygirl - Day 2
                    cocoflo - day 14
                    MagMom - Day 1
                    K9Lover - Day 490 (I am so PROUD of everyone's accomplishments! And Byrdie...that was quite a speech!)
                    kreeves -Day 29


                      Newbies Nest Roll Call

                      Dang, Kreeves, you skeert me....I thought I was caught with my pants down! We'll be doing our celebrations tomorrow with you!! Leave it to us to get the party started early!:H:H:H
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest Roll Call

                        Byrdlady;1499797 wrote: Dang, Kreeves, you skeert me....I thought I was caught with my pants down! We'll be doing our celebrations tomorrow with you!! Leave it to us to get the party started early!:H:H:H
                        Byrd- that's funny and so true! Yep- tomorrow it is! Check in with you all then.


                          Newbies Nest Roll Call

                          Roll Call May 2 2013

                          Patrick -Day 207
                          Free at Last -- Day 28
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            Newbies Nest Roll Call

                            Roll Call May 2 2013

                            Patrick -Day 207
                            Free at Last -- Day 28
                            Wine-no! - Day 2
                            AF since Halloween 2016

                            Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                              Newbies Nest Roll Call

                              Well done Wine-no,stick with it it,I promise it gets easier very quickly.
                              AF since october 8th 2012:new

                              How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                                Newbies Nest Roll Call

                                Patrick;1499906 wrote: Well done Wine-no,stick with it it,I promise it gets easier very quickly.
                                Thanks Patrick :l
                                AF since Halloween 2016

                                Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:

