I am sorry to bother you, but I need little help. I am with this guy, who I believe is alcoholic. I just don't know how to help him. Please do not get me wrong, he is a great guy! He has really good heart and I love him very much. The problem is he drinks. When I say he drinks I mean he drinks 24/7. He has alcohol on his night table stand.
Normally in the morning I don't talk to him until he had some alcohol as he would be not responsive.
He is running his own business and the business is doing well. We have good standard of living, but lately he is prone to more and more mistakes. I can see that this constant drinking is taking toll on him. I am soooo worried. He would really not leave house unless he has some vodka in him. He would be scared. In the morning he shakes and his eyes look like he is absent.
I allow him to have some alcohol as after that he becomes somehow normal. He says he has a problem, he acknowledges that, but is doing little to address it.
Also when he is really drunk he can become difficult. He never been violent, but his mood would change dramatically. What should I do?