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My goal is prevention

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    My goal is prevention

    Hello all. I've recently come to some pretty scary, revealing truths. I have been drinking for about 5 years mostly binge drinking. Yesterday I went out with some friends & got extremely drunk until I blacked out. This morning I woke up early, which sometimes happens after a night like that. I was still feeling the effects of the alcohol. After the effects of the alcohol wore off I began feeling completely horrible, which is expected due to the hangover...this time it was a different feeling. I became easily agitated, sweaty palms, & had a feeling of guilt. I became scared at this point so I got online to do research on alcoholism withdrawl & learned that those are the symptoms. I have blackouts regularly because I drink an unbelievable amount of alcohol once I get started. The scary thing is that my mom was a raging alcoholic. I can avoid drinking without much effort, but I have lots of friends who insist on getting plastered every weekend. I want to preserve my health & mind so I've decided to make a change in my life. I've never tried this before, but I'm gonna cut back drastically & have a limit of 2 beers when I go'll be tough because EVERYONE likes to buy me shots. I suppose I'm looking for some encouragement from you all & some good advice. I'm positive that I'm making a move in the right direction & I will be back here to update everyone on my process. I think it will be interesting to observe everyone else getting drunk & not me because I'm always involved with the insane shananigans. Please give me a little support as I venture off on my expedition to a better life. I pray that everyones hearts desire is fulfilled with blessings of love & hope. Thank you for your time.

    My goal is prevention

    Welcome thought!! Sounds like you are ready for a change. You might want to consider taking the supplements suggested on here as they help many people with the cravings and they are good for replacing what drinking takes out of us. Please do keep up posted on your success. I wish you the best. You will find a lot of similar stories around here if you check out more of the threads on here:welcome: .
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      My goal is prevention

      You can do this. We have been where you are or are still there. Be the DD when you go out. Life is to short to not remember most of it! I know as I drink til I black-out also. How embarrassing it is the next day when you have to ask "What did I do?". Keep coming in here, I just signed up yesterday and the support I have been shown has gotten me through 48hrs AF.


        My goal is prevention

        Welcome! So you have decided you want to change. That sounds like a huge descision and a good one. Me too. I am a big binge drinker like you and have had so many blackouts and have been hospitalized in the past, How degrading it all is. But things had to change so i joined this MWO and have found that it is a life-line for me. It will be for you too. Read all the threads and join some of your own with questions comments etc. and there is always someone who can help you or just listen to you. You can private message too. So good luck and have faith in yourself. B


          My goal is prevention


          :welcome: and 'Hi' - you're in the right place for support and encouragement so keep coming back - we're not going anywhere!

          Glad that 'thought it was a game' is in the past tense - with that realisation you're on your way to the future! Life change can be difficult and scary but if you're focused on where you want to get to, you'll get there - Great decision, so keep it up and let us know how it goes!
          :rays: Arial

          Last first day - 15th April 2012
          Days 1-7 DONE
          Days 8-14 DONE
          Days 15-21 DONE
          30 days DONE
          60 days
          100 days


            My goal is prevention

            Welcome and keep reading the postings as I think they are very helpful especially in the evenings and before going to with friends. It's a tought road but we're routing for you!


              My goal is prevention

              I'm new too, but with the help of MWO, and the supplements, I feel pretty positive.

              Good luck and keep reading here, especially if you think you might backslide. You may still do it, but I'm sure most of us has. Just try, try again.



                My goal is prevention


                Lot's of caring, thoughtful folks here that understand the day to day issues you face in this...

                Read the book and make a plan...
                Control the Mind

