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I need some sober friends....

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    I need some sober friends....

    I am new one after a horrific weekend of much damage. I feel so sick and disgusted with myself. Can't believe I'm here again. Had to go to work because of a newer job otherwise I would have stayed in bed and puked my brains out at home. It's 6 pm here and my stomach still feels like it has a burned hole in it. I had to have another drink to stop shaking, but I swear it's my last (again). Why do I keep doing this to myself. And to top it all off I did a very shameful thing this weekend. If I don't change, I will lose everything I care about, my wonderfully loving husband who has been with me through it all, my career, etc. Luckily I called a friend of mine last night, because she talked me out of doing something horrible that I would have regretted for the rest of my life. :upset: I can't stop crying. Why does it have to be this way? I'm a nice person. I've been averaging 30 beers per weekend, and sometimes drink during the week to excess. I HATE THIS!!! How do I stay sober? I am in so much agony. Please help me.

    I need some sober friends....

    Forgot to mention my husband works out of town and we moved to a new city. Needless to say, my drinking has escalated dramatically because I'm bored, and don't know anyone here.


      I need some sober friends....

      Hi sunnygirl.:l You made a HUGE positive step by posting here...and you'll find lots of sober friends here.

      Are you planning to stop drinking tomorrow? You'll need to get a couple of days Alcohol free behind you before that haze lifts - the alcohol makes everything seem so hopeless...

      there is a whole group of others who are just on day 1 today and lots of others in all different stages of learning to live without alcohol...over in the Newbies Nest. I hope you pop over there and say hello...

      Just be gentle with yourself the next few days. Drink lots of water and try to rest.


      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        I need some sober friends....

        You're stuck in the same cycle that we've all found ourselves in...if you keep reading and posting here, you'll see that although it seems impossible - you really can pull yourself out of this. It's up to you. I don't socialize much at all really - and I don't have any friends in "real" life that know about my drinking issues and why I can feel lonely sometimes, but it is possible.

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          I need some sober friends....

          I'm also trying and have had a rough start but am going to give it another go so we can be on day 1 together


            I need some sober friends....

            Today was day 1 for me and I made it. Take it one day at a time and just always remember why you've decided to quit. Write it down if you have to. There's so many wonderful supportive people on here. Use this site as often as possible and read read read!
            One day at a time, no matter how many times I fail, I will get this monkey off of my back!!! :confusedmonkey:


              I need some sober friends....

              Aw, Sunnygirl, my heart is breaking for you.

              I'm on Day 4, which is quite something for me. If I can manage 4 days, you can do 1. I know you can.

              You'll make great friends here, so don't despair. Stay close, and you'll see.

              Please rest, drink plenty of fluids, and eat a bit. Also, don't ruminate over what's past. That will get you nowhere at all. All you can do is move forward, and that is possible.

              Again, stay close. Let us know how you're doing.

              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                I need some sober friends....

                Oh my goodness, you all made me feel a little bit better. It feels sooooo good knowing I am not alone, and that you can relate to my story.
                ~Lolab: yes I just had the one with dinner today but I'm on
                Thank you Lolab, iamaquitter28 and Juja.
                ~Tammie, yes, let's do this!


                  I need some sober friends....

                  Hi sunnygirl - thinking of you this morning! Today will be a tough one - that brain of yours is going to be messing with you trying to get you to drink lots and stay close, ok?

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    I need some sober friends....

                    Thinking about you this morning, SunnyG.

                    lolab's right, btw: if you're feeling slightly better, your AL brain will be telling you it's okay to drink. Remember how you felt last night before you pick up another.

                    I hope today's an improvement over yesterday!
                    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                      I need some sober friends....

                      Thank you so much Lolab and Juja. I needed that this morning. Although physically I feel a lot better, I did wake up in the middle of the night feeling lots of shame and guilt. This morning I jumped on the computer with a towel still on my head while getting ready for work. I will stay close and will post more when I make it home from work tonight. Thanks again for the encouragement! Have a wonderful day.


                        I need some sober friends....

                        It's me again. Just wanted to vent a little.....starting to feel a little bit weak. My stomach is still sour. Any suggestions for that? I threw out the last of the vodka that was kept in the house just in case I am tempted tonight. It felt good doing that. And I found a big bruise at my temple; had to cover it up with makeup before work. I have to stay sober....I need to do this. If I don't I know I may die soon...I can feel it in my body, my brain, and with the risks I take with my life. Sorry for rambling, but I'm getting ready to leave the house and I guess I just feel a little bit uneasy. Thanks for listening.


                          I need some sober friends....

                          Hi Sunnygirl. When my stomach feels queasy I like club soda. I hope you make it through that day OK. The first several days can be really rough. But with time it all gets easier. I would not trade away my sober life for ANYTHING. It was hard to get started, but I was drowning in alcohol every day of my life, and I am so grateful to have my life back. You will be amazed how quickly the sanity can start to return in your home life, etc. with sober living.

                          Just some words of encouragement! Don't worry about the long term - just worry about staying sober right now this minute.

                          Good luck,

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            I need some sober friends....

                            Hi sunnygirl, I totally feel your painl my head tightens and I have palpitations even now when I think about my binges and the things I did. I sometimes get anxiety that is so horrendous I feel people are coming to get me, I went through a phase where I had this all the time, Im not totally over drinking but am going longer and longer without binges.
                            Number 1 - over the next few days concentrate on the recovery side, drink lots of water with lemon, carrots juice, eat loads of comfort food, potatoes, cheese, fruit, soups, and chocolate for the sugar cravings. Take milk thistle and b vitamins if you can.
                            Number 2 - get early nights and write lists if what need to achieve in the day and do only what you really need to.
                            Number 3 - read this website, books, papers whatever you enjoy.
                            Good luck honey xxxx
                            AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                            Day by day


                              I need some sober friends....

                              i made it through the work day and just got home. Started on some chores but wanted to check in real quick before starting my dinner. Thanks for the advice Doggygirl about staying sober just right now. I'm going to try my darndest to do that. Most worried about this weekend because it's my birthday, and my husband will be out of town for another two weeks. Thanks Mootsbill, I will try the club soda.

