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Adult ADD and Alcoholism....Anyone experience this??

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    Adult ADD and Alcoholism....Anyone experience this??

    Hi There,

    Just new to the threads...... I suspect I have adult ADD but it has never been "officially" diagnosed. Anyone else think that this may apply to them?? I find that the biggest urge to drink is when I am feeling restless, bored, etc?

    I have been to rehab.....5 years ago. Worked for a while, but then when I got to feeling bored with the sober lifestyle, just went right back to drinking. I have all the "classic" symptoms. Not trying to make excuses here...... we have to overcome whatever it is we need to overcome in order to get sober. Just would like to see if anyone else sees a connection here.

    Adult ADD and Alcoholism....Anyone experience this??

    Hi there,

    I can't quote recent research but I know from past reading on the topic that there is, indeed, considered to be a link between adults with ADD/ADHD and drug and alcohol problems. It's believed that people with these disorders often self-medicate (and perhaps deal with the 'differentness' they can feel) in much the same way as people with anxiety and depression sometimes do. But, as with those, it probably just makes it all the worse given excessive alcohol consumption causes issues with things like concentration and memory in anyone, let alone people who already have issues with these things as people with ADD do.

    I don't think it's making excuses. As you say, we all need to look at all of the factors that may contribute to our drinking, whatever they may be. I have a few family members who have severe issues with ADD/ADHD - none of whom are drinkers though as it happens - and while I've never been diagnosed either I've also long suspected I have at least a mild case of it - I'd bet money on it in fact. It's something I've been meaning to look into more actually. I bought the book 'You Mean I'm not Stupid, Lazy or Crazy' awhile back but then shoved it aside for whatever reason.

    So, yep, I can relate Welcome.


      Adult ADD and Alcoholism....Anyone experience this??

      HouseMother;1393172 wrote: Hi There,

      Just new to the threads...... I suspect I have adult ADD but it has never been "officially" diagnosed. Anyone else think that this may apply to them?? I find that the biggest urge to drink is when I am feeling restless, bored, etc?

      I have been to rehab.....5 years ago. Worked for a while, but then when I got to feeling bored with the sober lifestyle, just went right back to drinking. I have all the "classic" symptoms. Not trying to make excuses here...... we have to overcome whatever it is we need to overcome in order to get sober. Just would like to see if anyone else sees a connection here.

      :welcome: HouseMother,

      Yes, these have been some of my triggers to. I do think researchers are linking evidence to addiction & ADD. Along with other mental & emotional disorders. There are subtypes of ADD. I think I've always had some myself.

      There is a Research Forum here at MWO. A poster named Redhorse started a thread titled "I want to raise awareness of this condition". There is a link as well. The more you read & arm yourself with knowledge, you may feel less helpless.

      It least it has been that way for myself, in my long journey to find my way out.
      Don't give up in your fight to be free, healthy & reasonably happy!....


        Adult ADD and Alcoholism....Anyone experience this??

        Yes Housemother,
        Some studies show they are related. Go to this site for info regarding that:
        Alcoholism and ADHD - Adult Alcoholism and ADHD Connected

        This site will let you take a free test to see if you have the disorder, however, caution: I haven't taken the test so I don't know what spiel there is at the end, probably an advertisement to use their service.

        LearningRx Survey

        "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

        ~Jack Welsh~:h

        God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:

