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starting over.. again!

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    starting over.. again!

    Hi ladies,
    Hope you don't mind me interjecting.
    I'm new to this wake up call myself. Never thought I had a problem. After all I like to drink.
    When I got caught hiding booze and my drinking from my wife. I was forced to face that HEY this ain't right. She drinks too and said just don't hide it. So I started just drinking with her and she was easy to talk into it so then we were both drinking too much. Like MM Ifeel better when I haven't had a drink in a few days but unlike you when I'm hung over I would get a buzz to feel better. Very distructive!! A beer in the morning to take the edge off would lead to another and so on. Anyway like I said I'm just starting this new method. no drink for 2 days so far. In the past and evan now when have to have a drink I will go for a long vigorous walk or something strainuose and drink lots of water and keep the mind busy.Also keeping booze out of the house helps. If I have to go get it it add to the guilt aspect and makes it easier for me to say screw it I've got more important things to do.Anyway hang in there both of you. I know our souls are much stonger than our minds and thats where your struggle lies.Just stop listening to the mind it will tell you any lie in the book to get what it wants. The true answers are in our souls.
    live well!

