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starting over.. again!

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    starting over.. again!

    I did drink last night, but I am ready to start again. I will start as many times as it takes! No way I am giving up! My MYO "tools" will arrive tomorrow. I feel do-do today, so I am sure I won't be drinking tonight! i get terrible hangovers, which I count as a blessing, so I usually can't drink two days in a row like that. I will stay online all day just to make sure...
    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    starting over.. again!

    Don't give uup MM i'm waiting for the book, should arrive soon. I'm having terrible cravings today, just typing loads to distract myself!! B


      starting over.. again!

      Hang in there, Bella! Have you had enough to eat and enough water today? I usually look at that if I am craving. I am low on something. Are you taking the MYO supplements?
      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        starting over.. again!

        I'm drinking coffee, eaten a bagel, i'm not taking any supps yet. Thought i could do this without. Maybe not. I need a drink! Feel v agitated


          starting over.. again!

          How long has it been since your last drink? I know caffine makes me agitated.. I just can't do caffine! I am getting my supplements in the mail tomorrow. I did a lot of research onthe web regarding amino acids and alcoholism. I think it is definately worth a shot!

          Stay with it, girl!
          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            starting over.. again!

            19 days ago. Its been okay up until 2 days ago. My husband is at the pub boozing now and i'm just feeling sorry for myself, appologies. Its a lonely old business but i'll get there. Thanks for helping me. B


              starting over.. again!

              If my hubby goes to the bar, I really get aggitated! I tell him it is OK, but deep inside I want to be there too. I hate that feeling, but I know you will feel beter in the morning than he will. Congrats on 19 days - here's to 20!!
              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                starting over.. again!

                I will feel better than him, Ha Ha. How are you doing with all these life-changing descisions? (how ever you spell it!)


                  starting over.. again!

                  You know what I just remembered something my therapist told me.. it takes 21 days to form a habit - good or bad. You are almost there!!

                  I am doing OK. I have great days and not so great days. Yesterday was a not so great day. My great days are so inspiring, my not so great days are diminishing.

                  I started this jouney of getting sober about three years ago. I go a long while without a drink, then I will have a good drinking week, like last week. I have a fabulous therapist, a wonderful family, and a strong meditation practice. The last peice for me is the craving part. I have put into practice all the other aspects I believe it takes to be sober, so that is why I was drawn to this website. I will receive all the supplements, the book and CD's tomorrow. I tried AA and HATED it. The "annonymous" part was not annoymous. Plus I found the folks fo be judgemental. Weird, because it is not supposed to be that way. Anyway, I am a business owner (I own a day spa) in a small town - a ski resort, and I really do want my proivacy with this.

                  That is my story! What's yours?
                  Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                    starting over.. again!

                    I have been binge drinking for 23 years. (god is it that long?!) When i drink i get suicidal. All due to childhood disturbances. I like to hide behind the drink to escape issues.. For the first time in my life i am facing up to things, i was forced to as it was alcohol then die or change direction. so here i am 19days down the road and i do like this clean road! But i have alot of fear, of what i'm not sure.. I too have counselling online which is helping me to find some answers. The main thing is to keep off the A. I have a supportive husband and a dear little boy who gives me reason to live. B


                      starting over.. again!

                      I have been drinking for about the same amount of time... since I was 16 and I am now 42.. (wow, it does feel weird to say that!) That is an amazing amount of time to have blurred. I am glad you are also incorporating therapy. Make sure you take it slowly! I have been peeling the layers off for three years.. I am finally to a point where I don't mind exposing myself.. metaphorically speaking. Meditation has been realy helpful! That, and lots of therapy. I am so glad you have a supportive husband and a son to look to for inspiration.. we are very much alike, except I have a young daughter.

                      This is a journey worth travelling!
                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        starting over.. again!

                        peeling the layers off is exactly what it is like. I think of it as loads of elastic bands wrapped round my insides and i am slowly pulling them away. You are right about taking it slowly, when i get a reply to my email from the counsellor i have to write back straight away as there is so much i have to get off my chest. I need to slow down else it becomes too over whelming. Thanks MM, you sound a really nice person.


                          starting over.. again!

                          I look at myself as an artichoke... I get softer as I go inward. I am glad those hard nasty leaves are gone from the outside. I am getting close to the soft delicious heart! Enjoy the rest of your evening! It is mid-morning here. I will check in later. I am very sure I will not drink tonight, but I will check in anyway. Your night is probably coming to an end.. That means tomorrow is day 20 for you..! Today is day one for me.. I really hope the beginning of the end for me! I have a pretty strong resove today....
                          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                            starting over.. again!

                            Good for you. Looking forward to hearing you say "its day 2 for me, then day 3". B


                              starting over.. again!

                              Hang in, you can do it...we're all here for you!

