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2 Weeks AF

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    2 Weeks AF

    14 days AF! Happy as can be. Last night dinner party with friends and wine -- didn't even feel deprived or left out. Just enjoyed the food and company and waking up this morning feeling great and strong. I've wasted so many days trying to rehydrate and today I get to enjoy being with my family and not feeling guilty. What a vast improvement.

    I so love reading the posts from everyone. Your support is amazing.

    I hadn't told my husband that I had quit until Friday night. He is thrilled and so impressed. Without any prompting he said "honey, I am so proud of you. You went out with the girls to a bar and didn't drink!" I then explained all of the places I've gone and been AF. I don't think he thought it was possible for me to give it up entirely for more than a day o two. I still strive toward moderation but for now, I'm loving abstinence.

    I have my day goals on the calendar right by my weight goals (hoping that giving up 800 calories a day in booze will help that effort!). It seems so doable.

    Thanks again for all your responses. I have on online business that keeps me hopping so I don't always get to say thanks to everyone individually.
    Mama T.
    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007

    2 Weeks AF

    Mama T,
    Congrats. 14 days is amazing and to feel great is even better.

    You should be very proud of yourself that is such and accomplishment.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      2 Weeks AF

      Hi-I just found this site yeserday, and I think it is exactly what I am looking for. I want so badly to cut back or lose the alcohol completely! It's done nothing but add 30 lbs and a lot of lonliness. I've been through detox , AA, etc... Ironically, I take a low dose of topamax already for bi-polar disorder. I am adding to it on my own gradually to see what happens and I am going to see my doctor next week to see if he'll okay an upgrade in my Rx. I hope to make some new friends out here that I can really for once be honest with.
      Hope to here from you all!!! Ilove all the uplifting comments!


        2 Weeks AF

        YEAH! Congrats to're doing great!


          2 Weeks AF

          Hi mammtee - had sober dinner party myself last night. isn't it great?

          I too am wondering if aiming for mods is worth the bother: I'm enjoying being AF so much. Still. I'm only 6 days in and plenty could change (an go wrong...!)

          Bless you all. K x


            2 Weeks AF

            Nicely done Mama!!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              2 Weeks AF

              That is wonderful!!
              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                2 Weeks AF

                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

