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I have hope!

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    I have hope!

    Hi, I am determined to quit drinking, but I've said that so many times. This site has really encouraged me. From what I've read you people sound wonderful.

    I have my yearly physical in three days and would like to show my doc some papers on tamo. can any one help me?


    I have hope!

    Welcome -- There is a lot of support here! Download the book -- there is good information here on Topamax. I think that is what you want. I took it to my doctor and she prescribed it for me -- I am using it and have been alcohol free for 22 days now -- no side effects for me EXCEPT I am experiencing hair thinning...not good. I am also doing all the other things in the book -- supplements, CDs, exercise, good nutrition, etc. I hope this helps!

    There IS hope. Glad you are here!!


      I have hope!

      Hi FoxG~

      If you click HOME (above) to the MWO Home page there is an option on the left for RESEARCH. Click that & you will find articles re: topa. Good luck with your appt. Let us know how it goes.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        I have hope!

        Welcome and all the best on your new journey. There is a wonderful support group here and an endless wealth of information here as well. I can't help with info. on the topa (not taking it) but the supps. and the program works wonders.

        Best of luck with your appt.
        Colorado Chick!
        Your support means the world to me...:h


          I have hope!

          Thanks for answering so fast!

          I've been reading on this site for about 4 hrs. I'm still doing a lot of research, I take zoloft every day and am wondering if I should just the supplaments. I'm currently on 4 medications for blood pressure and it's really scary. Also I smoke. Just great. My mom died of lung disease and my father of alcoholism. But I'm pretty determined.

          Thanks again!



            I have hope!

            The more info the better. Download what you can and bring it to your dr appt.
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              I have hope!

              Hello Foxglove.
              Welcome! It's nice here.


                I have hope!

                Hello foxglove. You sound determind, thats good. I'm a smoker too--Boo!! Hope you find what you need here. Good luck to you .B


                  I have hope!

                  I felt better this morning! Have been taking kudzu for three days and it seems to be helping, or maybe it's all inmy head' which is fine too.
                  For years I have drank beer with vodka shots evering evening til I pretty much passed out. decided to try weaning myself off, was scared of the bought the tiny bottles of vodka and am down to 6 beers and two vodkas. Pretty good for me! Has anyone else tried this ? Did it work?
                  Anyway spent $88 on supplements and am popping them as I write.
                  Thanks for all the support friends, and I 'll my best to help myself and others. I kind of think that that's the way to go.


                    I have hope!


                    Determination is oh so important...

                    With that and the tools here you will have success...
                    Read the book and make a plan to start....
                    Control the Mind


                      I have hope!

                      Welcome Foxglove,
                      You have found a great place to start this journey.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

