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Looking for a remedy that works

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    Looking for a remedy that works

    Hi all.

    I'm new here. I stumbled across this site when I googled "how to avoid drinking on week nights". Anyway, for years, I have been looking for a cure. I don't know if I am an alcoholic, but sometimes, especially when I go two, three nights without beer, I get really tempted to binge drink.

    Once I start drinking, I couldn't stop. When I wake up in the morning, I only have flashes of memories from the previous night. I couldn't even remember how I got back home. This is really hard for me. I was told that during these nights, I'd do certain things that are not so pleasant. I've picked fights, embarrassed myself relentlessly when I'm drunk. The worst thing is I can't even remember what I did, so apologizing to people is twice as difficult.

    I used to drink every night several months back. But thankfully, I've learned to control my thirst. I only drink on weekends, but still, when I do drink, I can never stop until I pass out.

    I don't want to give up drinking entirely, but I'm seriously thinking about being sober. I think about the many other activities that I could engage in when I'm not drinking. I now try working out, the results are encouraging. But still, there are times when the thirst would get the better of me.

    Just felt like sharing. I realized I need other people's help to get me through this...

    Looking for a remedy that works

    Dummynick, welcome to MWO. This is a great place with a lot help if you need it.

    Your story is a very familiar one. I was in exactly the same position just 2 months ago. I felt like I didn’t really have a problem even though I would binge 2-3 times a week, mainly on weekends. I would watch other people at my table and think "please drink faster so I can go get the next round". Could never stop until I passed out or felt sick. Friday night, everyone would go home after a night out. I would get home and continue drinking.

    I think you need to spend some time to find out if you are ready to stop for good. Or you want to moderate. These are two very different paths. And I found that drinking for me was becoming harder to deal with than not drinking at all. Whatever you decided we are here to listen and help. I recommend you check out newbies nest (where we have a lot of success) and post your success on newbies roll call. Links to both below.

    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit


      Looking for a remedy that works

      Hi, dummy nick:

      I'm new too. Just started this weekend. One thing I do when I'm tempted to drink so come on to this site and read or comment on the posts. It passes time. This is the same concept as AA meetings...if you are at a meeting, you are not drinking! Just make sure you aren't holding a drink while you're reading the forum though!
      Alcoholic (or Ally)

      "Only a fool knows everything.
      A wise man knows how little he knows."

      Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


        Looking for a remedy that works

        Hi DN and Welcome to MWO!

        Your story is very familiar, most of us can totally relate. I was binging every day, blacking out, then passing out. What a way to "live"!!! That's not really living, that's just bumbling through life...but my head was in such a fog that I didn't realize how BAD it really was. It's good that you are recognizing your drinking pattern and that you've taken the first step to come here and post. We really DO understand. Most new people here don't want to give up drinking forever, and that's understandable, it's scary! But once you get some sober time under your belt, you'll see how much better life really is without the poison. Keep posting and can do this and we can help!

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Looking for a remedy that works

          :welcome: Wow I could have written that post a couple of years ago!! I absolutely HATE blacking out... and then feeling so weird and guilty about things I did drunk especially picking fights that I had no memory of. No fun. I tried not drinking just on weekends first too and it's good practice for control. When I came here it was recommended to do a trial 30 day AF time. (Alcohol free)... I would totally recommend it to see how you want to handle your circumstance. Best of luck and great post!

