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    Juja;1397881 wrote: Is the F "feeling?" I forget.

    Yes, I "speak" better when I'm anonymous, and can edit, too!

    I bet we're all ponderers

    Tuckage all. that has got me wondering...

    Loving the fact that i can edit/redit; write/rewrite before I post.

    Gonna think too about the hatcheting down. I'm an extrovert by nature... yet do get real p'd off, though i never show it, at the smallest things sometimes. Usually when feeling low...

    Off to ponder futher (!)...



      RunningCourage;1396716 wrote: Hypersensitive? HYPERSENSITIVE?! HYPER-FRICKING-SENSITIVE?!

      What, like you mean being so incensed by my flatmates CONSTANT sniffing of his sniffling, snotty neb due to the fact that he SMOKES, which, if he had any cent in his Clackmannan wee brain, would know contributes to sniffling. And coughing. Don't get me going on his hackin' coughs. DISGUSTING. And then, then he lights up a fag (yes, that's what we call them here, I'm not being un-PC, OK?) and the rancid smell trickles and seeps through into my bedroom, onto my duvet, into my wardrope, onto my clothes. Like? LIKE? Despise. Oh, now don't get me wrong, I was a smoker for 15 frickin' years. Smokers can smoke all they smokin want to, but NOT beside ME. NOT when i can hear you hack yer phlegm up. And swallow. NOT when the stench of the smoke gets into my airspace. Y'hear?

      And while I'm here. WHO the FECK said anyone could climb that mountain i decided to climb today? WHO warranted the two beautiful young couples walking together to be on the mountain ridge the very same time I WAS. It was to be MY TIME. MY MOUNTAIN TIME. Not theirs, not anyones for just those few wee hours. And why on earth, WHY ON EARTH, did they have to speak? No speaking. Don't like the speaking. Keep yourselves shtumn. Hush.

      HUSH because I'm speaking to my Boss in my head here. We are having a conversation. And i need this mountain time to work out whether the boss is being a fecking CONTROL FREAK, or whether i'm just being HYPER-FECKING-SENSITIVE at work. And guess what? 1000ft up, i reckon it's BOTH Hahaha. MAN, it's amazing what my conclusions amount to: truthful... yet useless. That's right, I came up with a useless conclusion. So much for a moment of epiphany on my mountain time

      And then everyone in town. EVERYONE. Don't you ever look and wonder - why? WHY are you HERE? And have you ever listened to their clucking? And have you ever thought WHY do you bother to SPEAK? And then see all of them looking like cliched characters for some 1980's children's TV programme. Pigeon Street. Postman Pat. Sesame Street... Yeah and i think of these people on the street and I want to say to them, "do you like just go home, eat dinner in front of the TV and let that flickering fecking box gently massage your dumb ass brain cells into sedated submission? Do you?" If only i could. Well actually I could. I could just go up to them and say that. But I don't. You know why? Because I'm so hypersensitive that they might cause me to come out in some allergic rash. That's why. Geezo...

      Man, i wish the kids would hush outside. Living in this god forsaken town with god forsaken young people squealing like pigs on their way to some abattoir... the only slaying they're gonna get is from their mamas and their papas when they arrive home after midnight having snogged the face off of the poor lassie down that dark alley. Sure, I was young not so long ago. I remember dubious dark alleys of my youth. But it was different, ok? IT WAS DIFFERENT. TOTALLY DIFFERENT....

      Like, I wasn't a grumpy old man for starts.

      Thanks folks. :l Needed a bit of that... Normally I'd have a glass - no, bottle - of wine... But, no, instead i have a forum of very supportive eyes and hearts... Please do read the above as light entertainment and try not to judge RC as some bigotted arse. And now i'm going to watch that flickering fecking box gently massage my dumb ass brain cells into sedated submission...

      At some point when I'm feeling more serious I will comment on this hypersensitivity. But, when I read this I LMAO. I hope I'm not taking this out of context, but RC I wasn't sure if you were a guy & now I know. You just keep making me laugh. :H You remind me of somebody.

      I went & read the Nest today, just to see if you were up to summpin. Between you & Byrdie, I too almost peed my pants, just like the Mother of the Nest. :H

      I think your feckin grrt!!!



        I think alcohol has killed most of my nerve endings and neurons so I'm not too hypersensitive anymore.
        Alcoholic (or Ally)

        "Only a fool knows everything.
        A wise man knows how little he knows."

        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.



          Unfortunately on this site hypersensitivity gets confused with someone having an opinion. Or if you speak out to loudly you get the borderline personality tag. Don't confuse hypersensitivity with the right to have an opinion or belief - that in my book IS hypersensitivity. Be strong in your beliefs, and if others don't have them please don't assume they are mocking you. And don't come down on me like a ton off bricks it's just my opinion - RJ made this a place for everyone, not just some.
          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon



            Cashregister;1397942 wrote: Unfortunately on this site hypersensitivity gets confused with someone having an opinion. Or if you speak out to loudly you get the borderline personality tag. Don't confuse hypersensitivity with the right to have an opinion or belief - that in my book IS hypersensitivity. Be strong in your beliefs, and if others don't have them please don't assume they are mocking you. And don't come down on me like a ton off bricks it's just my opinion - RJ made this a place for everyone, not just some.
            Hi Cash, gotta agree wiv u.

            My son was asking me a couple of weeks ago whether MWO helped. When I told him what things were going on he just said 'mum, that is Internet forums everywhere, it has nothing to do with alcohol'. And I think he is right.

            Any isolated group anywhere becomes like 'lord of the flies'. Arguments and egos, bullying and tantrums, dramas and manipulation, the placatory and the dissident, etc, etc. Tis just human beings being human beings, and nothing particular to addiction IMO.

            One tries to take the good with the bad. The new friends I am making here are outwaying the bad encounters ....just.

            But isn't that to be expected when the ONLY thing we really share is alcoholism, and knowledge of how to quit it. There are people here I don't like and who dont like me, but I still read their posts for their experience and I am sure they read mine.

            All the same fears, prejudices, pettiness and ignorance that abound in the outside world exist here.

            So, much as I am fond of Slay, I am not convinced that alcoholics are any more sensitive than non alcoholics. There are probably the same proportion of 'hypersensitive' people here as in the general population, and the same proportion of insensitive people.

            We are simply utilizing the medium of the internet, where one can be more brave AND cowardly, honest AND dishonest, extremely kind AND extremely unkind in exactly the same way as on the internet in general.

            For better or for worse, we are recovering alcoholics and we need each other.



              Well said, both of you.
              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey



                Wildflowers;1397910 wrote: At some point when I'm feeling more serious I will comment on this hypersensitivity. But, when I read this I LMAO. I hope I'm not taking this out of context, but RC I wasn't sure if you were a guy & now I know. You just keep making me laugh. :H You remind me of somebody.

                I went & read the Nest today, just to see if you were up to summpin. Between you & Byrdie, I too almost peed my pants, just like the Mother of the Nest. :H

                I think your feckin grrt!!!
                He has inspired me to start thinking about writing again. I'm having some debates within myself right now concerning what type of writing, possible classes or not (I'm usually an autodidact type of person.) opportunity costs, etc. Years back I started to write some fiction and for various reasons, I just stopped. Reading his obvious talent and most likely past or present dedication to his craft, has awoken a desire inside of me again. It's been there, but taking a long nap. Speaking of pondering...

                VERY VERY rusty Slay
                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



                  Cashregister;1397942 wrote: Unfortunately on this site hypersensitivity gets confused with someone having an opinion. Or if you speak out to loudly you get the borderline personality tag. Don't confuse hypersensitivity with the right to have an opinion or belief - that in my book IS hypersensitivity. Be strong in your beliefs, and if others don't have them please don't assume they are mocking you. And don't come down on me like a ton off bricks it's just my opinion - RJ made this a place for everyone, not just some.
                  Agreed, but there are various reasons for acting in a hypersensitive way. There are people who are hyper sensitive people due to their biochemistry (usually born that way), there are people behaving in a hypersensitive way due to alcohol withdrawal and changing chemistry and there are people who are just sensitive to a topic because of fear, self esteem issues, etc. It's not a one size fits all issue on this board, but I believe the thread can be helpful if it is taken in the spirit it was meant.

                  Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



                    Kuya Quote: "So, much as I am fond of Slay, I am not convinced that alcoholics are any more sensitive than non alcoholics. There are probably the same proportion of 'hypersensitive' people here as in the general population, and the same proportion of insensitive people."

                    Well you and I have both had people pile on to give us a beating where it was unfair, so we have both suffered at the hands of ignorance, but those others most likely feel we were ignorant. I often just walk away for a bit when I see that a person is not going to open themselves up to reason. It happens online and offline. Your post is accurate.

                    However, my intention for this post was to shed some light on how sensitive people can be while they are withdrawing from alcohol addiction as the biochemistry is a mess or even from drinking. Also, I believe many people who drink are hypersensitive people. It is their/our way of coping with such intense feelings or to the never ending stimuli that this world throws at us. By bringing attention to this subject and acknowledging it, one can begin to work on other ways of coping with their sensitivity. Knowledge is power. This thread is not in anyway meant to bring more conflict, but healing. I hope everyone will try to keep that in mind and use it accordingly.

                    As Nora C says, none of us have to attend every argument. I have been trying to stay clear of many of the useless ones here that I know will bring no good and only harm.

                    I have recently been finding the old me that was locked inside for many years due to abuse and people taking advantage of her. I like her very much and I am not going to let this world put her in bondage any longer. Count me out from the senseless ignorant arguments. I am a peacemaker at heart.

                    :lto all.

                    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



                      Kradle123;1397866 wrote: I don't know you guys. I think I might be the opposite. When people places and things ratchet up, I will ratchet down and I do mean way down as in almost detached down, trance like....

                      Now I do have my breaking point...Absolutely and the explosion is usually big and fast but only last a few minutes. The I'm Okay. But Lately I'm not Okay. I can't ratchet down anymore. I wake up and I'm pretty level but any stressor, the kids, a banking error, car trouble, I am fricking Off to the races. I am absolutely right along the lines in Slay's 'Monky's Post'

                      I HATE ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING....Really alot. I mean really really alot. I need to decompress to bitch because my anger/stress level is almost stratospheric these days.

                      It's situational of course but of course, this is the first time I am dealing with this any of this sans AL.

                      I hate this.
                      The AL is no longer enhancing your GABA receptors...the calming neurotransmitter. Remember you have a neurochemical imbalance without the alcohol. You just yanked a big player out of existence. Have you talked to your doctor about these changes and how they can play into your prior imbalance?
                      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



                        Kuja and slay:

                        I think both of you have good points. The way you have expressed your opinions was very positive and respectful.

                        I just think sometimes it's not the opinions themselves that we are reacting to, but the way it is expressed. I understand the written language had a different tone than spoken language. I just hope this thread will help everyone to pay a little more attention to the way the express their opinions.

                        But totally w kuja: our common enemy is alcohol, not each other.
                        Alcoholic (or Ally)

                        "Only a fool knows everything.
                        A wise man knows how little he knows."

                        Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.



                          Alcoholic;1398054 wrote: Kuja and slay:

                          I think both of you have good points. The way you have expressed your opinions was very positive and respectful.

                          I just think sometimes it's not the opinions themselves that we are reacting to, but the way it is expressed. I understand the written language had a different tone than spoken language. I just hope this thread will help everyone to pay a little more attention to the way the express their opinions.

                          But totally w kuja: our common enemy is alcohol, not each other.
                          It's not a one size fits all, but I do know when you are withdrawing from AL or a complexity of other areas involved with AL addiction and the reasons for it, sometimes the moods are shifting and things can come out brash or be interpreted as brash. In noting that, I wanted to point out that some of us here may be prior hyper sensitive individuals. We have heightened emotional states and awareness. I've always known I was this way with a heightened state of perception, but I wasn't aware until I was much older and went through an illness that there was a biological reason for it and I wasn't alone, although in the minority. I felt like I was different, more tuned into things then others. Now I know that much of my drinking came from not being able to handle so much stimuli and pain in my life from this hypersensitivity and intuitiveness. I used to see it as a gift when I was much younger, then it became a liability. When that occurred, I fell apart because I couldn't cope with it. I have received private emails from others who see it in themselves now as well. Maybe this will help some accept and adjust their lives accordingly and help them to be freed from bondage to AL and other things. We all have our place in this world. Embrace your uniqueness, use it for good and celebrate it. Everyone is special and has something to offer this world and to those around them.

                          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



                            Slay, just wanted to pop on and say how much I've enjoyed reading this post. I'm not sure that I agree with all of it but I have enjoyed it. Thank you.
                            AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                            AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                            STUMPY IS A LADY!



                              stumpy;1398076 wrote: Slay, just wanted to pop on and say how much I've enjoyed reading this post. I'm not sure that I agree with all of it but I have enjoyed it. Thank you.
                              How are you feeling today, Stumpy? Also, are you still getting sleep?
                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



                                Slay, once I took the sleep aides for three days, I've been sleeping 10 hours a night, too much sleep now lol better then none. I feel great. Have two inteviews lined up at the end of the week. Thanks for asking.
                                AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
                                AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
                                STUMPY IS A LADY!

