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    stumpy;1398084 wrote: Slay, once I took the sleep aides for three days, I've been sleeping 10 hours a night, too much sleep now lol better then none. I feel great. Have two inteviews lined up at the end of the week. Thanks for asking.
    Sometimes we need a little help getting back to homeostasis. When I get a respiratory infection, it sets off my asthma into hyper mode. It will not shut back down until I use a steroid inhaler for a few days to a week. Then I can stop using it again. I note such a fear of using these waterwings here, but they really are necessary at times.

    I'm smiling for you. At least you can go into those interviews rested and knowing you are more clearheaded. Best of luck. Let me know how it goes.

    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



      Hypersensitivity checklist. Beware of trying to fit in.

      I believe those who are truly highly sensitive people will know without a doubt that they fit this category. They will have been aware of the difference in their youth...aware of the heightened senses.

      Now, as an introduction to the trait of high sensitivity, see if some of these statements resonate with you, or relate to someone important in your life...

      You, your partner, or someone important to you have a heightened awareness of subtleties in your environment, whether it's sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell.

      You can become stressed out and upset when overwhelmed and may find it necessary to get away, maybe into a darkened room, to seek solitude, relief and comfort.

      You are very creative.

      You are very conscientious, hard working, and meticulous, but may become uncomfortable and less efficient or productive when being watched or scrutinized.

      You feel compelled to file and organize things and thoughts, also enjoy simplicity and may become overwhelmed or even immobilized by chaos, clutter, or stress.

      You are very uncomfortable when feeling things are getting out of your control.

      You get a sense of comfort and well being when around a lake, river, stream, the ocean, or even a fountain.

      You may experience mood swings, sometimes occurring almost instantly and can also be affected by other people's moods, emotions and problems.

      You have a deep, rich, inner life, are very spiritual, and may also have vivid s.

      You are very intuitive and you feel that you can usually sense if someone isn't telling the truth or if something else is wrong.

      You get concerned and think or worry about many things, and have also been told "you take things too personally."

      You have had the experience of "cutting people out" of your life.

      You were considered quiet, introverted, timid, or shy as a child.

      Here are a few more to consider... Can be startled easily. Cautious in new situations. May have trouble sleeping. Extra sensitive to pain. Don't like crowds (unless they are kindred spirits). Avoids violent movies and TV shows. Has a deep respect and appreciation of nature, music and art.
      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



        Check..Check..check, check to all lol to all but the last two sentences. Slay, look up indigo child.
        AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
        AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days



          stumpy;1398089 wrote: Check..Check..check, check to all lol to all but the last two sentences. Slay, look up indigo child.
          Darn it, fumble fingers lost her post. In short, I appreciate the mention of this 'indigo child'. I'm not sure I'm on board with the complete theory, but the traits are ones I relate to very much so. As I mentioned in a previous post, I applied them to a spiritual place for years. I didn't know how else to explain it. I felt that was my assigned purpose here. I've had a couple VERY unique experiences that I have only shared with a very select few. I drowned her out for the last six years, but she is awakening again. It's a struggle, but she never goes away. Lately, I've been trying to explain this in a more scientific realm. How is my biochemistry different that may be at the root of this enhanced awareness and sensitivity? One thing is for sure, without the alcohol I will be much more capable of listening to her and not trying to hide from her. In such a harsh world, that sensitivity can be overwhelming if you don't know how to handle it properly.

          I started a fiction story years back with a heroine of such a nature. Reading this reminded me of her. The character was born with a purpose, but the world had beaten her so badly that she was weak and did not know her place or purpose until she did, then the action became very dramatic as you can imagine. It had the making of a real life battle we face with a fictional character, but maybe not all fictional, eh?

          Indigo children are highly sensitive beings with a clear sense of self-definition and a strong feeling that they need to make a significant difference in the world. They are strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to be self-guided rather than directed by others.

          They are unique in the way they see things and will not conform in order to fit into society. Indigo's possess wisdom and a high level of awareness "beyond their years." When you look into their eyes you can see that they are old souls, and wise ones. They can be very outspoken, speaking to an Indigo is like talking to a miniature adult of sorts!
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



            A few people will understand this post.

            I have a sensitivity to STUPIDITY and sheepish behavior!!! Enhanced perception and a keen awareness of truth can be a heavy burden at times. Seeing something so clearly that some others can't see can be a sensitivity trigger in itself. I'd throw pretentious candy sweet behavior in the lot as well while I'm at it.

            Why do people feel the need to kiss ass? That deserves further investigation.
            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat



              Although I value some of the perceptions & opinions of hypersensitivity, Ive decided under the guidance of my higher self & spiritual advisor's to try & keep my sobriety ~ recovery simpler. God knows I can complicate many things. Especially my overactive thinking, which for myself can lead me into non productive behavior. Besides I've been feeling rather silly lately & want to keep laughing at myself. But, I've been eating too much Halloween candy again.



                Wildflowers;1398199 wrote: Although I value some of the perceptions & opinions of hypersensitivity, Ive decided under the guidance of my higher self & spiritual advisor's to try & keep my sobriety ~ recovery simpler. God knows I can complicate many things. Especially my overactive thinking, which for myself can lead me into non productive behavior. Besides I've been feeling rather silly lately & want to keep laughing at myself. But, I've been eating too much Halloween candy again.
                You know my philosophy WF, just keep laughing, tis the best medicine IMO!

                Keep sober and well :h



                  kuya;1398203 wrote: You know my philosophy WF, just keep laughing, tis the best medicine IMO!

                  Keep sober and well :h
                  I agree & you too.



                    kuya;1398203 wrote: You know my philosophy WF, just keep laughing, tis the best medicine IMO!

                    Keep sober and well :h
                    Oh yeah
                    BTW not knocking the thread - I think we can all be over sensitive at times...I have that issue when check out chicks ask me how my day was - that's my biggest one lol.
                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon



                      Cashregister;1398459 wrote: Oh yeah
                      BTW not knocking the thread - I think we can all be over sensitive at times...I have that issue when check out chicks ask me how my day was - that's my biggest one lol.
                      When I came to NZ Cashy, it took me ages to accept that when the check out peeps asked me if I was having a good day THEY REALLY MEANT IT!

                      I LOVE NEW ZEALAND !!!



                        Cashregister;1398459 wrote: Oh yeah
                        BTW not knocking the thread - I think we can all be over sensitive at times...I have that issue when check out chicks ask me how my day was - that's my biggest one lol.
                        I think the thread is good. I just am feeling to silly as of late, & am also trying to take things not so serious. But, I'm a woman & have been known to change my mind. )

                        I've been known at the check out line to tell my truth & say it's been a shitty day. They sometimes look at me like :eeks: or :wow: or :wd:. But, now days when it's shitty I usually just say OK, or this ( :xmouth:. Then I can only hope when I get home I can do this. :bath2:

                        kuya;1398503 wrote:
                        When I came to NZ Cashy, it took me ages to accept that when the check out peeps asked me if I was having a good day THEY REALLY MEANT IT!

                        I LOVE NEW ZEALAND !!!
                        Well, I think some of them do mean it!.... But, one of the stores I shop at, they are so corporate & are mystery shopped. They have to ask & put on a big feckin smile no matter how they feel. Dang it I'm all out of emotioncons now. How the feck do you sp emotocons anyway? hahaha I know who cares.

                        I've watched the travel shows & NZ is gorgeous! Grrrt outdoor adventures & fishing. )



                          LOL WF!

                          What I LOVE about NZ is it is very live and let live nowadays

                          We took a trip way up the coast and some roadworks were being done. I had only been here a few months and was truly amazed to see this enormous Maori dude working construction in full makeup and wig! The guy was a tranny and out and proud.... And that is the NEW New Zealand.



                            Ma maw's in NZ jist noo.

                            Dinnae yoo twa be saying av bin hinging oot oan these boards, like. She'll hae the heebiejeebies and think am some kinda alkie, ken...



                              RunningCourage;1398732 wrote: Ma maw's in NZ jist noo.

                              Dinnae yoo twa be saying av bin hinging oot oan these boards, like. She'll hae the heebiejeebies and think am some kinda alkie, ken...
                              OK RC, I promise not to tell her, mum's the word matey! :H:H



                                BTW, my DIL is a scot RC ...... So ye canna fool me wiv yer talk!

