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What now?

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    What now?

    Hi, Ive just stumbled across this site having put 'alcohol dependency' into google. Have been drinking way more than is good for me for several years now and, after a couple weeks of exceptionally heavy consumption (even for me) found myself at an AA meeting on Christmas Eve of all times. Intitially I was euphoric, thinking Id finally found a place where I fitted in. I managed 2 weeks without drinking and felt good but gradually started having the odd sneaky tipple again. There was no particular reason it just kind of happened. Of course the amounts and frequency started to creep up until bout 3 weeks ago I turned up at a meeting half pissed. I havent felt able to go back since and suspect that all the 'higher power' stuff probably isnt for me. Since then I've managed probalby about 3 AF days a week but on the others feel way out of control again. I really want to get my life back before I mess it up completely. Where do I start? Do I need all the tapes and supplements and stuff? How does it work? Look forward to hearing from you

    What now?

    Welcome to MWO Iola.

    This is a great place. Where to start?... Read as many posts here as you can...Get the book. Either buy it at a book store or download the PDF version off this web site....Once you read it and read what people have done here you will most likely determine what parts of the program you want to go with.

    Wanting to change the miserable cycle of drinking, then hating yourself, then promising yourself you will quit and doing it all over again is a start.

    Come to this site often, read and ask questions... you can do it and this program has the tools to help you do it!

    Best wishes and again welcome!
    Control the Mind


      What now?

      Hi iola, wellcome to MWO. You have stumbled upon a great site. My advice to you is to read all the posts here and it will give you an idea of how other people do things to help them. Some have bought all the 'tools' from MWO which from what has been said really do work. I have been going cold=turkey, not v wise!! Anyway, what ever you decide to do, stay here on this site and you will get lots of support. Good Luck.B


        What now?

        welcome iola, glad you found this place. I have only ust joined and sat reading the full day. Seeing people had the same problem as me helped enourmously, and being able to be honest with others makes things a bit clearer in your mind. Looking forward to see how you are doing.


          What now?

          iola.. glad you are here. I am finding this site to be very inspirational. I believe one of the first things we must do out of the gate is to forgive ourselves. That was really hard for me, but I sat in meditation today and did just that. I feel I have much more strength for today. Stay here!!
          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            What now?

            Welcome Iola. The supplements and CDs suggested as part of this program work wonders for many in helping to squelch the cravings. Do as Rocky said, read the book first and then decide what aspects you would like to try. Read here, reach out for support if you need it. Wishing you well!!:welcome:
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              What now?

              Thanks for the welcome. I've already been to amazon and bought the book,(plus a couple of others!) and am very impatient for them to arrive. The immediate goal is to stay sober till they arrive and move forward from there. I think I probably need to stay off it for the medium term as best I can but wonder about the wisdom of 'controlled drinking' as the long term goal - feasible or a fairy tale? Have to wait and see. The meditation idea sounds good, will keep you posted


                What now?

                Hello iola,
                Good luck too you. It's not easy, but there is a lot of help and support available here. Not everyone is following the entire programme to the letter. I think the point is to tweak it to suit yourself. You,ve made a good start..
                Keep it up.


                  What now?

                  Welcome Iola:
                  The book is a great tool. You will use part, all, none, what ever you choose. Coming to this site has been the biggest help for me. Just reading and talking, asking questions, telling my story, and having people understand what I am going through without passing judgement. Welcome to MWO!!!
                  Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

