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    Kind of new


    I've been monitoring the postings for quite some time but never managed to pluck up the courage to post one myself, keep trying to beat this thing on my own, cold turkey not happening of course. I downloaded the book November time last year and did real well at first with suppliments but not Kudzu. Then Christmas came and work pressures and family pressure and before you know it your up to two/three bottles of wine a night but still functioning - scary.

    Thing is Friday night I really embarrassed myself with my children(21,18) and best friend but the next morning was worse when I was made to remember what happened and listen to the reaction of my daughters - I was so ashamed. I also have a very young son and just can't continue like this - so I've ordered the Kudzu and the tapes, lots of suppliments and am on day 3. My boyfriend has just been to share TESCOs own White Grape and Elderflower drink and I love him for it!

    The best thing about this site is that I know now I am not on my own and that the world is full of wonderful people with the same struggle- I never knew about the chemical stuff - just thought it was me.

    I know it will be a battle and I know I can't do moderation and I guess I know I'll slip along the way but fingers crossed I'll make it.

    I don't expect a response from anyone it is just nice to finally get a tiny bit in text.

    Ps Goldie I am very, very near you in the North East how small a world is that! I may never post again but I take comfort in knowing I am not alone


    Kind of new


    Thanks for sharing and glad you have been reading here.

    the elements of the program you are getting will help a lot. Knowing why you want to quit is key...Alcohol will never make you a better parent...

    You can have much success...

    Best wishes and I hope yo come back often...
    Control the Mind


      Kind of new

      Sal, I hope you will keep posting here because I think that has been what has helped many of us; sharing and posting and reading. So glad you got the kudzu and CDs; they seem to be helping me a lot. Best of luck to you!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Kind of new

        Sally, Welcome -- glad you popped in -- please come back to at least read. You are not alone! The tools will be incredibly helpful. I too have kids 21 and 18 -- I have hurt them - and don't even remember due to wine. Please come for support. I am 23 days AF -- and never thought I could. There is great support here. Glad you are here!


          Kind of new

          Thank you all

          sri yes its the not even remembering that does the damage, I'm hoping to regain their trust and respect. I have felt an inner acceptance in the last few days and know I am lucky to have a good friend and great kids - I cannot even imagine 21 days AF but it sounds fantastic - I think you are all so courageous



            Kind of new

            Please don't disappear. Keep posting and sharing your story. You will find a lot of parents here who are getting it together for their kids, myself included.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Kind of new

              I am on day 4 AF...I can't tell you how long it has been that I haven't had at least 1-2 drinks in a day. Keep coming back, this site is great comfort and support. I check in periodically throughout the day to keep myself positive and focused.


                Kind of new

                Hi Sal, just look at the response you got, and you weren't expecting any... Please, please don't let that be your one and only post on here.. If you have the book then read it again, take the supps but I found the two which work the best for me are Kudzu and L-Glutamine, these two really do help with the cravings when they come along.. Mind you, you need some will power as well, but you can do it...

                One of the best tools you can use in the fight against alcohol though is to come on here as often as you can and post,post,and post, as well as reading what others have to say.... This place has helped so many people to give up drinking and to stay sober, and you could be one of them...

                Good luck, louise xx
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  Kind of new

                  pls. keep posting.
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Kind of new

                    Hi Sally
                    There is a lot of advice and support here.
                    I'm trying to kick the habit, but I can't seem to get pastthree weeks AF.
                    I will though.


                      Kind of new

                      Hey Sal, now you're here, STAY!

                      The supplements and hypno have helped me to do 8 days without booze so far - miracle, have not had a dry day in years. agree with Louise that kudzu and L-Glutamine are prob the most effective, but the hypno is amazing, and very relaxing. just taking time out to lie down and relax is a treat in itself.

                      what a lovely boyfriend you have - it's great you have his support.

                      hope to hear from you again. K x


                        Kind of new

                        :welcome: Hi Sal, I only found this site yesterday but already feel there is a lot of insight and support here. Having read a lot of posts there are plenty of us who are parents, including me (13 +11) and many of us have the same anquish about the effects our drinking has on our kids.I know all mine want is for me to do my best to solve the problem thats all they ask. At a professional function I went to with my boyfriend last week (the launch of his book no less!) I also managed to make a fool of myself which was probalby the 2nd half of my motivation to do something (children being first). I am convinced it is possible to fix this but we all need a little help along the way so keep coming back. Good luck


                          Kind of new

                          Hello Sal, welcome, look forward to future posts.

                          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                            Kind of new

                            Hi Sal - welcome!

                            You had BETTER come back - we won't take no for an answer.

                            Take care - come back and see us soon.


                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              Kind of new

                              Hello sally, post again. good luck. B

