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    Kind of new

    Hello Sal and Welcome:
    Sorry babe, once you're in you're in. We are always here for you! Please keep posting. As much as people here can help you, you can help us too. Our stories are our strength, and our successes need to be shared as well as when we slip up. Love to hear more from you soon!
    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


      Kind of new

      Sally, Hi
      It will only be a battle if you allow it to be.
      Please try to start turning your thinking around so that it becomes a battle to have to have a drink rather than a battle not to. Our minds and self talk are very powerful. Use this power for positive thoughts. When we keep emphasising how hard something will be and how we miss it, then of course, it will be. All our thoughts and mindset are concentrating on booze. Flip the thoughts around to concentrate on non drinking strategies and it lightens things up for you.
      Give it a crack. Bet you it will work.


        Kind of new

        Hi Sal
        Am new and desperate, would love to chat at some point. Have a 17 year old daughter who I fear has followed in my genetic path. I'm scared for her and me. Been addicted for as long as I can remember, but desperately want to be sober and somehow fit into the 'normal' way of life. This way is hell and desperation. Does anyone else feel the same or just me?


          Kind of new

          Anyone out there - really need support as a newbie.


            Kind of new

            Ali - welcome!! We understand your desperation for wanting to gain control back in your life. Please stick around here and read/post lots. You will relate to a lot of us personally and as a parent. You will also realize you are not alone. My daughter isn't as old as yours but I would be worried too. Have you tried speaking to her about it? Wanting to get help yourself is a good thing not only for yourself but for your daughter. You might want to check out the tools available to help you get started. There is a fantastic book here on MWO that can help you get mentally prepared. I read it and I thought it was brilliant. I believe you can download it for 12 US dollars? Not sure - I ordered mine. But it might be worth checking into to. There is a wealth of information available on the boards.

            I am sure there will be others here who can help you a bit better in regards to your daughter than I can (mine is only 2). Other members who have children closer to your daughter's age will be able to offer some insight. I wanted to acknowledge you - and your situation.



              Kind of new

              Stay with us Sally....we don't have any more courage than you. We all just rookies who are trying hard too. Keep in touch!!!!


                Kind of new

                Message for Ali


                I know how you feel. My eighteen year old gives me cause for concern too, she is already binge drinking with older friends and even this week I have tried to warn her of the dangers. My older daughter doesn't drink - maily because of me but hides it under some kind of alergy that she has aquired. Its really hard to watch because I guess she has no idea of the desperate way I feel about my drinking and I'm not sure I can share it at the moment as it seems to make me less and I am supposed to be 'the mum'.

                If you'd like to chat you can send me an e-mail if you like. I can't always respond straight away as there are too many people in the house and I am not letting them know about trying to quit as they have heard it all before, but I will as soon as I can

                I also agree with those on the site about reading more of the posts and getting some of the suppliments at least. The response to me has been wonderful, I keep popping in for quick bursts of support.

                Sal :huggy

