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The realistation

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    The realistation

    This is my first post here.

    I'm not really even sure where to start, so I'll try and lay down what has brought me here.

    For about the last 2/3 years or so I've drank every day. My usual routine is between 8 - 10 cans of Lager on a night. I regularly drink alone in my house to the point where I pass out. Weekends involve me going out and drinking. On an average night out I will split half a bottle of vodka with some one before heading out, then drinking more vodka and shots in wherever we go.

    I've tried before to not drink and it's not worked. No matter how many soft drinks I have in the house I always end up going and picking up more beer. I often find myself drinking through sheer boredom.

    This hasn't had an adverse effect on my life, i'm still successful in my job, but I honestly think I've come to a point where enjoying drinking has taken a side step to necessity.

    I'm unsure where to go from here. I don't feel comfortable talking to my friends about this, nor could I talk to anyone at work. I suppose I'm scared of being seen in a negative way.

    So, where do you go from here?

    The realistation


    If you think you have a problem and from what you wrote it seems you do, there is help here. The support is great and we all have been down the same road in one way or another. I'm trying to wean myself of the beer and vodka shots by cutting down gradually. also taking kudzu and the other suplements talked about on this forum.

    Keep reading and do research, there's a lot of info certainly makes it easier

    Good luck, Foxglove:welcome:


      The realistation

      Hi GL and Welcome!
      You sound a lot like me. I can drink a heck of a lot of vodka and still get up in the morning and be quite successful at work. I black out a lot and can't remember what was on TV or what time I went to bed. It's really not much of a life. Read the book if you haven't already. I had to read it twice cause I was too drunk to remember it the first time! Just by posting I suspect you are ready for a change. You can do this. There are lots of people here to help you on this journey. Best of luck to you!
      Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


        The realistation

        I agree with Didit, I could put a lot away but wouldn't remember the previous evening and that bothered me more than anything. Especially if anyone had to fill in the details. A lot of us here come for the anonymity and it's a great place for support.

        Good luck
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          The realistation

          Welcome GL,

          Great to see you here. Yes do read the book, buy the supps, get the CDs and post away. Read what has helped others . . . you are on your way.

          I use to do that with rum. NL, like you could not remember the end of a movie I had seen the night before - break the habit. NOT the easiest but well worth the journey!


            The realistation

            Hey Beaches, we are just following each other all over the boards! Good to see you, dear.


              The realistation

              You all sound kind of like me. I used to drink every weekend - a bottle of cheap champagne to myself each night. Sometimes during the week as well. I wasn't in trouble with work or being asked to stop by anyone but I knew the drinking was a need and not a want. For me abstinence is the only way and for me the Cds and the support on this website have made the difference. For me the Hypno Cds took away the craving and I have a freedom I haven't felt since I became alcoholic 18 years ago.

              there is much to read and many facets to this program - some aspects work better for a person than others. Keep an open mind and keep posting and reading.

              All the best,


                The realistation

                Can't add anything else that anyone mentioned except
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  The realistation

                  Hello GL
                  I regularly drank until I black out, though, since finding this place, those occasions are few and far between now. They still happen, but things are so much better.


                    The realistation

                    Hi there GL

                    like a lot of people here, I identify with your level of drinking. I would hardly ever remember going to bed, often awaken at 3 in the morning on the sofa etc. Yet get up in the morning and be a competent(ish) parent and do a days work, feeling like crap. It's a rubbish existence.

                    This programme has worked for me and has removed my desire to drink.

                    Good luck and welcome, Kate


                      The realistation

                      I think you have come to the right place to get some suport. Everytime i need a drink (often!) i log on here and read other members stories and i find alot of comfort in that. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. B


                        The realistation


                        all to familiar to many of us... It is really coming to the point where you really want it to stop! You hate the same routine every morning, hating yourself for drinking Again, again again...

                        This place is a tremendous help...great support and tools to help that change happen...
                        Read the book, and make a plan to start the program as it fits you..

                        Control the Mind


                          The realistation

                          I went to my GP this afternoon and had a bit of a chat. He didn't seem to appreciate that because I wasn't forgoing meals, having a drastic impact on my life etc that it was perhaps a massive issue. I explained that I felt that I was drinking out of my own comfort zone so we've agreed to get some blood tests to check on Liver activity etc and see where to go from there.

                          In a way it felt good to get it off my chest, over the first hurdle of actually admitting that I think I have a problem


                            The realistation

                            Hi & :welcome:

                            We have all been there, can't remember going to bed, waking up with unexplained bruises, but still functioning!!!

                            With the help of this site as popeye says, you can get through it, for me, i still drink at weekends and occasionally in the week, but no longer by myself and far less than the 3 bottles of red wine every day that I used to be drinking.

                            I couldn't have done it without this site though so make sure that you stay around.

                            Look forward to seeing more of you ....

